Phosphoricum acidum


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea every quarter of an hour, for four times, with colic. Diarrhoea, not prostrating. Stool soft, every two or three hours (after twenty-four hours). Thin whitish-gray stools.

Stool involuntary, pasty, bright-yellow, with a sensation as if he would emit flatus. Stool evacuated with great exertion, though it was not hard. Stool soft and copious (after seventy-two hours). Stool hard, crumbly. Stool hard (after five hours). Stool only after thirty-two hours, at first hard, then pasty.

Stool very hard, difficult (after thirty hours). Stool daily the first six days, afterwards only every forty- eight and later only every seventy-two hours. Constipation. Unusual constipation, with frequent ineffectual desire. No stool, with very much distended abdomen. No stool, with flatulent distension of the abdomen, for two days (after ten days).

Urinary organs

Bladder and Urethra. Painful spasmodic constriction in the bladder without desire to urinate. Swelling about he orifice of the urethra. Violent burning in the urethra, that stops the flow of urine, immediately followed by desire to urinate. Burning while urinating, and before the water flows a cutting with ineffectual straining. While urinating, burning, followed by increased gonorrhoeal discharge. Crawling in the urethra, when not urinating. Drawing from the urethra to the anus. Dragging in the urethra and rectum, as with cutting water. Stitches in the urethra when not urinating (immediately). Painful stitches in the end of the urethra. Frequent sensation of rawness in the urethra, and at times sticking in it. Micturition and Urine. Retention of urine, the first seven hours; then more frequent, but more scanty micturition than usual, with burning in the neck of the bladder.

Urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (after half an hour to three hours). Desire to urinate as many as eight times a day and two or three times at night. Pressure to urinate, together with burning. Micturition, with cutting burning in the urethra, and cramp like pain in the small of the back. Frequent micturition (after twenty-four hours). Frequent emission of watery urine, that often could scarcely be retained (after ten, and fourteen hours). Frequent profuse discharge of urine, during then last days. Copious and frequent micturition, for several days. Urine as clear as watery, depositing a sediment after standing. Urine clear, watery, Urine copious and clear during the proving, afterwards remarkably dark and turbid. Urine pale as gin, copious, flows out freely, as if the urethra were very large.

Urine very pale, in which a thick whitish cloud speedily formed.

Urine profuse, dark-colored, forming a cloud (second day).

Sexual organs

Male. Falling of hair from the genitals. Swelling of the spermatic cord, with dulness of the head. Hardness and tension of the spermatic cord. Excessive erections, without sexual desire.

Erection, in the morning, in bed. Erections, in the morning, while standing. Erections, at night, which formerly had entirely ceased (third day). Swelling of the penis, without cause, for several minutes. Burning cutting in the glans penis, with pressing-out pains in the groins. Sore pain in the condylomata, while walking and sitting. Heat and burning in the condylomata.

Fine stitches in the tip of the glans penis. Sensation of heaviness in the glans penis, especially when urinating. Itching fine stitches in the glans penis. Crawling itching on the posterior portion of the penis externally. Inflamed swelling of the scrotum. Sore pain in the scrotum. Swelling of the left testicle. Pressure in both testicles, aggravated by walking an touch. Burning tearing in the left testicle, and burning in the prostate gland, with frequent erections. Drawing smarting, as from soreness, in the testicles. Very profuse emissions. Profuse emission. Loss of sexual desire. Emission, without erections, at night (first night). Emission, while pressing at stool. With normal, physical, and mental sexual desire and ability for continued coition, the penis finally becomes relaxed, with complete satisfaction, without emission. Female. Leucorrhoea, for several days after the menses. Profuse yellowish leucorrhoea, with itching for four or five days, some days after menstruation.

The menses that had been suppressed for several months, returned at the full moon.

Respiratory organs

Exceedingly violent bronchitis, that seemed to be capillary, associated with fever, with exacerbation in the evening, dyspnoea, pressive pain under the sternum, violent sneezing, great thirst, violent coryza; the profuse secretions seemed to be purulent rather than slimy or serous. Voice. Great hoarseness.

Cough and Expectoration. At times inclination to cough, that causes only a few stitches in the palate, but no cough. Cough seems to be caused by tickling with a feather, extending from the middle of the chest to the larynx. Dry cough, caused by tickling, low down in the chest, just above the pit of the stomach; the cough is worse in the evening, after lying down. Cough, caused by burning in the chest. Constant irritable cough. Cough causes headache, as if the skull would burst. Cough, with vomiting of food. Cough, with inclination to vomit. Violent cough, that provokes vomiting, though without pain. Cough, in the morning, with yellow expectoration. Violent cough, with copious expectoration, causing pain in the abdomen. Cough, with expectoration of an herby taste and odor. Cough, with expectoration, preceded by fulness in the chest, on waking.

Cough, with hawking of mucus, that was thinner than usual (it is generally in little balls), (second day). Expectoration of a salty taste, in the morning (fourth day). Respiration. Want of breath, on waking from a sleep of half of an hour, in the forenoon, with uneasiness and perspiration of the body.

Respiration difficult and oppressed, with small stitches between the short ribs, mostly on the left side.


Indications of nausea in the chest, and accumulation of water in the mouth. Great anxiety on the chest. Oppression of the chest, in the afternoon; it constricts the chest, with stitches. Painful oppression of the chest, when beginning to walk. Violent pressure over the whole chest, waking from sleep, at night; it extends to the abdomen, and disappears after the emission of flatus.

Pressure in the chest for several hours (fifth day). Pressure in the chest, extending to the stomach, making her feel oppressed.

Pressure upon the chest, at night, so that she breathed with difficulty. Burning in the chest and throat, extending up into the mouth during the cough and fluent coryza, often, also, when she does not cough. A burning sore pain by the last ribs, internally. Pain in the chest, as form weakness or after sitting a long time, through the whole chest, relieved by walking. Pain in the chest, as if constricted. Crawling pain in the chest, while at rest; on stooping, touch, and every motion, there was a soreness on the sternum. Pinching stitches in the whole chest.

Front and Sides. Pressure in the middle of the chest, as if it would press the sternum outward, most violent on expiration, aggravated by pressure upon the sternum, stooping, and coughing.

Pressure and oppression behind the sternum, making respiration difficult. Burning in the middle of the chest, after a vexation (first day). Burning-itching pain in the middle of the chest and in the upper abdominal region, with frequent hawking of mucus (first day). Dull stitches in the middle of the sternum. Pressive pain in the left side of the chest, most violent on breathing.

Periodic pressive pinching beneath the short ribs. Cutting pressure in the left side of the chest, on taking a deep breath.

Pinching pressure anteriorly near the sternum, beneath the last right false rib. Cramp like pressure in the right side of the chest, in the region of the seventh rib. Intermitting pinching pressure in the chest, about the seventh rib, near the sternum. A sensation in the side of the chest as if the ribs were beaten in.

Painful cramp in the chest or diaphragm, in the region of the lowest right ribs, occurring suddenly and unexpectedly; she could not soon become erect, but was obliged to sit bend over, with sticking breathing. Pain on the lowest right ribs, on pressing upon them. Boring pinching in the left chest, persistent while breathing. Burning-cutting pain in the left chest, while sitting, aggravated by touch. Sharp sticking in the upper part of the chest beneath the right arm, taking away the breath for a moment.

Sharp stitches in the region of the right lower ribs. Stitches in the lower portion of the right side of the chest while sitting, on inspiration, disappearing while walking. Persistent dull boring stitches in the left chest, more violent on inspiration.

Dull stitches in the left side, between the last ribs and pelvis, extending through the whole abdominal cavity, more violent on inspiration. Pinching pressure in the region of the left nipple.

Sharp pressure on the left mammary gland.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.