Violent itching on both thighs, after scratching many pimples rise, soon disappearing again (fifth day). Pimples on the fingers. Itching and many red pimples over the right knee; the pimples are still out next day, but do not itch (seventh day).

The right index inflamed around the nail, like a run-around; later the same on the left. Itching on the right calf, then many pimples rise, evening. Limpid vesicle on the right side of under lip (fourth day). An itching little blister under the chin (fourth day). Itching with vesicles, or with pimples after scratching, on the forearms, thighs, knees, calves, and other places. Itching on the inside of the right forearm; after scratching, two blisters rose, soon disappearing again. Large clear vesicle on the inner side of the right wrist, behind the little finger, first itching, then burning; after opening the blister, discharge of watery fluid, increased burning, inflammation, and a scab, itching particularly in the night.

Violent itching on the outside and front surface of the left thigh; after scratching, a great many little blisters appear, but soon are gone again, afternoon. Violent itching in the hollow of the knees; after long scratching, many little blisters come up, soon going away again, afternoons and mornings. Pustules which have been scratched open leave ulcers suppurating for a long time. Pustule in the middle of forehead, remaining several days (eighth day). Pustules on the face, without sensation. Small pustules on the right side of nose, on the right dorsal side of foot, left gluteal region, sometimes with stinging pain on touch.

Itching pustules on the fingers and other parts of the body (after nine days). Two small pustules on the dorsum of right foot (eighth day). Furuncle on the left buttock, stinging when touched, lasting three days (after twenty-two days). Subjective.

Formication in the left foot, on raising it and putting it down, 5 P.M. Pricking from within outwards, in skin in the face, most about the neck. Pricking from within outwards, most and strongest about the neck, with heat on chest, back, and face. Pricking, as if caused by needles, over the external malleolus of the right foot. Pricking itching over the whole body, evenings, from 5 to 7 o’clock, and in the morning on rising. Fine pricking itching in face and scalp, as well as bout the neck and shoulders with heat; on scratching, it begins at once in another place. Burning itching over the whole body, with rigors. Burning itching on the abdomen, over the thighs. Itching on many places, or nearly every part of the body, at various times, even on the scalp and face; scarcely relieved by scratching, or returning afterwards. Itching on the whole body, here and there, most severe in the evening, before and after lying down; very much aggravated by scratching.

Itching all over, night, does not let him fall asleep (fifth day). Itching every night before going to sleep, passing off in bed. Itching here and there about the body, scratching does not relieve it long (fifth day). Itching on the whole body, before and after lying down; the more he scratches the more he itches.

Itching, now in the right, then in the left lobule, later in the nape of neck, thighs, etc. (fourth day). Itching in left ear, not stopped by scratching (eighth day). Violent itching in left external meatus, in the morning, 6 o’clock, not to be stopped by scratching. Itching on the whole forehead; after scratching, still returning (eighth day). Itching on the whole face, not lessened by scratching (fourth day). Itching on right wing of nose, scratching does not stop it (ninth day). Itching on the left side of the nose and around the eyes. Itching externally on abdomen, disappearing after scratching, evening. Itching around the navel does not cease after scratching, returning frequently.

Itching in the right flank, disappears after scratching. Itching about the nipples. Itching on the back the whole afternoon; not much relieved by scratching (fourth day). Itching on the forearm, towards the hand, and on the inside of the knee, above the hollow of the knee, particularly evenings in bed. Itching on the hand and backs of fingers. Itching in front of wrist, not ceasing after scratching, forenoon (ninth day). Itching on the right hip, will not abate by scratching. Severe itching on both hip-bones, disappears after scratching, forenoon (ninth day). Itching on the right buttock, disappears from scratching, but soon returns, evenings. Itching on the thigh above the left knee; it abates after scratching, but returns again and again, afternoon (fifth day). Itching, with burning after scratching, below the calves, in the evening and morning. Violent itching on the tendon below the calves, where it burns after scratching, evening and morning (fifth day). Pricking like pins in the calves. Violent itching under both knee-joints, and in front above the knees; has to scratch, which does not relieve it entirely (third day). Itching on the external edge of the right foot; on the ankle he has to scratch until it bleeds, evening (second day). Itching on top of right foot; after scratching, it goes on the left tibia, where it finally disappears, after repeated scratching, afternoon. Itching and drawing in the sole.


(Morning), Vertigo and nausea; all objects affect eyes; burning and agglutination of lids; tearing in right ear; sneezing and running coryza; on waking, tongue rough; dry mouth; bitter taste in mouth; sour slimy taste; mucus in throat; roughness and hoarseness in throat; nausea; desire to urinate; oppression of chest; stinging in middle of sternum; on walking outdoors, stinging in left side of chest and in forehead; prickling itching over whole body. (Forenoon), Inclined to weep and out of humor; anxiety; head stupid and dull; dry cough; crawling in sacral region. (Afternoon), Ill-tempered; moody; inclined to work; belching of sour water; on motion, stinging in right side of chest; swelling and redness of right tarsus with pain. (Evening), Stitches in left frontal protuberance; tearing behind left ear; belching of bitter sour water; fluid stools; swelling and redness of right tarsus, with pain; tearing in left great toe; 5 to 7 P.M., pricking itching over whole body; itching; in bed, heat.

(Night), Before midnight, soul and body restless; headache; pollution; pain in lower part of back; throbbing and burning in thumbs; cramp in calves. (Blowing nose), Burning in it. (Cold draught of air), Tearing in teeth. (Cold drinks), Tearing in teeth. (Coming from cold air into warm room), Rash like pimples.

(Closing eyes), Stinging in them. (Every other day), Lachrymation of eyes; hoarseness in throat. (When gaping), Tearing in left knee. (Gazing long at one object), Vertigo. (Inspiration), Tearing from right shoulder to last false rib. (Deep inspiration), Pressure in left side of abdomen; pain in back; pain in right lumbar region. (During meals), Absence of thirst.

(During menses), Griping in pit of stomach; weariness in thighs; burning on inside of thighs. (Motion), Pressure in head; pain in lower part of back. (Moving neck), Pain in nape of neck. (Moving shoulder-joint), Cracking in it. (Moving arm), Pain in muscles of right scapula; pain in shoulders. (Raising arm), Stitches in the shoulders. (Reading by candlelight), Pain in eyes. (During rest), Tearing about forearms. (Scratching), Itching. (While sitting), Vertigo; pressure on right thigh; heaviness in left thigh; throbbing, pressing, and pinching on right foot. (After long sitting), Dulness of the head, etc. (Smoking), Pain in lower gums. (When standing), Tired feeling in feet. (Stooping), Pain in lower part of back. (After stooping), Backache. (Talking), Rending in brain. (Touch), Pains about head; pain about temporal bone; pain in epigastrium. (Turning eyes to left), Pain in left eye. (While urinating), Burning in urethra. (Vinegar), Complaints. (Walking), Vertigo; pressure in head; rending deep in brain; pain about head; stinging pain in left side of chest; heaviness in left thigh. (Walking in open air), Throbbing in frontal region; stinging in left wrist; stinging in left leg.


(Toward evening), Dulness of head. (Out of doors), Stinging in forehead; stinging in eyes; seems better. (After exercise), Swollen feeling in both feet. (Motion), Stiffness, etc., in hands. (Rest), Backache. (Smelling camphor), The symptoms.

(Touch), Stitches at root of right mastoid process.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.