
We find the symptoms predominating in the right side of the head and neck, the right upper extremity, the right side of the chest, and the right lower extremity. When a pain occurred it came with its full force at once, and so continued toll it ceased, and then was followed by drowsiness and stupor, and even full sleep. Many of the symptoms are attended with heat. All the symptoms took place in from twenty to thirty minutes after nausea was first felt. In the above extract there are forty symptoms located on the right side, and thirty-one on the left. In several instances the symptoms appeared on the left side first, and either passed over to the right, or the next symptom occurred on the right side. All the symptoms worse on motion and in the open air, except the headache, which was relieved in the open air (after three hours and three-quarters). All the symptoms, except the pain in the bowels, somewhat aggravated, at 11 A.M.; most of the symptoms begin to subside at 10 P.M. (second day). All symptoms relieved while lying down, except the scraping and excoriation of the throat, and the expectoration of tenacious saliva (after five hours). All the symptoms relieved by eating, especially those in the throat (second day). The pain was less when in the open air.


Surface shrunken and of a leaden color. She was covered from the crown of the head to the soles of her feet with an eruption the like of which I never beheld; it began on the scalp and spread downwards to the very toe-nails; it consisted of erythematous blotches of irregular shape, slightly elevated, of a pale-red or pink color, very sore and painful, itching slightly only on desquamation, but too sore to allow any scratching for relief, and terminating in a dark-red or purple spot, taking about thirty days for each to pass through its various stages of eruption and desquamation, and about the same length of time to advance from the head to the feet, so that the eruption could be seen at one time in all its stages of development; there was no accompanying fever, no swelling. After Mercurius sol., 3D. x trit., which relieved the sleeplessness, and finally also the pains, the eruption grew worse rather than better, and even invaded the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the nose and mouth; and now, after a lapse of three months, it is in the fauces and oesophagus, having entirely disappeared from the external surface. Eruption on the upper lip, left side. Eruption of spots on the chest of the size of lentils, elevated, with great itching. Pustule behind the right ear. A small boil behind the right ear. A painful boil on the left side of the neck. Suppuration of a tumor behind the right ear, with a discharge of matter and blood. Suppuration of painless tumors.

Drawing in cicatrices. On the third day after taking the medicine an itching commenced on his hands and feet, and spread over the entire body; four hours after this began a rash showed itself, following the same course that the itching did; with this the itching started with renewed force, and became so severe that he could hardly contain himself; which would relieve him for a few moments, but was always worse afterwards; he could not lie in bed, as the heat of the bed was more than he could bear, it aggravated the itching so badly; his skin was very red, and if he exercised, so as to feel the least warm little vesicles could be discerned under the cuticle. Itching on the left leg, on the calf, which afterwards appeared also on the right leg, and was accompanied in the latter part of the time with a lichen-looking eruption; the itching lasted two or three, weeks, and was always worse in the first part of the night, often hindering me from falling asleep until midnight.


Sleepiness. Yawning. Frequent gaping in the daytime. Drowsiness.

Sleepiness; (after one hour and a half). We all passed a restless night (first night). Sleeplessness. Restless through the night, with pains in the knees, arms, and chest (first night). Sleep restless and disturbed, during the first half of the night, by scraping and tickling in the throat, which;occasioned a frequent disposition to cough. Very restless, though suffering no pain; could not get to sleep until late (third night); much nervous restlessness; after waking could not get to sleep again for a long time (fourth night). Restless sleep at night; he lies on his stomach. Very wakeful at night.


Chilliness. Chilliness (after five hours). During the night, after the nausea, etc., had passed away, external chilliness, with perspiration; putting the hand outside of the clothes sends a shiver over him; coldness and internal shivering in stomach and bowels during the pains, even though these parts felt hot to him externally. Coldness. Great coldness (after one hour). Great coldness and withered appearance of the extremities; they felt like the hands and feet of the dead. During the whole of the sickness, from first to last, the patients complained of a sense of coldness. The whole body was cold; some shivering, but not so much as the general coldness would warrant. The temperature of the surface of the body appeared greatly below the natural standard, without moisture. Skin cold, somewhat bluish (after one hour and a half). Coldness in the head. Extremities cold, towards evening (after a few hours). Coldness of the feet, with increase of the capillary circulation about the face and head. Heat.

Towards morning became very feverish and thirsty, with burning all over, but more particularly in the bottom of the feet, which seemed bloated like puff balls, although they were not hot to the hand. Alternately very hot, then very cold hands and feet. Some fever (first night). Heat in the head, with slight dizziness and nausea (after three hours, third day). Heat in the head. Heat in the face, after dinner. Heat on the left side of the face, in the afternoon. Heat, with redness of the face and a sensation of fullness about the head, and coldness of the feet. No fever or heat anywhere except in face and head. Sweat. Profuse sweat and great sensation of coldness accompanied the vomit and purging.

Free sweating of the feet, most under the toes. Cool perspiration, especially on the forehead and hands (after three hours). Cool perspiration on the forehead, with the dull, pressing pain in the forehead (after one hour and a quarter).



(Morning), 7 A.M., pain in temple and forehead;;swelling of eyelids; symptoms of eyes and eyelids; dryness of the palate; secretion of saliva; sore throat; swelling of soft palate; dryness of throat; dryness of fauces; dryness in pharynx; on waking, pressure in stomach; symptoms of stomach, throat, and mouth; before daylight, pain in right hypochondrium; diarrhoea; pain in spermatic cords; dryness in trachea; 7 A.M., pain in lungs; stiffness of neck and back; 4 o’clock, pain in dorsum of right foot.

(Forenoon), Heaviness or weight in the head; headache; while riding, sensation as of a pin in throat; 11 A.M., pain in back of neck and spinal column; the symptoms.

(Afternoon), 3 P.M., pressure in head; pressure around eyes; on swallowing, dryness and soreness of throat; a gurgling sensation in parotid gland; abdominal symptoms; heaviness in lower extremities; symptoms of lower extremities; heat on left side of face; heat.

(Evening), Photophobia; on going to bed, dryness of throat; pain in left hypochondrium; sensation in trachea; while riding, pain in left side of back; general lassitude.

(Night), Agglutination of eyelids; towards morning, thirst and feverishness; on being woke out of sleep, nausea; 9.30 P.M. to 5 A.M., vomiting; pain from anus into lower part of rectum; towards morning, pain in left side; after midnight, chest symptoms; stiffness of neck; pain in right big toe; forepart, itching; restless sleep; chilliness; toward morning feverishness.

(Open air), Rheumatic pain in right knee; the symptoms.

(Bending shoulder backwards), Pain in right side of chest.

(Contracting part), Pain in trapezius muscle.

(After dinner), Aching pain about forehead; pains in forehead; pressure in forehead; heat in face.

(After eating), Hunger.

(Extending arm), Aching in right upper arm; pain and tenderness in arms.

(Gaslight), Smarting in the internal canthi of both eyes.

(Full inspiration), Pain in cardiac portion of stomach.

(Looking down), Pain in head.

(Lying in right side), Pain in chest.

(Motion), Headache in vertex; pain in umbilical region; pain in lumbar and sacral regions; aching in right upper arm; pains.

(Odor of root), Nausea.

(Pressure), Pain in stomach; pain in trapezius muscle; pain and tenderness in arms; pains.

(Resting arm upon table), Twitching and fluttering of the muscles.

(Riding), Pain in head; obstruction of nose; pain in stomach, passing to chest.

(Rising and walking about), Intoxicated feeling.

(Stepping from high step to ground), Pain in top of head.

(Stooping), Pain in head.

(When swallowing), Pain in root of tongue; saliva, feeling as if a lump were in throat.

(Taking a long breath), Pain in right side of chest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.