Unusual sensitiveness to cold, during the day (first day).

Sensitive to the open air (ninth day).


Eruptions. An eruption on the vermilion border of the lower hip (twelfth day). A small vesicle, like a blister, on inside of lower lip, just beneath the left angle of mouth (seventeenth day). My attention was this evening called to an eruption that has been quite troublesome of late, though I now remember that it has been present most of the time for two or three weeks, gradually increasing until it has become quite a source of annoyance. It is composed of very abundant minute red pimples, on the limbs, about the knees, and particularly on the calves of the legs. The only uneasiness it causes, is a violent itching, immediately after undressing at night (eighteenth day). The fine eruption on the calves and limbs has been very troublesome for several evenings past, while undressing. A violent itching is produced as soon as it is exposed to the air. There is no redness until after irritating it a few minutes by a through scratching; then a multitude of very fine pimples appear. The eruption and itching are almost wholly though not entirely confined to the posterior surface of the limbs and inner side of the knees (twenty-second day). Eruption on the legs is quite troublesome this morning.

Frequently irritating it by scratching has caused many little pustules, as large as the head of a large pin. Almost the whole surface of the limbs, from the thighs to the feet, is covered with this paltry nettle rash, probably a kind of urticaria. Eruption on the limbs very troublesome, from the severe itching it produced, at night (twenty-fourth day). The little sores caused by scratching, seem to be most numerous about the knees. For several days from this time the rash became very troublesome (twenty-fifth day). Eruption is now chiefly confined to the knees, and causes but little uneasiness (thirty-second day). Back and shoulders are densely covered with small red pimples, in the evening, (fifth day). The eruption continues the same, with slight itching in the evening, especially when exposing it to the air, as on going to bed (sixth day); slight itching of the eruption on going to bed (seventh day); the eruption is gradually disappearing (tenth day). The eruption is reappearing on the back and shoulders, with a few red pimples on the upper part of the chest; itching of the eruption on going to bed (thirteenth day). Back and shoulders are found in the evening to be densely covered with red pimples (fifteenth day); slight eruption on the limbs (sixteenth day); the eruption is gradually disappearing (seventeenth day). Reappearing of the eruption, densely covering the back, and slightly the extremities; also covering quite thickly the thighs, with itching on going to bed (twenty-fourth day). In the evening, the back and legs are found to be more densely covered with the eruption than in any previous day, with itching on going to bed (twenty-fifth day). Itching of the legs as usual, as soon as exposed to the air, while undressing (second day); the itching of the extremities commenced about half an hour before retiring last night, and again on awaking this morning; there is no appearance of an eruption until after irritating the skin by scratching, and then rather a diffused redness, which soon disappears; frequent scratching of the surface has produced a number of little sores, which, however, rapidly heal, on the calves of the legs and about the knees, especially the posterior surfaces; the rash is not usually troublesome until after the surface is exposed to the air, while undressing at night, and on getting up in the morning; the warmth of the bed soon relieves the itching (fourth day).

Sensations. Burning in the palms of the hands at evening. Burning in palms (after one hour and a quarter); (after twelve minutes). Itching and stinging itching. Stinging itching in various parts. Itching in face and right ears (after one hour and a third). In three minutes, itching in the left upper eyelid, and in both groins and various parts of the trunk, limbs, face, and neck. Itching in the left side of the face in the whiskers (after one hour). Itching in the flexures of the elbows, and at the same time to the left of the sternum, just over the fifth rib (twenty hours after sixth dose). Itching on the back of the hands (after fifty minutes). While undressing in the evening, and for some time after, considerable itching of the lower extremities (fourth and fifth days). The itching of the legs commenced this evening an hour before the usual time for retiring, and before i had removed any part of my clothing (twenty-third day). Great itching of the whole surface of the limbs, especially on retiring at night, and in the morning immediately after rising. Considerable itching of the posterior surface of both arms, below the elbow (twenty-fourth day). The itching is general, yet it appears to be somewhat erratic, sometimes quite severe in one small spot, then suddenly changing to another and perhaps distant locality. Considerable itching at any time, when awake during the night. Scratching produced a burning sensation, yet was accompanied with much relief (twenty-fifth day). Itching on the buttocks, before and after getting into bed (tenth day). Prickling itching on the buttocks while exposed to the air, during an evacuation from the bowels (fifth and seventh days). Slight itching of the legs, on going to bed in the evening (fourth day). Itching on the calves of the legs, last night and this morning (tenth day).


Sleepiness. Yawning (within half an hour). Yawning, with rumbling in the bowels (after one hour and ten minutes). Heavy drowsiness, with sleep and desire to lie down (tenth day).

Sleepiness, in afternoon and evening, after eating heartily (fifteenth day). Somnolency, with the lassitude and weariness (fourth day). Awoke about 2 A.M. (second day). Sleeplessness.

From the first day of the proving until the ninth, the nights are very restless, the sleep broken and refreshing, or disturbed with livid dreams; he jumps and tumbles in bed, walks about the room, and talks in his sleep; the restlessness on the eleventh. Very restless uncomfortable night for a week (after nine nights). Restlessness and discomfort in bed at night; the position must be frequently changed (fifth day). Slept very uneasily; many kinds of absurd dreams; constant magnifying of trifles disturbed him (ninth night). Very restless during the latter part of the night (first night); very restless during the night (second night); (sixth, eighth, and fifteenth nights); (fifteenth night). Sleep disturbed; wakeful, restless; short naps and unpleasant fancies, even when awake (second night). Unrefreshed in the morning (tenth day). Dreams.

At 5.30, just before waking, experienced an unpleasant dream, of persons having been murdered (second day); remembers to have had very disagreeable dreams, during the night, of accidents, losses, etc. (sixth night); indistinct recollection of several dreams, during the latter part of the night (eighth night); have an indistinct recollection of several dreams, of being in a beautiful country, and of being disappointed (eighteenth night); dreamt of killing a small rabid dog, and of becoming involved in trouble and perplexity of some kind (twenty- first night); several dreams, one of seeing Queen Victoria (twenty-third night); horrid dreams last night of dead persons returning to life (twenty-seventh night); indistinct recollection of a dream just before waking, this morning (twenty-ninth day).

His dreams are extraordinary and terrific, as of witnessing autopsies, seeing murdered men, running about naked, falling, being drowned, etc.; until the ninth day, when his dreams were pleasant. After 4 A.M., very unpleasant dream of burglars (first night). Dream (of stealing a horse) of crime and trouble, at night. Dreamed of seeing friends (first night). Dreamed of seeing friends (sixth, eighth, and fifteenth nights). Sleep full of troublesome dreams (ninth night).


Chilliness. Chill down the back on motion (tenth day). In the afternoon, constant chill on motion, running up and down the back and down the calves of the legs (sixteenth day). Great coldness of the lower extremities, during the forenoon (six, seventh, and fourteenth days). Coldness of the lower extremities, during the forenoon (second day). Heat. Heat and other symptoms of fever towards morning, followed by a sharp pain in the abdomen (first night). Woke up feverish, having frontal headache; dull and constant heat of skin, and increase in fullness and frequency of pulse, followed by sensation of cold, yet not a regular chill; tongue coated white (tenth morning). Sensation of heat over the body, especially in the cheeks (after fifty minutes). During the day, felt hot and pulsated, and the feet had a sense of coldness (tenth day).

Flushing of the face, in the evening, with pulsation over the body; pulse 80 (third day). Sensation of heat in the left cheek.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.