
Heart and Pulse

Constrictive feeling at the praecordia, with pressure in the temples. Great pain in precordial region, very much worse by walking. Occasional shocks of pain in the region of the heart, and as soon as the pain in the heart ceases, a similar pain appears in the right arm. Could feel the heart beat very distinctly. Pulse rapid. Pulse rapid and very feeble (after five hours). Pulse 80 (before the proving); 84 (after third dose, second day, and remained so during the proving). Pulse 110, full but soft, at 3 P.M. (second day). Pulse over 100. Pulse hard and full, at 7 A.M. (second day). Tense, strong, full pulse, of about 100 per minute, after he had just ceased to purge. Pulse very low, towards evening (after a few hours). Pulse slow and feeble (after one hour and a half). Pulse small, depressed (after one hour and a half). Pulse small and threadlike, irregular, and with much agitation in the chest, especially about the region of the heart.

Neck and Back

Hardness of the gland on the right side of the neck. Stiffness in the right side of the neck, worse in bed, after midnight. Neck has felt stiff for several nights (seventeenth day). Awoke in the;morning, with stiffness about the neck (second day). The back is very stiff, every;morning. Towards evening, while riding, a laming pain began in the left side of the back, below the shoulder-blade; at 9.30 P.M., the pain had reached the region of the spine, and was of a pricking, stitching character (fourth day). Severe pain behind the scapulae, when walking. Intense griping pain in small column, at 11 A.M. (second day). Pain in the loins, with slight suppression of urine (after three hours, third day). Pain in the left lumbar region, followed immediately by severe itching. Constant, dull heavy pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, aggravated by motion. Pains shooting from sacrum down both hips (outside) to feet. This was kept up all the time.


Intense cramps of the extremities; they would gather the muscles into great knots, hard and ridged, coming on suddenly, continuing a few moments, and then in a moment they would be flaccid and sore. Rheumatic symptoms in all the joints, at 3 P.M. (second day). Sudden translation of internal pains to the extremities.

The pains;in the extremities are always in the;outer portion of the limbs.

Superior Extremities.

Shoulder. Both shoulder-blades ached all the time. Left shoulder ached for some time, about noon (fourth day). Pain throughout the muscles of the left shoulder. For several days pain in right shoulder-joint, only felt on sudden motion (seventeenth day). A lasting pain in the left shoulder-blade, as if from a blow. Dull aching pain and tenesmus along the top of the right shoulder, along the superior edge of the trapezius muscle, increased by pressing upon the part and by contracting the muscle. Sensation of weight and pressure on both shoulder-blades, as after carrying a heavy load. Sensation of weight and pressure on both shoulder- blades. An occasional sensation as if a small piece of cold;iron;were pressed on the painful shoulder-blade. Severe rheumatism in the left shoulder. Arm. Arms ache. Spasmodic jerkings of the arms and legs. Arms were almost paralyzed; no strength in them; could not lift the babe. Weakness and aching in the bone of the right arm; above the elbow, aggravated by motion and extension. Dull aching pain and excessive tenderness, as if from bruise, in the muscles of the outside of the right upper arm, most severe for about two inches above the elbow, felt particularly when the part is pressed upon and touched, and when extending the arm. Pain appears in the right arm after a similar pain ceases in the heart. Pain at the humeral insertion of the left deltoid muscle. Slight drawing pains in the right upper arm.

Tenderness in the outside of the left arm just above the elbow, when pressing upon it, and when extending the arm. Twitching and fluttering of the muscles of the right upper arm, while;it is resting on a table. Forearm. The forearms ached after going to bed; the pain seemed to be in the bones, and was uninfluenced by position (first day). Rheumatic drawing in the right forearm.

Rheumatic drawing in the left forearm along the ulna, and the same sensation in the right leg. Hand and Fingers. Spasmodic jerkings of the hands and legs. Rheumatic pains in the hands and feet, sometimes in the arms and legs. Drawing pain in the right hand, now and then, by shocks upwards to the elbow. Rheumatic pains, first in the left hand, and afterwards in the right one.

Neuralgic pains in the palms of the right hand. Rheumatic feeling in the little finger of the right hand, very annoying when writing. Occasional frequent sudden pricking in the points of the fingers, as if from electric sparks. Lancinating pain in the little and ring fingers of the right hand. Violent shooting pain in the fleshy part of the left thumb, lasting about half a minute. Shooting, like needles, in the end of the left thumb.

Shooting in the finger-joints, sometimes in one hand and sometimes in the other. Ends of the fingers all throb and ache, as if they were going to suppurate (this symptom lasted three days).

Inferior Extremities.

Weakness of lower extremities; could walk with difficulty. Lower extremities very weak; could not stand up. Heaviness in the lower extremities, as if they were asleep, in the afternoon. The symptoms of the lower extremities are worse in the afternoon.

Severe cramps in lower extremities (after one hour and a half).

Thigh. Neuralgic pain on the outer side of the left thigh.

Neuralgic pain in the external part of the left thigh. Neuralgic pain in the external part of the right thigh. Sciatica. Knee.

Heaviness in the knee-joints, tired form a little walk. Pains in the knees and arms, with the restlessness (first night).

Rheumatic pain in the right knee, in the afternoon, increasing in the open air, and especially on a damp day. Rheumatic feeling in the left knee, with the sensation of shortening of the tendons behind the knee, when walking. Leg. Legs ache and feel very stiff about the knees, aggravated by walking. Rheumatic pains below the knees and in the arms. Rheumatic drawing in the right leg and in the left forearm along the ulna. Severe pains through both ankles and feet. A stinging pain in the left instep, relieved by pressure (second day). Foot and Toes. A striking pain in the ball of the left foot, which lasted about half an hour (after three hours, fourth day). Pains at a spot on the ball of the right foot, which had been frostbitten years before, and in a corn never painful before. Pain on dorsum of right foot, at four o’clock in the morning. Neuralgic pain in the right big toe, in the middle of the night.


Extremities; stiff; hands firmly shut; feet extended and toes flexed; eyes bleared and dancing; pupils contracted; lower lids drawn down; teeth clenched; lips everted and firm; muscular rigidity was general and opisthotonos established; the circulation numbered 85 beats per minute;;pulse;soft and unresisting; respiration difficult and oppressed; mucous rale, distinct and audible anywhere in the room; the contraction of the masseters precluded the idea of addressing remedies by mouth, and the amount of mucus in the bronchia that of administering anesthetics (after one hour); during the next hour he had increased muscular rigidity generally, with convulsive action of the;muscles of the face and neck (the chin drawn closely down to the sternum), which condition would last five or ten minutes, to be succeeded by partial relaxation, and return in twenty minutes more with the same violence. Great desire for cold water, to be bathed in it; could scarcely keep him form dashing water over himself. In some instances convulsions. The secretion of tears, saliva, bile, urine, and the menses is increased. Faintness; felt as if he would fall, and grasped objects for support (after two hours). Faintness (soon). Extreme faintness. Felt very weak (second day). Began to feel general weakness and discomfort (after three hours). Great prostration accompanying the vomiting and purging; much debility. Feeling of weakness, with the dull pressing pain in forehead (after one hour and a quarter).

Weakness (after one hour). Prostration of strength. Greatly prostrated, and could speak only in a whisper (after one hour and a half). Seemed strong until she tried to get up, then was not able to stand, was obliged to be raised up at last to vomit; was left very weak and prostrated, which passed off gradually.

Feeling a lassitude and indisposition to move (second day). In the evening a feeling of general lassitude has excited since 12 o’clock (fourth day). Feeling of lassitude, with the headache (first night). Dread of movement. Toward evening we were confined to our beds, and the whole family were alarmed, thinking we would die (after a few hours). Great muscular debility and lassitude, with desire to lie down (after three hours); muscular weakness increasing (after three hours and three-quarters); debility and trembling on motion increased (after five hours). Sore and somewhat stiffened (second day). Feel sore all over, from head to foot, at 7 A.M. (second day). Feeling of soreness in the muscles (third day). Throbbing sensation throughout the whole system. The pains are sometimes followed by itching and burning Transitory pains. The pains all partake of the nature of neuralgia; they are pressing and shooting, sometimes sore, drawing, and aching; the pains are all made worse by motion and by pressure. Sticking- stinging pains in various parts, but always in the extremities, and from without inwards, and hear the surface (after four days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.