Stinging, almost itching pain in the left side of the chest, just below the nipple, followed and accompanied the stinging-burning pain in the back; attended by heavy throbbing in the ears, synchronous with the pulsations of the heart (after one hour, fourth day). Burning pain in the left side of the chest, just below the nipple, worse when taking a deep inspiration (fifth day). Sensation in the left chest, as if the heart suddenly ceased beating; followed by a heavy throbbing through the chest; this symptom has been felt several times since the beginning of this proving (sixth day). Great pressure and sense of depression in the upper part of the breast (third day). Very sharp pain in the breast, running to the right and left (third day). Sharp pain in the breast (sixth, seventh, and eighth days).

A sharp cutting pain in the left breast, which came on at noon, and lasted an hour (third day).

Heart and Pulse

Dull pain in the region of the heart, attended by dull pain and heaviness in the left upper arm and particularly in the elbow (fifth day). Deep inspiration are attended by a heavy dull pain in the region of the heart (sixth day). Severe stinging pain in the region of the heart, extending through the chest to the apex of the left scapula, with a frequent desire to take a deep inspiration, which increases the pain, in the afternoon, for two or three hours (second day). Sharp and deep pain ascribed to the left side of the heat (third, fourth, and eighth days). Pain in heart (ninth day). Palpitation of the heart after supper, and after conversation (twelfth day).

Frequency of heart’s action greatly increased by going upstairs (fourteenth day). Pulse 80 (third day); 96 (tenth day).

Back and Neck

Sensation as if a thread were tightly tied around the neck just below the ears, a slight roaring in the ears (twenty hours after fourth dose). Pain in the back of the neck (tenth and eleventh days). Pain running down the back (second day). Dull and steady pain in the back (second day). Pain in back (fifth day); nearly constant (sixth, seventh, and eighth days). Suffered considerably from pain in back, in afternoon and evening (tenth day). Aching pain in the back, under and below the apex of the left scapula (fifth day). Aching between the scapulae, while standing (sixth day). Pain in middle of back, for twenty minutes (tenth and eleventh days). Stinging-burning pain in the back, just below the inferior angle of the left scapula; followed and accompanied by stinging almost itching pain in the left side of the chest, just below the nipple (after one hour, fourth day). Stinging-burning pain in the back, between the scapulae, attended by a constant desire to take deep inspirations, with a sensation of dry heat in the middle of the chest (sixth day). Pain under the right scapula; left ditto (third day). Pain in right scapula (first, second, tenth and eleventh days). Pain in left scapula (ninth day). Very sharp pain in left scapula (fifth day). Pain in the small of the back, for a few minutes (first and second days). Burning pain on a small spot near the top of the right sacroiliac symphysis (after thirteen hours, third day). Sore pain at juncture of the sacrum with the left ilium, increased by stooping and rising. In a few hours, this pain became more general in the loins, and appeared like the pain and lameness following a strain by overlifting.

The pain was increased by a sudden motion of the body, such as from the unexpected motion of a carriage. At 2 P.M., the lameness somewhat abated, and was succeeded by a pulsative sensation in the muscles of the nates (fourth day). Aching and sense of great fatigue in the loins (third day).


Twitching of right arm and leg (second day). Pain in elbows, arms, and left knee (fourth day). Pain in the right arm, hand, and knee, in the afternoon (fifth day). Pain in the right arm, thumb, and leg; left foot and ankle (sixth day). Pain in the right arm, thumb, and knee (seventh day). Pain in right arm and knee (eighth day). Pain in left arm, thumb, and leg (ninth day). Pain in the right arm, hand, and knee (eleventh day). Pain in the left arm and foot (eleventh day). Pain in the right arm and legs (twelfth day).

Upper Limbs

The right arm feels as if its muscles were glued together and sore to the touch (tenth and following days). Slight numbness and crawling sensation in the left arm, after lying down in bed (after two hours). Soon after waking, left arm feels as if bruised (fifth day). Pain in left arm for two hours, and repeated in fingers of the left hand (seventh day). Pain in left arm, hand, and thumb (eight day). Pain in left arm and hand, for fifteen minutes (twelfth day). The shoulders and scapular regions were as often the seats of pain as the arms, throughout this proving. Awoke with pain in right shoulder; it was ameliorated by rest; passed off in two hours (eleventh day).

Dull pain and heaviness in the left upper arm, and particularly in the elbow, attended the dull pain in the region of the heart (fifth day). Stinging pain on the inner side of the right upper arm (sixth day). Dull aching in both elbows (after second dose, second day). Pain in right wrist, ulnar half.

Pain in left hand (fifth day). Pain in the fingers of the left hand (tenth day).

Lower Limbs

Sense of great lassitude in the lower limbs, and aching in the calves of the legs, as after long-continued walking or standing; worse when moving; better when lying down (after six hours, third day). Crawling-tingling sensation in the inferior extremities (half and hour after second dose, second day); (half an hour after fourth dose). Legs feel very weak when going up and down stairs, in the evening (second day). Legs feel weak while going up and down stairs (seventh day); in the evening (fourteenth and fifteenth days) Legs feel weak on going up and down stairs, in the evening (second day). Legs felt weak through the day, especially on going up and down stairs (twenty- third day). Weakness of the legs when going up and down stairs (thirty- fifth day). Rheumatic pains in legs, dull aching pain in them all day long (fifth day); slight rheumatic pain in afternoon, particularly in right leg (sixth day). In afternoon, feeling of weariness, aching of bones of lower extremities (second day). Aching pain in the right hip-joint while walking, producing slight lameness (after thirteen hours, third day).

Muscular pain in thighs and legs, slightly increased on pressure (after three hours, fourth day). Pulsative sensation in muscles of nates (fourth day). Wrenching-aching pain in the flexure of the left knee, while standing (twenty-four hours after fourth dose). Pain in the knees, very sharp on rising after sitting awhile, running;down the left leg (second day). Drawing pain, almost a cramp, in the calf of the right leg, continued half an hour (after ten minutes, sixth day). Heaviness in the calf of the right leg, as if the flesh would fall from the bones (a quarter of an hour after second dose, second day).

Pain in right leg and toes (ninth day). Pains, rheumatic, in anterior surface of both tibiae, in the evening (tenth day).

Rheumatic pains in tibia anteriorly (fifth day). Rendering in the anterior part of both ankle-joints, running down the insteps, apparently in the ligaments; alternating several times with gnawing pain in the internal condyle of the left humerus; after which was felt aching and heaviness, with crawling sensation all through the inferior extremities, when riding (after four hours, second day). Tenderness in the feet, with extreme sensitiveness and shooting pains in the corns (fourth day). Tenderness of feet (thirteenth day). Pain in left foot, with privation of sensibility in leg (seventh day). Pain in right little toe, especially in corn on outside of it.


Great lassitude and weariness, with somnolency; is shifting his position constantly his legs feel tired, though he has done but little walking to-day (fourth day). Great lassitude and uneasiness, with stagnation of ideas, in the evening (third day).

A very warm day; felt languid and weary (third day). Felt very weak and tired through the day (seventh day). Has felt weak during the day (sixth day). Sense of great weariness, ongoing to bed (ninth day). Great languor (tenth day). Restlessness, in the evening (fifth day). The pains seem to have been neither fixed nor constant anywhere. Throbbing through the whole;body (after fifteen hours, fifth day). After the seventh day the distress augmented to such a degree that he was unwilling to continue the proving any longer; the evolution of the symptoms continued after the last dose, from the seventh day to the twenty-second. This proving is chiefly characterized by pains, numerous, varied, and of frequent recurrence, from which hardly any part escaped; these pains were all transient, one pain ceasing, with complete intermissions of from ten minutes to an hour, and then another pain coming on; some, of a neuralgic character, were so severe, that the prover asked for an antidote, which was refused; most of the pains were severe enough to prevent study, but did not interfere with active duties. The pains ceased from 11 to 12 A.M., and recommenced a few hours or less after repeating the dose in the afternoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.