Evacuations in the morning, attended with strong urgings in the bowels, with heat and pain in the anus. An evacuation of liquid matter, colored yellow, and every hour for five hours the evacuation was repeated. Liquid stools, with colic (second day).

Two green, watery stools (seventh day); five thin, watery, green discharges during the day, with considerable pain and griping (eighth day). Evacuations of green stools, in the morning.

Stools muco-gelatinous, small and infrequent, with flatulence, and pain in the region of the sacrum. About 4 A.M. had an evacuation, which consisted of yellow, undigested faeces, mixed with mucus, and was of an offensive odor; about 10 A.M. had another evacuation, which was accompanied with violent tenesmus, lasting some time after the evacuation; the stool was of a burning, acrid character, excoriated the anus, and caused much bearing down during and after the stool (first day); about 2.30 A.M. had an evacuation from the bowels (second night). Small solid evacuation at 9 P.M.; a copious loose stool at 12 P.M.; the next morning two more thin dejections resulted, attended with some griping pains, and an uncomfortable feeling of chilliness.

Bowels moved twice, but not copiously, attended with very much pain and deadly nausea (after twelve hours). No movement of the bowels since the second day, but felt like it several times (fourth day). Diarrhoea and constipation, alternating every day or two, for several days after the most prominent symptoms had disappeared.

Urinary Organs

Micturition painful (sixth day). Scanty Urine, with frequent voiding. Urine very red (fourth day).

Sexual Organs

Sticking pain above the pubes, and in the course of the spermatic cords. Inflammation either of the scrotum or the eyes, seldom both. The inflammation of the scrotum is attended with a pustular eruption, which suppurates very freely. Symptoms of prolapsus uteri, with pain in the sacrum, flatulence infrequent, muco- gelatinous stools (three cases). Sensation at stool as if the genital organs would fall out, in females. After pains, with strong bearing down. Pain in right ovary and uterus (sixth day).

Respiratory Organs

Sensation of suffocation, when first lying down at night.

Shortness of breath. Inclination to breathe deeply; sighing.


Snapping in the right hung, like breaking thread, when taking a deep inspiration. Pains in the chest, increased by taking a deep inspiration. Feeling of oppression in chest, with constant inclination to take a deep inspiration, but was prevented from so doing on account of a feeling of constriction in the chest (first morning). Sensation in the chest, as if the heart were ascending to the throat.

Heart and Pulse

Sticking pain in the region of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, from physical exertion, in persons subject to rumbling in the ascending colon; heavy sleep, and a feeling of fatigue on awaking in morning, followed by drowsiness in the forenoon (numerous cases). Palpitation of the heart, from exertion or mental emotion. Pulse. Pulse 100 (fourth day); 110 in the morning, 116 in the afternoon (fifth day). Pulse quicker and smaller than usual, with slight palpitation of the heart (first morning). Pulse 76, full and strong (before the experiment); 64 (one hour after three pills); the same, small and feeble, accompanied with slight nausea (after three hours). Pulse 74, full and strong (before the experiment); 61 (one hour after two pills); still the same, weak and small (after three hours).

Normal pulse 76; diminished to 65, and continued so for about two hours (one hour after one pill). Pulse very weak, and scarcely perceptible at the wrist.

Neck and Back

Pain in the nape with soreness, increased by motion. Stiffness of the nape, with soreness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

Pain between the shoulders, in the morning. Pain between the shoulders, with soreness, worse night and morning, and increased by motion. Pain under the right shoulder-blade. Pain in the small of the back, when walking or standing, with the sensation of the back bending inward. Pain in the lumbar region, with the sensation of coldness, worse at night, and from motion.

Pain in the loins, increased by a misstep, and walking over uneven ground.


Aching of the limbs, worse at night. Weakness of the joints, especially the knees. Weakness of the wrists, with soreness to the touch. Pain and weakness in the left hip, like rheumatism from cold, increased by going upstairs. Pains in the thighs, legs, and knees, worse from standing. Spasmodic sensation in right thigh and leg (fifth day). Heaviness and stiffness of the knees, as after a long walk. Cracking in the knee-joints from motion. Pain in the left knee, leg, and foot. More pain and cramps in right leg, in the afternoon (fifth day). Sharp pain in the outer and upper portion of the left foot.


Faintness, with the sensation of emptiness in the abdomen after stool. Sensation of great prostration attended the pain in the stomach. Stiffness on beginning to move. Very nervous and crampy (fifth day). Sudden shocks of jerking pains. Distress after the first sleep, in the evening. All the symptoms except the feeling of weakness in the epigastric region aggravated from 2 to 4 A.M. (second day).


Very evident rubefacient and vesicant effects. It produces a rapid pustulation, which appears first in the form of minute vesicles filled with a serous fluid, which speedily changes to a whitish or yellowish pus; the superficial inflammation is at the same time quite severe; the pustules, as a general thing, are slow in healing. Eruption of “scabs” on the arms and legs.

Intolerable itching of the skin on the body and arms; on scratching, it raises up in blotches in like hives (eighth day).


Drowsy and difficult to wake, in the morning. Sleepiness in the daytime, especially in the forenoon, with rumbling in the bowels.

Sleepiness, early in the evening. Too heavy sleep at night. Rising up in bed during sleep, without waking. Moaning in sleep, with eyelids half closed. Unrefreshed by sleep, on waking in the morning. Restlessness in the forepart of the night.


Chilliness. In the afternoon had a chill, followed by some fever and headache (third day); some fever and headache (fourth day).

Chilliness (second day). Uncomfortable feeling of chilliness with the stool (second day). Shivering and a feeling of prostration (after four hours). The pain in the bowels at first is attended with coldness, which is followed by heat and warm perspiration.

Coldness of the feet. Heat. Felt feverish during the afternoon, with occasional spells of chilliness, which was not relieved by the heat of the stove, but was relieved by covering up warmly in bed (first day). After stool, at 10 A.M.

feverishness, with frontal headache (first day). Intermittent fever, quotidian, tertian, and quartan. Temperature of body considerably increased (first morning). Flashes of heat running up the back, after stool. Sweat. Profuse sweating, so much so that it dropped off of the prover’s finger-ends. Bathed in cold perspiration. Perspiration of the feet, in the evening.

Conditions Aggravation

(Morning). Dulness; headache, etc.; on rising, pain in top of head; teeth covered with mucus; dryness of mouth and tongue; sore throat; after rising, sick feeling; pain in bowels; abdominal symptoms; diarrhoea; green stool; pain between shoulders; drowsiness. (Forenoon). Pain in temples; drowsiness. (Afternoon).

Pain in left frontal protuberance; acidity; 5 P.M. pain in abdomen; pain and cramps in right leg; chilliness; feverishness.

(Toward evening). Thirst. (Evening). Soreness of throat; flatulence; after first sleep, distress; sleepiness; sweat of feet. (Night). Taste of liver in mouth; 2 A.M. weakness in epigastric region; pain in stomach; 3 A.M. pain in transverse colon; when first lying down, suffocation; pain between shoulders; pain in lumbar region; aching of limbs; 2 to 4 A.M.

nearly all symptoms. (After breakfast). Burning in stomach.

(While eating). Stitches in right hypochondrium. Aggravation, (After eating). Thirst. (After eating and drinking). Diarrhoea.

(Exertion). Palpitation of heat. (Going upstairs). Pain in left hip. (Deep inspiration). Snapping in right lung; pains in chest.

(Lying on back). Pain in bowels. (Mental emotion). Palpitation of heart. (Misstep). Pain in loins. (Motion). Tenderness of stomach; pain in nape; pain between shoulders; pain in lumbar region; cracking in knee- joints. (While standing in open air). Vertigo.

(Standing). Pain in small of back; pain in thighs, legs, and knees. (After stool). Frontal headache; dryness of forehead.

(Swallowing liquids). Sore throat. (Walking). Pain in small of back; over uneven ground, pain in loins. (Cold water). Oppression and uneasiness in stomach.


(Evening). Abdominal symptoms. (Bathing parts in cold water).

Dryness of forehead and eyes. (Bending forward). Pain in bowels.

(Flexing thighs upon abdomen). Pain in bowels. (Pressure).

Headache through temples; pain in bowels. (External warmth). Pain in bowels.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.