
Hypochondria. Violent pain in hypochondria (second day). Burning and bruised pain in the right hypochondrium (fourth day). Tension and sore pain in the right hypochondriac region, extending now upward, now downward, while sitting. Burning tension in a small spot in the right hypochondrium. Pressive pinching beneath the left short ribs, not affected by respiration. Stitches in the left side beneath the ribs. A stitch in the right hypochondriac region, followed by burning, relieved by pressure, but soon again reappearing not far from the same place, in the evening (third day). A violent stitch in the left hypochondriac region on stooping, so that she stared up in fright. Umbilical and Sides. Griping beneath the umbilicus, followed by a hard stool (twelfth day). Violent griping in the umbilical region, with a sensation of emptiness; it extends into the pit of the stomach, and there causes oppression. Griping extending from the umbilical region to both sides, very violent, with rumbling. Fine griping in the abdominal muscles, in and below the umbilical region. Violent jerk like griping externally in a small spot in the left side of the abdomen, more violent on every inspiration. Constant sticking pains as from needles, about the umbilicus. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, followed by profuse emission of flatus. Abdomen distended, tense, tormenting her all day. Great distension of the abdomen, in the evening, disappearing after lying down. Abdomen large as far as the stomach; it is very distressing to her. Constant fermentation in the abdomen, sometimes firmly seated low down in the abdomen, with whistling noises. Rumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling and dull pains in the abdomen, during and after eating. Rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness, while sitting. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Profuse emission of offensive flatus (first day). Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, with rumbling (after one hour). Painful empty sensation in the abdomen, in the morning, after the usual stool (fifth day). Disagreeable anxious sensation in the whole abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus and entirely relieved by a stool. Pain in abdomen (after six weeks). Severe pains in bowels (first night). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with distension, after a moderate meal. Contractive sensation in the intestines, with dull pain. Griping, here and there, in the abdomen, without sensation of flatulence (fourth day). Griping in the abdomen several times a day, followed by unusually profuse emissions of very offensive flatus. Colicky griping in the abdomen, on motion, and emissions of flatus. Cutting griping in the abdomen, while standing and walking, disappearing while sitting. Violent cutting griping, extending from the rectum to the upper abdomen, followed by desire for stool, that was somewhat softer than usual. Pressive pain in the distended abdomen, and shooting into the body on every step. Cutting pain through the middle of the abdomen, while sitting, standing, and walking. Colic, in the morning in bed. Iliac Regions. Sticking pains, as from needles, in the abdominal ring. Dull stitches in the right inguinal region, during dinner. Burning stitch in the left groin (after eleven hours). Burning stitch in the right groin, in the evening.

Rectum and Anus

Prolapsus of the rectum as if everted, while urinating. Inactivity of the rectum; he is able with great pressure to discharge only a portion of the stool. Sticking pain in the rectum. Smarting in the rectum and anus, with a soft stool. Anus. Swollen hemorrhoids in the anus, with burning sore pain. Swollen, blue hemorrhoids in the anus, with pain on pressure. Burning in the anus, after an ordinary stool. Pressure in the anus. Cutting in the anus during evacuation of a soft stool. Burning stitches in the anus. Itching in the anus, with sore pain and crawling sticking. Much itching and tickling in the anus (second day). Violent itching in the rectum, as from threadworms.


Diarrhoea. Colic and diarrhoea. Fecal diarrhoea (after ten hours). Stool soft (first three days). Diarrhoea four times (after the first hard stool), with tenesmus, and with rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (fourth day). Diarrhoea, followed by violent burning in the anus, in the evening, and next morning (after six days). Diarrhoea-like stool, with smarting in the rectum. A thin watery stool passed unnoticed while urinating, without previous straining. Thin stool, after eating. Soft stool, with emission of flatus, contractive burning and sticking in the rectum, with a sensation as though the stool and flatus went back. Stool, with cutting and qualmishness in the abdomen, as from taking cold; after the stool he felt better (after twenty- four hours). Great desire for stool, in the morning, yet the evacuation is difficult. Stool in small pieces, with pressure (third day). Stool hard (fourth day). Stool at one time hard, at another soft. Blood with the stool, for several mornings. Profuse discharge of blood with the stool. Hard, difficult stool, in the morning, softer in afternoon (sixth day). Constipation.

Urinary Organs

Bladder. Weakness of the bladder. Urethra. Cutting very far back in the urethra, while urinating during stool. Sticking biting in the orifice of the urethra, immediately after urinating. Micturition. Urging to urinate; tenesmus in the bladder, with desire to urinate; almost nothing passes, though that which passes is without pain. Desire to urinate, yet he is obliged to wait awhile before the urine passes. Frequent desire to urinate, and emission of much urine. Frequent desire to urinate, and discharge of a greater quantity of urine than of the drink taken. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge (after seventy- two hours). She was frequently obliged to rise at night to urinate, though she passed but little at a time, and without pain. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty but frequent discharge of urine, and tenesmus after micturition. Frequent micturition, with urging and profuse emission. Frequent copious micturition, though she drank little (fourth day). Unusually profuse discharge of watery urine. Passed about 500 grammes of urine, which was found to contain Muriatic acid (after nineteen hours). Frequent involuntary micturition. Passes her urine in bed. Emission of urine slow, as though the bladder had no power to expel it. Urine. Increased urine. Urine visibly increased and pale yellow (first and second days). Urine increased in quantity, and pale like water (after one day). Diminished urine, with burning (first day). The urine is turbid, white like milk, when passed.

Sexual Organs

Male. Erections, in the morning in bed (second day). Frequent though weak erections (fourth day). Feeling of weakness in the genitals, no erections whatever, and relaxed flabby penis (after twenty-four hours). The prepuce easily becomes inflamed. Pain on the margin of the prepuce, as if torn or wounded. Boring tension extending from the right testicle to the middle of the penis. A violent burning stitch in the posterior portion of the penis. Increased sexual desire (primary effect). Sensation as if an emission would occur woke him in the morning; afterwards, with a slight erection, emission of a watery, frothy liquid, without odor, followed by a long- continuing erection, with tensive pain in the penis. Female. Leucorrhoea (tenth and eleventh days). Distress in the genitals, as before menstruation. Sticking pain in the vagina. Menses ten days too early, with colic. Menses six days too early, without other trouble.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Epiglottis swollen, white, and corroded (after six hours). Voice. Voice thick and inarticulate. Hoarseness, for eight days). Unusual catarrhal hoarseness. Cough and Expectoration. Inclination to cough, with sticking griping in the throat, followed by increased secretion of mucus, that at last collects in masses. Violent cough, at 3 A.M., with nausea and vomiting of bile. Violent cough, as if it would burst out the sternum, from dinner till towards evening, especially on talking, laughing, and yawning, with pains as if sore and bruised. Tickling in the throat, causing a short hacking cough (fifth day). Violent hooping-cough, followed by audible rumbling, extending downward in the chest. Dry cough, with exertion, day and night (after six days). Frequent dry cough, from tickling in the chest (fourth day). Short, dry, hacking cough, with burning in the throat. Loose cough, with some expectoration of mucus, in the evening and morning (sixth and seventh days). Cough, with bloody expectoration. Respiration. Expiration of white fumes. Sighing. Respiration frequent, and sighing (after twelve hours). He snores loudly before midnight, and tosses about, but then can be easily awakened. She breathed with snoring, occasionally stridulous noise, as if there were some obstruction in the larynx. Deep respiration, with groaning. Difficult wheezing inspiration; expiration easy (second day). Much difficulty in breathing; moist rales could be heard all over the chest (after three or four hours). Suffocating sensation (immediately).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.