Nitrogenium Oxygenatum

For a week afterwards exceedingly unwell, feeling low and depressed, as if the whole nervous system had received a severe shock. Rose in the morning very “seedy,” as if he had just come off an sea-voyage.


On going into open air, vertigo, with staggering to the left.

Decided dulness and almost dizziness of the head. Giddiness after the palpitation. A kind of waving of the head. Numb feeling in head, spreading thence over the body, before the paroxysms.

Headache and aching along spine, as if they were asleep. Headache after the return of consciousness.

Eye, Ear and Face.

Dilated pupils with the unconsciousness. Eyeballs protruding. On waking from the unconsciousness, voices of others seemed to proceed from a great distance. On waking, voices seemed to come from a distance, or to be in a whisper. He had to an excessive degree the livid countenance and blue lips so frequently noticed in administering this gas. Livid face with the unconsciousness.

Livid face. Features puffy and swollen. Blueness of the lips, ear, and face; afterwards, face dusky. It needed great force to separate jaws.

Mouth, Throat, Stomach, and Rectum.

Mouth and head feel numb, as though asleep. The point of the tongue thrust between the teeth. Weakness, and feeling of constriction in the throat, which interfered with deglutition (second day). Pressure in the epigastrium. Nausea, after the return of consciousness. Vomiting, subsequent to the operation, from saliva running down the throat upon the epiglottis; he was of a bilious temperament, and the next day suffered some from bilious vomiting. (The hemorrhoidal pains, from which the prover suffered entirely disappeared).

Respiration, Heart, Neck and Back.

Quick respiration. Breathing thick and stertorous. Suffocating feeling. Palpitation of heart, afterwards felt and heard in head.

Tension in sides of neck, in region of carotids. Drawing in neck, as though skin were contracted or cords shortened.

Sensation of drawing in the muscles, especially in the lumbar muscles.

Generalities and Fever.

Increased muscular rigor. Loss of muscular power. The account given by Dr. Kinglake agrees pretty much with those already cited. He adds, however, that the inspiration of the gas had the farther effect of reviving rheumatic irritation in the shoulder and knee-joints, which had not been previously felt or many months. Though much relieved of the pains, noticed when the effects were passing off, a momentary recurrence of rheumatic pains, not felt for some time before, and that a yellow area, caused by a leech bite, became, during inhalation, red and swollen, an the itching and tingling was so great as to cause a fear of suppuration. General weakness and prostration. Rather faint after the return of consciousness. Fever every afternoon from 3 to 6. Face covered with perspiration after the return of consciousness. Coldness of feet and legs to the knees between the paroxysms of unconsciousness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.