No emission of flatus (third day). No emission of flatus, either upward or downward. Stool preceded by colic, accompanied and followed by burning heat and pains of swelling in the intestines (first day). Slight griping in the abdomen (fifth day). In the morning awoke with cramping sore pains in her abdomen (hypogastric region), with some distension and great tenderness on pressure; could hardly bear to have her clothes touch her; pains are constant, but much worse on motion; no aggravation before stool nor relief after stool (second day); same conditions continue, with additional tenderness and soreness in the abdomen; bowels feels sore and tender from the least jar, when walking (third day). Pain in the abdomen (seventh day). When she leans on her side, the loins are immediately relieved, but at the same time a pressing pain in the lower bowels and a sensation as of a round body which, impelled from beneath, rises suddenly and stops in the throat, where it feels like a morsel too large to be swallowed, thence the substance seems to descend into the stomach, where it caused a sensation of something hard to digest, and leaves an empty sensation, accompanied with hunger and lancinations in the lower abdomen. Each lancination causes off a flushing as if the blood rushed to the eyes; the eyes burn; dizziness; ebullition of blood throughout the body; coldness in the feet, with prickings; sensation as if she had put her cold feet into very hot water; and then great heat (after five days). Sensation of heat in the abdomen, especially about the umbilicus. Hypogastrium. Pain in the hypogastrium and kidneys, as before menstruation; lassitude in the top of the thighs; pain with heat in the sides, almost every time she draws breath (third day). Feeling in the hypogastrium as if a hernia was about to protrude (after five lower abdomen, especially in the side.


Frequent desire for stool, especially bout noon (second day).


Nine stools, mostly in the morning, yellowish, brown, liquid, rather copious (second day). Stool soft, consistent, yellowish (third day). Very profuse soft stool, in the morning and at noon (second day). Three liquid, brownish, frothy, very profuse stools, evacuated forcibly (second day). Frequent stools through the day, five in the afternoon as yesterday (third day).

Liquid stool, at 7 A.M. (sixth day). Diarrhoea, dark-brown (seventh day). Very liquid copious stools, evacuated with great force, but without pains. Dark, very profuse stools. Soft stool, colored like cafe au lait (third day). A soft stool without colic (fourth day). Stool came very free and with considerable force; liquid, but not watery; no blood or mucus (second day). Diarrhoea of small soft passages, yellow, like fresh butter, as in some infantile diarrhoea. Two stools with much urging, but without colic (second day). Diarrhoea every time she eats, stools more liquid, and of the color of coffee with cream (third day). Two stools as last night, preceded by a little colic, the second more than the first (third day). One stool in the morning, less soft, of deeper color, and almost without colic (sixth day). A stool harder and deeper-colored than yesterday (seventh day). Hard stool (seventh day). No stool (fourth day).

Urinary Organs

Tearing in the region of the kidneys, especially on stooping (third day). Burning in the forepart of the urethra during micturition. Desire to urinate, with pain in the region of the mons veneris, like a pressure in the fundus of the bladder.

Frequent desire to urinate (first night). Desire to urinate, with very copious emission. Desire to urinate, with less copious discharge. Sensation of urging to urinate, which causes suffering, as if from retention, and does not cease except while she passes water, returning immediately after, always accompanied with pain in the sides and loins (after five days).

She has not passed urine all day (sixth day). Urine more copious than the liquid drunk (second day). Urine whitish yellow, turbid (sixth day). Urine yellow, turbid, depositing a very copious sediment of a whitish-yellow color resembling yeast (fourth day).

Urine of a dirty yellow color with a sediment resembling yeast, equal in amount to the urine. Urine somewhat pale. Pale urine, more abundant and more frequently passed than usual (third day). The urine, which was very clear on the earlier days, begins to be thick (sixth day).

Sexual Organs

Pain in the uterus, in the groins when touched, and in the abdomen; pain with inflammation; pain in the bones, the joints crack; weakness of the vertebral column (third day). Sensation of a round foreign body, which rises form the fundus of the uterus and stops at the entrance of the throat (third day). A great deal of pain in the womb and groins; a great deal of heat, urging to urinate every moment and inability to do so (sixth day). Burning pain, which starts from the uterus and stops at the pit of the stomach, where it changes into nervous contraction, giving her a sensation as if she would have convulsions (second day). Constant titillation in he genitals parts, increasing till half past one in the morning, when it abates, with an abundant flow of mucus (after five days). Nervous irritation of the genitals, of the clitoris, impelling her to onanism (after five days). Great flow of vaginal mucus, without desire (after five days). Every day, between 3 and 4 o’clock, a little blood flows from the vagina, like rose-colored mucus, and a very small quantity of it for a minute a little while after (after five days).

The menses are very profuse and long-lasting; the blood comes in clots an in abortion (fifth day). Abundant menstruation from the beginning of the period; flushes of heat ascend from the uterus to the head, pass into the loins, and spread throughout the body, occasioning a sensation as if she was about to perspire; pricking in the legs and under the soles of the feet; loss of thought, faintness; she has great difficulty in speaking; these flushings occur three or four times in hour (fourth day). Nymphomania; the symptoms begin in the morning, and continue increasing till evening, at 11 o’clock; they cease after a very severe paroxysms, which lasts two hours and a half (seventh day). Great sexual excitement; violent desire (seventh day).

Respiratory Organs

Tickling in the larynx, as if in the epiglottis. Voice.

Hoarseness (third day); in the evening (first day). Cough and Expectoration. Cough and hoarseness; in the evening, the chest feels squeezed as in a vice; she has great difficulty in breathing, she can scarcely speak (second day). Cough; it seems as if something came from the epigastrium; so also when she laughs; there is a good deal of tickling at the bottom of the larynx, nevertheless it seems to start from the epigastrium.

After coughing, acid risings, as of bitter water (second day). The cough is drier. She tries to raise something from the throat, but the cough does not bring it up, but, on the contrary, creates more of it (third day). Cough beginning by a tickling at the bottom of the oesophagus, and resonant in the middle of the chest (third day). When she succeeds in expectorating, the sputum is clear, like gum-water made rather strong, and consequently sticky (third day). Easy expectoration of round masses of mucus. Expectoration of thick mucus in round masses easily detached. Expectoration of a very large amount of tenacious while mucus from the pharynx and oesophagus, with a sensation of stricture of the throat, at 5 A. M. (third day). Respiration. Uneasy respiration; general distress; she cannot continue either in a sitting, standing, or lying position (first day). The breathing becomes uneasy; during expiration she feels pains between the shoulders and in each side of the chest; during inspiration only a tightness of the chest; drawing pain, like that caused by a prick or a bruise, which returns when drawing breath. Drawing pains in the whole chest as far as the back, during expiration; it seems to her as if the stretched fibres return to their place, which gives her severe pain, felt between the shoulder and in each side of the chest (third day). Difficult breathing; shortness of breath (second day). Uneasy respiration. Oppression of the chest; some difficulty in swallowing, it seems to her as if water would return through the nose; internal burning in the oesophagus and chest; she is very much better at midday than in the morning, and very much worse in the evening; amelioration from walking in the open air; everything she swallows, and even the act of breathing, gives her a pain in the back (fourth day). Strangulation when she begins to eat or drink (fourth day).

Until nearly 3 A.M., she is forced to keep her mouth open in order to breathe; the air which enters there gives her pain, and burns as if everything was alive, which gives her a great deal of distress; the uvula is swollen and red, an tongue rather white and red on the edge (sixth day).


Painful weariness in the chest and under the ribs (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.