
Objective. Constant inclination to sneeze, with itching and tickling in the nose. Frequent sneezing. Much sneezing, without coryza, in the afternoon and evening. Discharge of water from the nose, with violent sneezing. Much discharge of mucus from the nose. Coryza. Coryza, with acrid, corroding water. Coryza, with discharge of thick mucus. Very persistent nosebleed (after one hour). Subjective. Sensation of coryza, with distressing dryness of the nose. Stoppage of the nose, like a stopped catarrh. Stopped sensation in the upper part of the nose, and a feeling as if dry, though with profuse discharge of mucus, lasting a long time (after two days). Sticking pain in the nostrils, as if they would become ulcerated (second day). Mucous membrane irritated, as in coryza.


Objective. Heightened color of the face. Face pale (after one hour). Subjective. Cramp like pain in the face near the left articulation of the jaw; on pressing upon it, a sticking extending into the ear. Cheeks. Cheeks glowing red, while walking in the open air, without thirst. Drawing in the jaws. Tearing in the left upper jaws, just below the orbit, as if in the bone. Lips. Lower lip swollen; it feels heavy and burning, especially when touched. Margins of the lips raw, and the skin dry and cracked. Burning on the lips, lasting a long time (after ten days). Burning tension in the right side of the upper lip. China Tingling sensation in the left side of the lower jaw, that extends as a disagreeable crawling into the corresponding teeth.


Teeth. Teeth perfectly clean, and remarkably white (second day). Toothache, with pain in the cheek-bones, ears, and temples; relieved by warmth and wrapping up. Boring in the roots of the teeth of the left side of the lower jaw, as if the teeth would be pushed out. Pressing-asunder pain in the lower incisor; relieved by pressing the jaws together. Cold drink painfully penetrates the diseased teeth. Tearing in the right upper teeth, and in the zygoma. Tearing in the right upper back teeth, with sore pain in the gums. Throbbing toothache in the left lower jaw, aggravated by cold drinks, two mornings in succession. Frequent jerking in the teeth, with burning in the gum (fourth day). A kind of itching in the teeth; one must bite the teeth tightly together. Gums. The gum easily become inflamed. Swelling of the gum; in morning, lasting till noon. Gums swollen, red, and covered in some places with thin films of a dead white (second day). Tongue. Tongue thick, darkened, and, with almost the whole of the mouth and fauces, covered by a grayish-white membrane. The tongue wastes away. Coating on dorsal surface of the tongue, like coagulated albumen, while the borders were red and raw (second day). Painful blisters on the tongue, with burning. Red, burning blister on the tip of the tongue. Deep ulcers on the tongue, with black bases and everted edges. The tongue is heavy and seems too long, so that he can scarcely move it, especially when talking, with great dryness of the mouth and fauces. Violent burning of the tongue, pharynx, and oesophagus, as far as the stomach, with excessive pain (immediately). The tongue became sore and bluish. General Mouth. Redness of inside of cheeks, and of the arch of the palate (second day). Mucous lining of the lips inflamed, red, and painful, stripped of epithelium to a considerable extent, and dotted with whitish points (second day). Mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces uniformly of a white or ash-gray color (after one hour). The inside of the lips, tongue, and fauces were whitened and abraded (after three-quarters of an hour). A painful pimple on both sides of the palate. Adherent mucus posteriorly in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth, in the morning, so that she could scarcely talk. Burning sensation and severe pain in mouth and throat (immediately). Immediately, violent burning of the mouth, fauces, and stomach, which continued to some extent for several hours. Sore burning on the palate in the evening, and at night (eighth day). Mouth slimy in the morning after rising, disappearing after breakfast (second day). A sticky sensation in the mouth, as of tasteless mucus. Pain and smarting of the lips, mouth, and throat (after nine hours). Rawness and soreness in a small spot on the mucus membrane of the palate. Saliva. Increased secretion of saliva. Considerable salivation (second day). Profuse flow of saliva into the mouth, that seems to come from the throat. Mouth constantly full of water. Taste. Bitter taste in the morning after waking, with a white- coated tongue (eighth day). Bad taste in the throat, as of rancid fat. Astringent and bad taste in the mouth, as of bad eggs, with accumulation of saliva. Beer tastes as sweet as honey, and causes nausea.


Objective. Mucous lining of the throat red and swollen (second day). Diffused deep redness of the velum palati and throat (second day). Grayish-white deposits on the mucous membrane of the throat, succeeded by ulcers (second day). Well defined dead- white patches, varying in size, over the velum and pillars of the palate, the tonsils and posterior portion of the pharynx, so precisely similar to the false membrane in diphtheritic angina, that if we had not known their cause, we might have been doubtful as to their real character. (I have now before me a case of pharyngeal diphtheria, and can perceive no difference between the false membranes which characterize it and the appearance above described), (second day). Accumulation in the throat of mucus that he is obliged to swallow. Subjective. Dryness of the throat, with burning in the chest. Sensation as if a hard substance rose from the chest to the throat, where it caused tickling, and provoked a dry cough, while sitting. Burning pain in the throat and pit of the stomach (after three quarters of an hour). Great sensitiveness of the left side of the throat (immediately). Rawness and hoarseness in the throat, with a sore sensation in the chest (first day). Rawness and burning in the throat, like heartburn, with cough. Scraping and rawness in the throat, and some cough, with a sore pain in the chest, without hoarseness, in the evening and morning. Uvula and Tonsils. Edema of the uvula (second day). Tonsils swollen (second day). Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus. Fauces swollen, and she was unable to swallow, the attempt producing violent spasm and choking. Fauces much swollen and white (second day). Swelling behind base of tongue, formed by the epiglottis and the oedematous arytaeus-epiglottic folds (second day). Pain in lower portion of pharynx, in the epigastrium and in the abdomen (second day). Violent pain in the pharynx, with difficulty of swallowing. Rawness and smarting in the pharynx, night and morning, even when not swallowing. Sharp scraping in the pharynx. Sharp pains in the oesophagus, making deglutition difficult (after six weeks). Swallowing. Difficult deglutition (second day). Inability to swallow (after nine hours). Very painful deglutition (second day). It seemed as though the food would not go down properly, and oppressed her (at noon).


Appetite. Ravenous hunger. Complete loss of appetite for all food, with a natural taste, and without nausea. No appetite; eructations always after eating. Aversion to food; he wishes to eat nothing; with much yawning. Neither hunger nor appetite; aversion to eating, because almost everything tastes sweet. Aversion to meat. Thirst. Much thirst (after one hour). Intense thirst (after six weeks). Violent thirst. Eructations and Hiccough. Eructations. Violent eructations of a bad taste (sixth and seventh days). Constant eructations. Empty eructations and colic, at night. Very bitter eructations, frequently (fourth day). Uprisings of a sour fluid from the stomach. Incessant hiccough (after six weeks). Violent hiccough, before and after dinner (third day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, with many eructations, on waking, for two nights. Qualmishness and nausea in the epigastric region. Qualmishness and distension of the abdomen, in the morning, in bed after waking, relieved by emission of the flatus after rising. She frequently retched, without bringing up anything. Almost constant retching (second day). Great inclination to vomit. Vomiting (immediately); (first night, second day). Nausea and vomiting. Vomited immediately. Violent vomiting for nearly an hour (immediately). Vomiting of food. Vomited a portion of the acid and the milk given as an antidote (soon); nausea and constant vomiting (after nine hours). Copious vomiting of stiff, glairy mucus (after five hours). Vomiting of bloody frothy fluid. Vomited freely; the matters vomited had an alkaline reaction’ after some milk had been given, she vomited some brown matter, streaked with blood, and containing small shreds of mucous membrane. Vomiting of a dark substance, resembling coffee-grounds, every time after eating or drinking (after six weeks). Repeated and very copious vomiting of a substance which bubbled up on the ground (immediately). Stomach. Inflammation of the alimentary canal (second day). Epigastric region hard, tense, and very sensitive. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, at intervals. Feeling of emptiness in the epigastric region, especially in the oesophagus, not relieved by eating, with rumbling in the bowels. Epigastric region painful (after twelve hours). Pain at the pit of the stomach, increased by vomiting and pressure (second day). Great pain in her stomach. Intense pain and tenderness over the epigastrium. Agreeable warmth in the stomach. Heat and burning in the stomach, lasting a long time. Burning and throbbing in a small spot near the left side of the pit of the stomach. Fullness of the stomach, though he had eaten nothing. Constrictive sensation in the stomach. Painful sensation of retraction in the stomach, in a small spot after dinner. Pressure in the stomach, as if it were too full, with ineffectual attempts at eructations. Frequent violent pressure in the stomach.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.