Often spasmodic sensation in pit of stomach. Constriction in the stomach, with nausea, vanishing at night (ninth day). Pressure in pit of stomach, evening, while singing (fourth day). Pressing pain in epigastrium and directly under the ensiform cartilage, increased by touch. Pressure in stomach, with soft stool. Sense of weakness in the stomach. It is very subject to lie heavy on the stomach and to produce indigestion. Heat and burning in the stomach (soon). Heat in the stomach, as after spirituous beverages, after eating a mouthful of bread (sixth day).


Hypochondria. Stinging in left hypochondriac region, particularly on bending toward the right; continuing a long time, forenoon (first day). Dull pressure in the region of the liver; she often had returns of it; felt only in the morning on waking; better after getting up and walking about; after Sepia high, it disappeared for ten or twelve days. The left hypochondriac region pains as if bruised, with throbbing, 1 P.M. Umbilicus and Sides.

Cutting around the navel, always on gaping (eighth day). Cutting in a small spot about the navel, morning (eighth day). Cutting around the navel, then moving about in the abdomen, disappearing after passage of flatus, forenoon (eighth day). Painful pressure inwards and pinching in left side of abdomen, in small spot, aggravated only by deep inspiration. Pressing pain in left side of abdomen. Cutting pain on a narrow line of the left side of the abdomen, transversely towards the back; then rolling in the belly and disappearance of the pain (sixth day). Stinging, now in the right, now in the left side of abdomen (seventh day). Severe stinging under the right ribs and in abdomen, one hour after dinner (sixth day). Stinging in the left side of abdomen (soon).

Stinging in left side of abdomen, in the morning, while sitting; vanishing while walking. General Abdomen. Great fullness in abdomen, after eating or drinking anything. Distension of abdomen (sixth day). Frequent discharge of flatus all day (after eight days) Flatulency, with dulness in the head. Discharge of offensive flatus. Discharge of flatus of fetid odor, evenings (third day). Discharge of flatus upwards and downwards. Rumbling in abdomen, with feeling of emptiness in the same. Rumbling and rolling in abdomen, every day, without diarrhoea and without distension. Rolling in the belly and fermentation. Rumbling and clucking in abdomen, with feeling of emptiness in the same.

Rumbling and growling in bowels. Loud quacking in abdomen, as in spasms; remitting for a while after eructation (twenty-first and twenty-third days). Abdomen very sensitive on pressure, 10 A.M.

During the diarrhoea rolling and fermentation in abdomen, with discharge of stinking flatus (seventh day). During menses frequent griping colic. Colic, with diarrhoea. Colicky abdominal pain in the morning (second day). Feels as if empty and disemboweled in abdomen, soon after breakfast (eighth day).

Frequent spasmodic sensations in abdomen. Constriction of intestines. Contracting pain of the bowels, then violent rumbling and grumbling; now around the navel, now upward toward the chest, now again downward, as if diarrhoea were to follow, forenoon (second day). Pinching and rolling in abdomen, from 5 P.M. till midnight, preventing sleep. Pinching and rumbling in abdomen, after eating; later passing up on left side towards the stomach, and only dispelled by doubling up. Pinching colic during menses.

Cutting in abdomen, with scanty stool. Violent cutting in abdomen, 5 P.M., then semifluid diarrhoeic stools (sixth day).

Severe pinching in abdomen. Severe pinching in abdomen, and thereupon painful contraction of sphincter ani. Pressing drawing in abdomen, as after cold. Motion in the bowels, with burning (soon). Motion in abdomen, as before diarrhoea, all day. Feeling of inactivity of bowels. Burning and heat in abdomen. Coldness and motion in abdomen (ninth day). Internal chilliness in the abdomen. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Straining constriction in hypogastrium, vanishing after passage of flatus, evening and forenoon (seventeenth and eighteenth days). A moving and tossing about in lower belly, as if he had taken a purgative, but without diarrhoea, the whole day (after forty-eight hours). Pinching in left inguinal region. In right groin severe tension. On appearance of menses, soreness in the bend of the right groin, and urging to urinate. Slight soreness in right groin (sixth day). Soreness in the left groin, as the pain in the testicles and spermatic cords got better (eighth day).


Ulcer on the anus of the size of a walnut, bearing a black pustule, soon opening with pain, and discharging pus. During the diarrhoeic stool sensation of corroding acridity in rectum, during the discharge. Tearing and cutting in rectum. Painful contraction of sphincter ani, after pinching in abdomen. Severe aching in anus, with frequent desire for stool; better after stool, but went away very slowly; it was relieved by hard pressure upwards in anus, at 3.30 A.M. (seventh day). Soreness in the anus, wakes him at night, and then changes into a burning itching, lasting all day. Burning in anus after stool, after fluid stools. Itching on the right side of anus, dispelled by scratching (eighth day). Tenesmus in anus after stool.

Uncontrollable urgent desire; but nevertheless only scanty soft stool, passing with great difficulty through the seemingly contracted rectum. Urgent desire, with contraction of intestines, and enormous pressure downwards, as if contents of abdomen were to be pressed out, for several minutes; then at last something passes with a jerk, with severe tearing and cutting in rectum; thereupon immediately again desire to go to stool, as if rectum were being pressed out, so that he can scarcely sit on account of pain. Frequent urging to go to stool, with scanty discharge, and with tenesmus in the anus afterwards (second day). Stool accompanied with much urging and straining in the rectum. Desire, but no stool.


Frequent diarrhoeic discharges, four or five times during the day, with colic (fifth and sixth days). Semifluid diarrhoeic stools. Twice diarrhoea (fourth day). Hurried action of bowels before breakfast. Stool was semifluid toward the end (ninth day).

Very soft stool, without any other complaint (second day). Fluid stools, evenings, with burning in anus afterwards. Soft stool, with tenesmus in anus after it (second day). Stool softer than usual, accompanied with slight pressure in region of stomach.

Scanty consistent stool, accompanied by cutting in the abdomen.

Pitchy, sticky, adhesive stool several days. Stool, the first part of which was hard, the last soft, with subsequent burning in the anus. Scanty stool, preceded by evacuation of much flatus, at 3.30 A.M. (seventh day); had had a natural stool the day before.

Twice, consistent stool (first day). Soft copious stool, afternoon (first day). Very hard stool (second day). Hard stool (first day); constipation (second day); at first hard and then passages of soft faeces (third day). Hard stool and frequent urination (tenth day). Stool and urine delayed. No stool (third and fourth days).

Urinary Organs

Painful constriction of the bladder, without urging. The urine only dribbles away when sitting, the bladder when in that posture feeling bent forwards upon itself; on standing, the urine passes freely; this lasted three or four days (after seven days).

Discharge of yellow pus from the urethra, with redness and inflammation of the glans, and fever in the evening, with rigors (seventh day). Thin, powerless stream of urine. Pain in urethra, on waking (fourteenth night). Burning while the urine passes, with discharge of elongated flakes. Sharp cutting pains in the urethra, after some hours. Burning with urination. Burning in the whole urethra always on passing water. During passage of urine, scratching scraping in the whole urethra (after twelve hours).

Desire to urinate wakes him from sleep every morning. Urging to urinate ceases with the perfect discharge of menses. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge, accompanied by burning (first day). Urging to urinate on appearance of menses. Nearly all day he has urgent desire to urinate, but little urine passes.

Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty but painless discharge.

Frequent desire to urinate, discharging only a few drops, without straining, as usually before menstruation, and again at the end of menstruation (fourteenth and fifteenth days). When sitting in the seat after stool had a desire to urinate, but could not; afterwards, when standing, could urinate freely, at 3.30 A.M.

(seventh day). He has to get up two or three times in the night to urinate, and passes a great quantity; he thinks he can never finish, at first with burning, then without, for two weeks (after two and four days). Frequent urination (first day). Frequent urination, with hard stool. Wakes up in the night to make water.

He urinates oftener and more than usual, without burning (sixth day). Without particular thirst, the urine passes more frequently than usual, becoming more copious daily. Frequent copious urination (after four hours). Abundant diuresis. Discharge of much watery urine, with burning in urethra (first and second days). Frequent discharge of pale copious urine, growing turbid on standing, like clay-water (fifth day). No urine in the forenoon; in the afternoon, three times in succession, discharge of pale urine, then again none. Passes urine but once during the whole day, with burning during the discharge, but in sufficient quantity (first day). Copious urination lessens (sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.