
Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (third day). Fullness and tension in the abdomen (second day). Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen and stomach, aggravated by touch and pressure, as if something hard were lying in the stomach, extending to both sides under the false ribs, after a moderate meal (second day).

Rumbling in the abdomen, with emission of odorless flatus (third day). Griping in the abdomen, especially in the right side, soon followed by a normal stool (third day). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatus (fourth day). Abdomen and pit of stomach sensitive to external pressure (fourth day).

Sensation of fullness in the abdomen with griping, especially about the umbilicus, with emission of flatus (fourth day).

Fullness, with distension in the abdomen, after a light meal (fourth day). Heaviness and distension in the abdomen, with painfulness on breathing and on touch, after a light breakfast (fourth day). Heaviness and pressure in the whole abdomen and pit of the stomach (fourth day) Frequent loud emissions of flatus (fifth day). Fullness and distension in the abdomen, which is sensitive to touch, after a light breakfast (fifth day).

Movements in the abdomen, with some griping, as before a stool (fifth day). Griping and movements as for a stool, in the evening, emission of only flatus (fifth day). Emission of offensive flatus (sixth day). Rumbling in the abdomen during the meal (sixth day). Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen after eating a little; it is so tense that the clothes must be loosened (sixth day). Griping colic, soon followed by copious dirty-brown, pasty stool, then transient burning in the anus (sixth day).

Emission of much offensive flatus (seventh day). Whole abdomen distended and painful, as if beaten, immediately after breakfast (seventh day) Rumbling in the abdomen and sensation of heaviness (seventh day). Distension of the abdomen, especially after eating (ninth day). Abdomen painful to touch (ninth day). Griping in the bowels with emission of flatus (ninth day). Distressing heaviness as of a stone in the abdomen (eleventh day). Whole abdomen very sensitive to touch, especially the epigastric region, which pained as if beaten (eleventh day). Emission of offensive flatus (thirteenth day). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, with emission of much odorless flatus (eleventh day). Rumbling and gurgling as from liquid in the abdomen (thirteenth day). Emission of much flatus (sixteenth day). Frequent emission of flatus (sixteenth day). Rumbling in the abdomen (sixteenth day).

Distension and sensitiveness in the abdomen and pit of the stomach, so that the clothes had to be loosened, after a very light meal (sixteenth day). Griping and gurgling in the abdomen with qualmishness, in the pit of the stomach (sixteenth day).

Loud emission of odorless flatus (twenty-second day). Cutting colic, followed by emission of odorless flatus (twenty-second day). Movements in the abdomen with qualmishness (twenty-third day). Heaviness as of a weight in the abdomen (twenty-third day).

Heaviness and fullness in the abdomen (twenty-third day).

Distressing heaviness, fullness, and distension in the whole abdomen, with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, after eating a moderate meal (twenty-third day). Burning bruised pain in a small spot to the left of the navel (twenty-fourth day).

Rectum and Anus

Sensation as though a hard substance were lying in the rectum and could not be evacuated (nineteenth day). Burning in the anus, obliging to scratch (fourth day). A violent stitch in the anus so that he almost cried out, while sitting (fourth day). Sudden stitch through the anus (sixth day). Burning and itching in the anus (sixth day). Transient burning in the anus after a stool (sixth day). Violent itching and burning in the anus, in the evening in bed (eighth day). Immediately after a stool a sensation in the anus like that in a limb that has been sprained, with a sensation as though the anus were drawn up into the rectum; with sticking, itching, burning, and biting in the anus, provoking scratching, lasting till noon (thirteenth day).

Sensation as if something hard were lying just by the anus, soon followed by a stool, which, however, was evacuated only with great pressure and was unsatisfactory; the first part was hard, crumbly, dark-brownish green, covered with mucus, and containing thread-worms, followed by the same sensation as before the stool (fourteenth day). Itching and crawling in the anus (sixteenth day). Itching in the anus before the stool, and afterwards prickling and burning (sixteenth day). Itching and crawling in the anus (caused by thread-worms), beginning at 3 P.M., and increasing till about 10 P.M., when it amounted to a distressing burning and a sensation of contraction in the bowels and drawing up of the anus (examination showed a large number of thread-worms in and about the anus) (seventeenth day) Itching and biting in the anus, coming on in the evening, not at all noticed in the morning (eighteenth day). Crawling and biting in the anus, which had not existed all day; commenced in the evening and lasted uninterruptedly until going to bed (nineteenth day). Burning in the anus after a stool (eighteenth day). Sensation as if the anus were drawn up into the bowel (nineteenth day). Itching crawling in the anus, in the morning on rising (twentieth day). Crawling and burning in the anus, with griping in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatus and relief (twenty-fourth day). Spasmodic constriction in the anus, as if affected by a spasm; this sensation appeared at intervals and was especially noticed after swallowing anything hard, and was aggravated by continued pressure at stool, in the evening (twentieth day). Desire for stool, lasting a long time, soon after eating, followed by a small, very unsatisfactory stool; but soon afterwards another stool, soft and pasty, formed, of a dirty-brown color followed by burning and biting in the anus, rumbling in the abdomen, griping and emission of flatus (sixth day). Urging to stool, with a feeling as if hard faeces were lying close to the orifice of the anus, could not be evacuated, and caused a sticking in the anus; after long ineffectual urging a little more mucus and some live thread-worms were passed (thirteenth-day).


A small, blackish, hard stool covered with mucus, followed by prickling burning in the anus (third day). A very small, hard, crumbly, blackish-green stool, in the evening (fourth day). A dark-green stool, not copious (fourth day). A dark-brown greenish stool, the first half of which was normal, the rest pasty (fifth day). Stool small, thin, soft, and dark brown and greenish- colored, with mucus, and containing some dead thread-worms (fifth day). Copious pasty stool, with burning in the anus; stool dark brown, containing undigested food, mucus, and several large thread-worms (sixth day). Stool brownish, pasty, containing undigested food eaten the previous day (seventh day). Copious pasty stool, of a grayish-yellow color (eighth day). Copious brown stool, followed by burning and biting in the anus (ninth day). Stool containing undigested food of the previous day (ninth day). Stool very copious, partly hard, partly soft, preceded by great urging with griping; the first part dark brown, the last dark yellow, pasty, of a sour odor; the whole evacuation, especially the soft part, seemed thickly covered with dark-red blood, containing many mustard seeds and undigested food; evacuation preceded and accompanied by sticking and biting in the anus, lasting a long time, the cause of which was discovered to be a thread-worm; after the stool rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (tenth day). Thin pasty stool, of a sour odor, as if fermenting, of a dirty greenish-brown color, containing numerous thread-worms, with streaks of blood, not dark red, as yesterday, but blackish red and clotted (eleventh day). Small hard stool without blood, in the evening; the evacuation unsatisfactory, of a dark yellowish-gray color, with much pressure (eleventh day).

Copious pasty stool; the evacuation partly hard, partly soft, sour, fermented, with numerous thread-worms, accompanied by heat and burning in the anus, and with griping and gurgling in the abdomen, followed by burning and smarting in the anus (twelfth day). Stool pasty, copious, dark yellowish-green, in the morning (fourteenth day). Stool yellowish-green, covered with mucus, containing thread-worms and streaks of blood (sixteenth day).

Very small, crumbly evacuation of the bowels, covered with mucus, containing thread-worms, followed by burning biting in the anus, which was very distressing (seventeenth day). Small, hard, crumbly stool with thread-worms, followed by burning and biting in the anus, and a sensation as if the orifice of the anus were drawn up into the bowel and a hard piece of faeces were still remaining in the anus, in the evening (eighteenth day). Small, hard, crumbly stool evacuated with great pressure, at 6 and 11 P.M. (nineteenth day). After great pressure a small crumbly stool, accompanied by mucus and thread-worms, followed by crawling and burning in the anus, and again a sensation as of a hard body rising up into the rectum, in the evening (twenty-first day). Copious pasty stool (twenty-first day). Yellowish-gray stool, with mucus and thread-worms (twenty-second day). Small, hard, crumbly, almost black stool preceded by griping, followed by itching and burning in the anus; during the stool there was much dragging and pressure in the rectum (twenty-second day). A pasty yellowish-gray stool with thread-worms and white tenacious thready mucus, accompanied by burning in the anus, preceded by rumbling in the bowels and biting in the anus (twenty-fourth day). Thin, pasty, grayish-brown evacuation, containing thread- worms, sour as if fermented, with great burning in the anus during and after the stool (twenty-fifth day); no stool (twenty- sixth day); copious pasty, brown stool, followed by burning in the anus, in the morning; in the evening a pasty, fermented, sour, small, dark-brown stool, preceded by burning and crawling in the anus, constant violent colic with great desire for stool, followed by a prickling and biting in the anus (twenty-seventh day); the evacuation of thread-worms continued for some weeks after the proving (*This prover (the same who proved Spirea ulmaria) suffered from eleven to thirteen years of age from thread-worms, but had had none since until the present proving.*) The stool seemed to be soft and easy to evacuate, in the morning, but the reverse in the evening.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.