When she breathes, severe pain under the breasts and in the back (sixth day). Pain in the chest, gradually extending to the spinal column (soon). Pain in the chest, extending from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat, a kind of pressure and sticking that often extended to the back, lasting several minutes, returning for a moment, especially on eating or coughing, somewhat relieved by drinking. Heavy lump and coldness in center of chest, between mammae, preventing sleep.

Acute sticking and lancinations in a small spot on the large pectoral muscles, externally near the axilla. Lancinations in the chest, when coughing and breathing (third day). Sticking as from needles in the pectoral region; aggravated by deep inspiration. Front and Sides. Sticking pain in the middle of the sternum. Very frequent, painful pressure in the middle of the chest. From time to time rattling sensation in one or the other side of the chest, almost under the arms, as if something was about to be loosened, during respiration (second day). Lancinating pain in the sides of the chest, like a band of iron around the waist (sixth day). Lancinations in the right side of chest, superficial, as if in the bone near the sternum.

Frequent burning in the right side of the chest, externally (third day). Severe cramp in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in its clavicular portion, which continues painful for fourteen hours (second day). Spasmodic tension in the left sternocleidomastoid muscle. Sticking pains in the left side of the chest (second day). Violent stitches in the left side of the chest.

Heart and Pulse

Violent and rapid beating of the heart (second day). Violent palpitation of the heart (third day). Palpitation at times (seventh day). Beating of the heart very violent and rapid. Pain at the heart, in the evening, and after breakfasting on chocolate (third day). Pain at the heart and headache when riding in a carriage; which does not usually happen to her (fourth day). Pulse. The pulse appears accelerated, she feels what is called a feverish sensation in all the limbs, like the commencement of a bad cold (third day). The pulse is fuller and quicker than usual (first day). Pulse slow. Pulse small, jumping (sixth and seventh days).

Neck and Back

Numbness of the muscles of the neck near the left ear; coldness in the left eye (second day). The muscles of the neck are troublesome; painful lassitude throughout the body, especially the back of the head, the neck, and the loins (fourth day). Pain in the back (first day). Very great weakness in the back, she is obliged to wear stays as a support; feeling as if she would be humpbacked; it seems to her as if the middle of the back were crooked, the waist hollow, and the shoulders uneven; and she could not keep her balance (sixth day). Tearing and tension along the crest of the right scapula. Weakness in the dorsal part of spine, and from time to time prickings; debility, which goes on increasing (third day). Painful weakness in the loins, as after running too fast (second day). Dull and constant pain in the loins, the lower abdomen, and the groins (after five days). Sharp pains in the coccyx; acute pains as if an abscess were forming (third day).


Trembling of the limbs. Great weakness and a bruised sensation in the limbs, after a short walk, as after a long journey. Great weariness in all the limbs, feverish sensation (third day).

Sense of painful weariness in the joints (second day). Extreme prostration, as if the limbs had been broken. Great prostration of the limbs. Lassitude and weariness in the limbs (sixth day). Pain in all the joints, painful feeling of weariness, all the bones crack, especially in the nape of the neck (sixth day). Pains in the limbs. Sensation in the arms and legs, as if her garters were too tight (after five days).

Superior Extremities

Shoulder and Arm. Tearing on the top of the left shoulder.

Sticking pains in the left shoulder. A gland under the right armpit is swollen and painful to touch, since three days (fifth day). A small black mark appears on the arm near the shoulder, and some reddish spots on the chest (fifth day). Pulling and tearing in the left arm and in the joint, associated with weakness of the elbow-joint, as if carrying a heavy weight.

Elbow and Forearm. Sticking in the left elbow-joint, as if in the bone. Burning lancinations in the right elbow-joint, as if in the tendon of the biceps muscle. Sticking in the left olecranon process. Weakness, tearing, and sticking in the right forearm, near the wrist. Hand and Fingers. Transient numbness in the hands (fourth day). Numbness in the hands, and in a slight degree all over, sometimes in one place, sometimes in another (first day). Pain in the fingers; the nails are painful, especially in the left hand; pains under the nails, as of a burn, or a pin thrust in there (after fifth day).

Inferior Extremities

Hip and Thigh. Lancinations in the articulation of the left hip- joint, back of the trochanter. Numbness of the buttocks, especially on the right side, like a leg gone to sleep (second day). A kind of burning in a small spot on the thigh, in the upper and external part. Leg. Heaviness of the legs, as if almost paralyzed; the knees crack as if they would be dislocated (after five days). When the patient is getting up she feels as if her legs were bent outward, and she makes efforts to regain her equilibrium. The tibia is painful to touch; burning sensation as if a hot coal was held near the tibia, at a spot two inches in size at the center of the bone (first day).

Frequent painful cramp in the calves, more of spasmodic pain than of a cramp. Tearing in left calf, in the hamstring, of short duration, but frequently occurring. Lancinations in the left malleolus. Foot. Numbness in the soles of the feet and in the buttocks (third day). Lancinations under the soles of the feet, which were very cold, and now began to get warm again (third day). Itching lancinating on the sole of the right foot, and near the fleshy part. Violent pain in the heel when walking; the heel is not painful during rest, especially when the boot is off, though the pain is not produced by pressure of the boot (fifth day). Right heel red and swollen, with pinching pain on walking (second day). Heel very painful, with swelling, pinching, dark redness (sixth day); on the next day a blister formed, after the opening of which there was no more pain.

A corn that had formerly been painless began to pain (sixth day).


Emaciation (seventh day). Great emaciation (fifth day); (third day). Hysterical attack. Pain in the vertebral column, as if a foreign body passed through it from top to bottom, and was stopped at certain points by some obstacle. This causes pain in the chest and in any part of the body it passes through. The pain extends to adjacent parts and causes excessive weakness; she cannot sustain herself; the weakness increases; it seems to her seems is about to die. On returning a little to herself, she is unable to speak or stir. She feels a pain starting from the uterus, and stopping at the beginning of the throat, like a hot foreign body, which goes up like a ball; afterwards drawing headache in the occiput; lancinations in the ears; pain in the jaw, the gum, the nose, the eyes, which burn, in the temple, where it is a drawing; it seems to her that every part is swollen, that even the bones swell. The abdomen is very much swollen and painful to touch; it seems to her that a considerable number of balls ascend from the abdomen to the throat. The eyes are filled with blood; sight is lost. She can lie only on her back, and has entirely lost the power of moving. At midnight, another hysterical attack like the first, a little less severe and accompanied with a sharp, nervous pain in the shoulder. The rest of the night she slept pretty well (fourth day). Hysterical attacks like the first ones, but less severe, preceded by cramps, starting from the uterus and extending to the chest, occurred on the first day of her menses (fifth day). Great weakness (third day). Very great exhaustion, want of spirit; it seems to her as if she was dead, as if she could not bestir herself enough to drive away the flies, which light on her face (fourth day). She has had great difficulty in getting up from bed; she lay there without moving or thinking, but a multitude of pictures passed before her eyes (second day). Great feebleness and lassitude (fourth day). Great lassitude (first day). Great fatigue (first and fifth days).

A great deal of fatigue, with bruised feeling; she desires sleep to restore her (fourth day). Great prostration. She is very sensitive to the electricity of the atmosphere; it gives her painful feeling and low spirits (fourth day). Sensation of swelling; the arms, hands, and eyes, seem swollen; the feet, on the contrary, appear smaller; the wrist feels as if lashed (with a whip), (second day). Stiffness of the muscles (second day). Numbness, heaviness (third day). The most remarkable of the day’s symptoms were the drawing and lancinating pains, which were constant in the whole body, the head, and the limbs, and caused great suffering (first day). All day drawing pains, worse in the evening (first day). Drawing in all the muscles, lancination in fleshy parts, violent itching around the waist, preceded and followed by a sensation like that caused by too tight a girdle (after five days). Pain like a painful weariness of the whole body, and which appears to have its seat under the skin, and not to penetrate to the muscles (after five days). The paralytic pains increase until evening (second day). Paralytic pain on both sides, more severe sometimes on one, sometimes on the other; she finds great difficulty in writing (second day). Rheumatic pains in the loins, in the knees, the groins, abdomen, the thighs; she can scarcely stand upright; she cannot bend her knees (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.