Hog Apple, Duck’s Foot. See “Transactions of American Institute of Homoeopathy. I.
Arsenicum, Bryonia, Nux-v., puls., Sepia, Sulphur
Sudden shocks of jerking pain.
The symptoms generally, but especially the abdomen symptoms, are aggravated in the morning and better in the evening.
Softness of the flesh, with debility in children. Moistness of the skin, with preternatural warmth. Sallowness of the skin in children.
Restlessness in the fore part of the night. Sleepiness early in the evening. Restless sleep of children, with whimpering at night. Moaning in sleep, with eye-lids half closed. A feeling of fatigue on waking in the morning.
Chilliness while moving about during fever, and in the act of lying down. Chilliness when first lying down in the evening, followed by fever and sleep. Fever attended with constipation. Fever with incoherent talking. Intermittent fever, quotidian, tertian and quartan. Back-ache before the chill. The shaking and a sensation of coldness continues for some time after the heat commences. Some thirst during the chill, but more through the heat. Delirium and loquacity during the hot stage, with forget- fulness afterwards of all that passed. Violent pain in the head, with excessive thirst during the fever. Sleep during the perspiration. Loss of appetite in the apyrexia.
Giddiness and dizziness, with the sensation of fullness over the eyes. Morning headache, with heat in the vertex. Delirium and loquacity during fever, with excessive thirst. Rolling of the head, during difficult dentition in children. Perspiration of the head, during sleep, with coldness of the flesh while teething. Sudden pain in the forehead with soreness of the throat, in the evening. Vertigo, with inclination to fall forwards. Headache alternating with diarrhoea. Heavy dull pain in the forehead, with soreness over the seat of the pain. Morning headache with flushed face.
Smarting of the eyes. Drawing sensation in the eyes, accompanying pain in the head. Pain in the eye-balls, and in the temples, with heat, and throbbing of the temporal arteries.
Grinding of the teeth at night, especially with children during dentition.
Copious salivation. Offensive odor from the mouth. Offensiveness of the breath at night, perceptible to the patient. Sourness of the mouth. White fur on the tongue with foul taste.
Dryness of the throat. Rattling of mucus in the throat. Goitre. Sore throat, commencing on the right side and then going to the left.
Voracious appetite. Satiety from a small quantity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting. Regurgitation of food. Loss of appetite. Putrid taste in the mouth. Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking.
Sourness of the stomach. Acid eructations. Nausea and vomiting with fullness in the head. Regurgitation of food vomiting of hot frothy mucus. Vomiting of food with putrid taste and odor. Heartburn. Water-brash. Heat in the stomach. Belching of hot flatus, which is very sour. Throbbing in the epigastrium, followed by diarrhoea. Stitches in the epigastrium from coughing. food turns sour soon after eating. Gastric affections, attended by depression of spirits.
Colic, with retractions of the abdominal muscles. Sensation of the heat in the bowels, accompanying the inclination to go to stool. Chronic hepatitis, with costiveness. Fullness, with pain and soreness in the right hypochondrium. Cramp-like pain in the bowels, with retractions of the abdominal muscles. Sharp pain above the right groin, preventing motion in the letter months of pregnancy.
Constipation with flatulence and headache. Constipation, accompanying remittent fever. The faeces are hard and dry, and voided with difficulty. Chronic diarrhoea worse in the morning. Extreme weakness and cutting pain in the intestines, after stool. Diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking. Faeces yellow or dark-green. White slimy stools. Cholera-infantum. Evacuations, consisting of darkish-yellow mucus, which smells like carrion. Frequent chalk-like stools, which are very offensive with gagging and excessive thirst in children. Painful diarrhoea, with screaming and grinding of the teeth, in children during dentition. Hot watery evacuations. Frothy mucus stools. Food passes the bowels in an undigested state. Chronic diarrhoea with prolapsus-ani at every stool, in children. Prolapsus-ani with diarrhoea. Prolapsus-ani of long standing. The prolapsus occurs most frequently in the morning. Constant pain in the lumbar region.
Enuresis. Involuntary discharge of urine during sleep. Diminished secretion of urine. Suppression of urine. Frequent nocturnal, urination during pregnancy.
Relaxed menstruation. Suppression of the menses in young female. Leucorrhoea; discharge of thick transparent mucus. Leucorrhoea attended with constipation, and bearing down in the genital organs. Prolapsus-uteri. Symptoms of prolapsus-uteri continuing for several weeks after parturition. Pain in the region of the ovarian, especially the right. Numb aching pain in the region of the left ovarium, with heat running through the left thigh in the third month of pregnancy. Ability to lie comfortable only on the stomach, in the earlier months of pregnancy. Swelling of the labia during pregnancy. After-pains attended with heats and flatulency.
Cough accompanying intermittent fever. Dry cough. Loose hacking cough. Whooping cough, attended with costiveness and loss of appetite.
Pains in the chest, increased by taking a deep inspiration. Inclination to breathe deeply sighing. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, when first lying down at night. Palpitation of the heart, from exertion or mental emotion. Palpitation of the heart. Sticking pain in the region of the heart. palpitation of the heart, from physical exertion.
Pain in the lumber region, with the sensation of coldness, worse at night and from motion. Pain between the shoulders, with soreness. stiffness of the nape, with soreness of the muscles of the neck and shoulders.
Rheumatism in the left fore arm and fingers. Weakness of the wrists, with soreness to the touch.
Pains in the thighs, legs, and knees, worse from standing. Weakness of the joints, especially the knees. Slight paralytic weakness of the whole left side of one year’s duration. Aching in the limbs, worse at night. Coldness of the feet.