

Scraping in the throat. Scraped sensation in the throat, that provoked frequent hawking, which relieved for the moment, in the morning (third day). Transient stitches in the throat, at 5 P.M.

(second day). Sensation of dryness in the throat, with thirst, not relieved by a glass of water, in the evening (second day).

Burning, as from much pepper, gradually extending from the tongue through the fauces and oesophagus to the stomach, lasting from 6 A.M. to 4 P.M., when it began to diminish, but was still felt the next morning, immediately. Burning in the throat (fifth night).

Sensation as though a morsel were sticking in the throat when eating, at noon (fifth day). Fauces and Pharynx. Disagreeable scraped feeling in the fauces, immediately after a dose (third day). Scraping in the fauces, after the dose (fifth day). Feeling of tension in the pharynx when drinking, with a disagreeable tickling in both ears, that obliges frequent hawking, in the evening, (fourth day). Acute pressure in the pharynx, that on swallowing became a burning, not affected by external pressure, at 5 P.M.; the sensation continued to increased till 9 A.M., when it became a sensation of swelling, after which it soon disappeared (fifth day). Swallowing. Painful swallowing (first night).


Appetite and Thirst. Appetite great; I ate an unusual amount and with unusual haste, without a feeling of satiety; on rising from a meal there was a distressing pressure in the stomach, as from a heavy weight, with desire to drink a great deal; after taking a few steps there was a sensation as if something were pulling in the stomach, that caused a feeling of tension in the oesophagus (sixth day). Appetite diminished (eighth day); (second day). Loss of appetite (first day). Complete loss of appetite (third day).

Thirst increased (eighth day). Considerable thirst (third day).

Great thirst (fifth day). Eructations. Frequent eructations of gas (first night). Frequent empty eructations, followed after half an hour by vomiting of yellowish-green, bitter, and astringent liquid (third day). Empty eructations (fifth day).

Eructations and hiccough (after one drop). Eructations (second day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, with inclination to vomit.

Qualmishness (after twenty minutes). Nausea and qualmishness, relieved after repeated eructations of gas (after four hours).

Vomiting twice (half an hour after 1 drop). Vomiting (fifth day).

Sudden, gushing vomiting twice at night, without any other symptoms. Stomach. Pressure in the stomach, aggravated after eating (fourth day). Heaviness and pressure in the stomach, followed by a sensation of qualmishness (fourth day). Violent cutting pains in the epigastrium, followed by two thin, frothy stools, at 5 A.M.


Umbilicus. Contractive pain in the umbilical region, always after eating. Slight griping in the umbilical region, followed by a sensation as though diarrhoea would occur, in the morning (third day). Violent griping about the umbilicus, with urgent desire for stool, half an hour after dinner; evacuation of a dark pasty stool, followed by relief of the pain in the abdomen, in the afternoon (third day). Griping in the abdomen, at times slight, mostly about the umbilicus, sometimes associated with great urging to stool (fifth day). Violent griping about the umbilicus, with painful rumbling and the evacuation of gas from the bowels, and at times desire for stool, while walking about in the open air, in the forenoon; towards 11 A.M. the desire for stool was very great, and gas was occasionally emitted, with transient relief; the desire for stool increased, till at noon it became so violent that I was obliged to return to the house, when there followed an evacuation which was almost black, with painful griping and rumbling in the abdomen, and violent painful dragging in the rectum; after the stool there was great weakness of the lower extremities, coldness of the abdomen, and cold sweat on the forehead (sixth day). Crawling about the umbilicus, gradually disappearing along the rectus muscle towards the symphysis pubis, in the evening, after going to bed (third day). General Abdomen.

Rumbling in the abdomen, followed by three serous evacuations, with burning in the anus (after 1 drop). Rumbling in the abdomen (third and fifth days). Rumbling in the abdomen, without emission of flatus (fifth day). Painless rumbling and movements in the abdomen, with a flatulent sensation, in the evening (sixth day).

Rumbling and griping in the transverse colon, followed by a watery stool mixed with mucus, at 4.45 A.M. (second day).

Griping, painless movement and rumbling low down in the abdomen (third day). Sharp cutting pain low down in the abdomen, followed by desire for stool (seventh day). Painless movement in the abdomen, in the forenoon (seventh day). Feeling of coldness through the abdomen, in a warm room, in the morning (fourth day).

Slight chilliness in the upper abdomen, even in a warm room, in the morning (sixth day). Drawing sticking pains in the left inguinal region (third day).

Rectum and Anus.

Painful pressure in the rectum, with constant griping in the abdomen, followed by profuse dark, pasty stool, succeeded by burning and tenesmus in the anus, that lasted nearly half an hour, at noon; the desire for stool returned and was sudden, but in spite of painful pressure in the rectum no stool, only a little mucus and gas were evacuated, though the burning in the anus lasted a quarter of an hour (fifth day). Discharge of white mucus from the anus, provoking scratching of the anus, and followed by some burning (third day). Desire for stool followed by copious watery and pasty stools, evacuated suddenly and with a noise, without previous pain in the abdomen, at 7 A.M. (fourth day).

Sudden sensation as of diarrhoea, with urgent desire for stool and a quite painless, dark pasty evacuation, in the morning (fifth day). Sudden sensation of diarrhoea, followed by a desire for stool and evacuation of a scanty, light ochre-yellow, pasty stool, with relief of the pain, in the morning (sixth day).


Pasty, yellowish-brown stool, at 9 P.M., followed after an hour by a similar evacuation, with griping pain in the umbilical region (first day). Watery stool mixed with mucus, preceded by rumbling and hard, afterwards diarrhoea-like, of a rusty-brown color, followed by tenesmus and burning in the anus (seventh day). There was no stool for four days after the diarrhoea; however the stool which occurred subsequent to this constipation was perfectly normal. Stool at first pasty, then liquid (fifth day). (Evacuation of two round worms with the stool). The stool, which was usually daily, omitted for five days, when there was a bluish, nodular stool, evacuated with great effort (after third day).

Urinary Organs.

Pressure in the bladder, immediately followed by a desire to urinate, and on arising to attend to it, cutting pain seeming to extend from the root of the penis into the base of the bladder; the pain was sudden and violent and obliged me to sit perfectly still for a while, and when it disappeared there remained a sensation of heaviness in the bladder, which disappeared after urinating, in the evening (eighth day). Violent burning in the navicular fossa of the urethra, during and after micturition in the morning; micturition was scanty and unsatisfactory (fifth day). Frequent sudden desire to urinate, so that I could scarcely reach the closet, but only a few drops of urine were passed, followed by a sensation as though the bladder were full, in the afternoon; in the evening there was copious micturition, with relief of the distressing sensation (sixth day). Urgent desire to urinate, followed by scanty micturition five times during the day; during the afternoon, however, there was copious micturition (ninth day). Increased secretion of urine, especially at night.

Urine somewhat increased during the proving, especially in the morning, so that I always woke with some painfulness in the region of the bladder, that disappeared after the copious emission of urine. Urine scanty, darker than usual (fifth day).

Urine dark, with a reddish-yellow sediment (fifth day).

Sexual organs

Transient drawing sticking extending along the right side of the penis and along the urethra (ninth day). Violent erection (third night).

Respiratory organs

(Violent bronchial catarrh came on at night, but could not be ascribed to the drug).


Slight burning at the articulation of the clavicle with the sternum, in the morning (second day). Several coarse stitches in the pectoralis major muscle, so that I held my breath and waited till they disappeared, at 6 P.M. (third day). Stitches between the fourth and fifth ribs of the right side. Transient stitches in the right side (sixth day). Drawing pain accompanied by transient stitches at the point of insertion of the serratus magnus muscle of the right side of the thorax, especially painful on turning the body (second day). Pain in the right side of the chest continued (second and third days); on the fourth day it extended up to the right scapula and thence to the nape of the neck, becoming so violent in the night that I was compelled to jump out of bed and cry out; it seemed as though a number of needles were sticking into the head until the head was turned towards the side, associated with profuse perspiration, painful inspiration, and excessive heat of the head; the application of a mustard paste aggravated the pain, but it was gradually relieved after the application of ice, but for a long time motion of the head was interfered with. Slight tensive pain in the region of the fourth rib, possibly caused by the uncomfortable position in which he was lying, immediately disappearing on rising (fourth day). Slight pain like tension in the anterior wall of the chest, especially on the right side, in the region of the fourth to sixth ribs, on deep inspiration; on the next day the same pain continued, but seemed to extend over a larger surface, never involving the whole wall of the thorax at once, occurring now in the anterior, now in the posterior portion, or at times in the right or left side, or even at two different places at the same time; it was most frequent and most violent in the forepart of the chest, on the right side between the fourth and sixth ribs, and on the posterior portion of the left side of the scapula, most rarely felt on the right side posteriorly; from the anterior right side of the chest it at times extended backwards toward the sides.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.