Phosphoricum acidum

Tearing in the teeth, extending into the head, as if the teeth would be pressed apart and forced out, aggravated by the warmth of the bed and also by everything hot or cold. Tingling, like a tingling burning, in the hollow teeth. Boring-sticking toothache, ending with swelling of the cheek. An almost painful feeling of coldness in the roots of the back teeth, especially on chewing anything, disappearing after eating. Gums. Bleeding of the gum on the slightest touch. The gum is swollen internally, and painful on eating and touch. Sore pain in the whole gum when touched, with bleeding when rubbed. Tongue. Tongue coated white (after twenty-four hours). Swelling of the tongue, with pain, when talking. Dry sensation on the tongue and palate, without thirst.

Burning on the tongue (immediately). Burning in several points, as from something corrosive on the tongue. Sticking in the tip of the tongue. Sticking pain in the right side of the tongue.

Itching stitches in the tip of the tongue. Itching on the tongue, for several days. General Mouth. Mouth slimy, oily, with thirst, in the morning. The palate is dry, without thirst. Great dryness in the mouth, in the afternoon, with much tasteless, glutinous, soapy mucus, that he frequently spits out. Pain in the mouth, as if sore and raw, when not swallowing. Painful soreness in the arch of the palate, and rawness in the throat, especially on expiration. Boring, posteriorly, on the arch of the palate, as if it were inflamed and sore. Saliva. Much frothy saliva, of a sharp taste, in the mouth (after two hours). Much acid saliva in the mouth. Taste. Constant sour taste in the mouth. Foul insipid taste. Foul musty taste in the mouth. Herby taste in the mouth, in the morning, also at breakfast. Bread tastes bitter as gall, with otherwise natural taste. Long after-taste of bread, with some scraping in the throat. After-taste to food, especially to bread, in the morning. Food has little though not unnatural taste.


Inflammation of the throat internally, with blisters and biting pain. Sore throat, on the left side, like an ulcer, throbbing, tensive, and feeling dry when not swallowing; speech is difficult, and swallowing causes a scraping sore pain, extending into the ears, where there is also a scratching, sticking pain.

Sore throat, as if raw; she is obliged to hack, and it is painful on talking and swallowing. Feeling of soreness in the throat when swallowing. Rawness of the throat, that prevents talking.

Inclination to cough caused by tickling in the pit of the throat.

Sticking in the throat, on swallowing food. A pressive stitch in the throat, as soon as he swallows saliva. Smarting in the throat when not swallowing. Scraping in the throat, on swallowing bread, Constrictive pain, as if the pit of the throat were constricted, worse on bending the neck. The throat, in the region of the thyroid cartilage, is painful on swallowing. Fauces and Swallowing. Scraping feel in left side of fauces, felt as though an ear of barely or something of the kind was in the throat.

Could not swallow easily; it seems as though something were;lying behind the palate.


Appetite and Thirst. Ravenous hunger woke him at night. The chile constantly longs for food, without eating it. Loss of appetite.

Excessive thirst. Thirst for cold milk, that scarcely can be quenched. Much thirst for beer, all day, after the colic.

Eructations. Constant eructations of gas, always preceded by rumbling in the stomach, after eating. Frequent eructations of gas. Burning sour eructations, not audible, not rising up to the mouth. Incomplete disagreeable eructations. Sourish eructations, an hour after a meal. Nausea an Vomiting. Excessive nausea, so that she was obliged to lie down (after eating), preceded by twisting about in the stomach. Even the look of the black bread nauseates, especially on account of its sourish odor; when eating it almost causes vomiting. Nausea, as if in the palate. Very qualmish in the evening, obliged to lie down. Qualmish nausea, in the epigastric region. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of food, and then vomiting nearly every hour, day and night, till morning. Stomach.

Rumbling and gurgling in the epigastric region. Acidity in the stomach. Feels uncomfortable and anxious, after eating. Coldness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach beneath the pit of the stomach, afterwards extending to the left side. Heaviness in the stomach like lead, after eating. Pressure in the stomach, before and also after eating, aggravated by motion. Pressure in the stomach and great sleepiness, after eating and drinking. Pressure in the stomach, as from a weight, after every meal, with sleepiness, so that he could work at nothing. Pressive pain in the stomach, whenever the pit of the stomach is touched; he cannot button the clothes tightly. Pressive stitches in the pit of the stomach, as if something would be pulled away. Stitches in the pit of stomach, and a drawing, extending thence to the small of the back.


Hypochondria. Griping in the hypochondria, extending towards the left side. Pressive pinching, after waking, in the morning, just above the hepatic region, extending thence to the umbilical region. Pressure and pressing in the hypochondria, with great anxiety, so that he thought he would die, mostly while sitting.

Feeling of heaviness in the liver. Burning pain, in one spot, in the hepatic region. Stitches in the hepatic and splenic regions.

Umbilicus and Sides. Intermitting, pressure, dull stitches about the umbilical region, and on many other parts of the body and limbs. Periodic pressive griping in the umbilicus. Griping and pinching in the umbilical region, while sitting. Constant, violent pressive griping in the umbilical region. Burning and smarting in the umbilical region, while walking, in the open air.

Violent rumbling in the left side of the abdomen. Excessive griping constriction of the intestines from both sides of the umbilical region. Tensive sticking pain in the whole right side of the abdomen and chest, that almost takes away the breath.

General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, entirely relieved by emission of flatus. Much emission of flatus, smelling like garlic (first day). Much flatulence and emission of flatus. Unusual emission of flatus, of a garlicky odor, for half an hour, in the evening (second day). Incarcerated flatus. Audible rumbling in the abdomen. Loud rumbling in the whole abdomen, especially in the upper abdomen, only while lying down. Gurgling in the abdomen, as from the swashing of water if he bends forward or backwards, even when touching the abdomen. Fulness in the abdomen, immediately after a meal, though with tolerable appetite. Contraction in the intestines, in the morning, during stool, followed by biting in the rectum. Tension of the abdomen, with nausea. Tension in the abdomen, with a sensation of Fulness, without flatulence. Tensive pain in the upper abdomen, that almost takes away the breath. Griping colic, in the evening, on walking. Pressive griping pain in the abdomen, like flatulent colic, on walking in the open air. Pinching, griping pain in bowels, followed by diarrhoeic stool, as if Colocynth or some drastic medicine had been taken. Cutting colic, while walking.

Previous to coughing, he cries out with pain in the abdomen.

Cutting pain, by paroxysms, transversely through the abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, together with dull sticking pressure in the coccyx. Cutting griping in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea, in the evening, before going to sleep. Cutting pain in the abdomen, with drawing in the pelvis, at night. Sticking pain in the abdomen, beneath the last left ribs, aggravated by inspiration. Fine intermitting stitches in the abdomen, extending to the pit of the stomach, especially on becoming erect, while sitting. Needle-like stitches in the abdominal muscles on the left side. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. At the close of micturition a sensation as if a weight were lying in the lower abdomen and pressing towards the genitals (after half an hour).

Stitches very low down in the abdomen, just above the pubis, only when changing the position, as when he beings to walk or just sits down. Pressure in several places in the lower abdomen.

Swelling of the inguinal glands. The inguinal glands are painfully swollen; can scarcely stretch out the foot. Some bubbling-like jerkings in the right groin. Pressure outward in the right groin, as if a hernia would protrude, while walking, aggravated by pressure. Cutting pain in the left groin.

Rectum and Anus.

Protrusion of haemorrhoids, as large as pigeons’ eggs, during stool. Tearing in the rectum and indications of diarrhoea, without stool. Frequent desire for stool. Long-continued pressure and tenesmus after a stool, without colic; the first part of the evacuation was always hard, afterwards pasty. Ineffectual desire for stool, lasting twenty-four hours, an followed by difficult stool; the next day none at all. Tearing in the anus an penis, in the evening and morning. Itching stitches around the anus externally. Biting in the anus, as from something sharp, after a difficult stool. Biting itching in the anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.