Urinary Organs

Bladder. Ulcers in bladder followed its use. Pressure bearing down on the bladder (third day). Urethra. During a normal stool in the morning, sensation in the urethra as if the urine were hot (fifth day). Micturition. Frequent desire to urinate; she cannot hold her water for a moment (after four days). Increased flow of urine (third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days). Urine. Red urine (second and third days). Urine thick and dark on being passed (after four days).

Sexual Organs

Towards 2 o’clock sensitiveness of the right testicle and spermatic cord (third day). Sexual desire, particularly on going to sleep (fourth, fifth, and eighth days). Nocturnal emission (second and fourth days); towards morning (seventh day).

Respiratory Organs

Voice. Voice covered and rough (eighth day). Hoarse and husky, half an hour after getting a little wet in very light shower, in the evening (fifth day). Hoarse, with the coryza. Cough and Expectoration. Irritation to cough. During day spells of cough (fifth to seventh day). Cough, with sore throat. Cough, with a little loose, whitish, slimy expectoration through the day, and accompanied with slight difficulty of breathing (tenth day); cough, with white, thick expectoration; cough became dry in the evening (eleventh day); better afterwards, but prevented him from making another proving. Profuse yellowish expectoration (tenth day). Respiration. Breathing more difficult than usual (ninth day). Difficulty of breathing, with cough (tenth day).


Occasionally pain in chest or heart, most on left side (fifth day). Constriction across the chest (sixth day). Stricture across chest (fourth day); most, painful in the left side. Aching pain across chest (tenth to twelfth day). Pressing pain across the chest (fifth day). Sharp cutting pain in chest, and sticking pain in heart (eighth day). Front. Pressure in the middle of the chest behind the sternum, irritating the cough (from the vapor). Sides. In the afternoon he felt several times a sharp shooting through the right side of the chest like rheumatism, going down the arm. During a walk, sudden sticking in the muscles of the chest, on the left side, exactly on the spot where two years ago he had the commencement of his acute rheumatism (eighth day). Sticking pain in the muscles of the ribs, left side, after walking out during thawing weather; 2 and 3 P.M. (ninth day); somewhat, 1 and 2 P.M. (tenth day). Catching pain under right breast oppressing the breathing (after four days). Awoke from a feeling of great soreness in the whole breast, but only a few minutes (fourth day).

Heart and Pulse

Dull aching pain in heart (tenth to twelfth day). Shooting pain in heart all day (seventh day). Sticking pain in the heart (second day); with pain in head (fourth day); sticking pains without headache (fifth day). Pulse accelerated, beating stronger.

Back and Neck

On waking, stiffness and pain in the neck, in the region of the first or second cervical vertebra, going off in a short time (fourth day). Rheumatic pain, for a short time, in the muscles of the neck and back (sixth day). An aching and stiffening feeling in right splenius capitis (third day). Stitching pain along left side of the neck and in heart, continuing until he falls asleep, from 7 to 10.50 (fourth day)). Severe pain in back of neck, as if he had been struck, at 7 P.M. (fifth day). Pain in os coccygis (first, third, and eighth days); like a pain he had before the proving.

Extremities in General

Stiffness of limbs; better after walking (ninth day). Rheumatic pains, now here, now there, generally in limbs, and mostly muscular; alternately in arms and hands, legs and feet; occasionally pains of a similar character in left ear, as if it would prove a violent and long-continued otalgia; nevertheless it lasted but a moment at a time, but frequently returned (thirteenth day).

Superior Extremities

Rheumatic pains, soreness, and stiffness in the left arm, aggravated by motion, particularly on putting on his coat, and during the middle of the day; the pain is better in the evening, and at night; he could lie on the arm (Lycopodium3 relieved it). Arm. Rheumatism in the joint of the left humerus (fifteenth day). Dull, aching, strained sensation in the middle of the os humeri, as if about to break; wavering stitches through all the muscles, and sensations as if they were sore; desire to stretch the limbs and body. Forearm. Aching and drawing pain in the bones of the left forearm. Fingers. Synovial inflammation of the left index. Pain in the left fingers, in the morning (second day). Jerking in the fingers of left hand in the evening, until he falls asleep (first day).

Inferior Extremities

Rheumatic pain in the right knee and hip during the forepart of the day; disappeared the latter part (nineteenth day). At 8.30 o’clock when walking, was seized with an acute pain, which suddenly passed through and around the head of the right tibia at the knee-joint, in three or four successive throbs; about five minutes after this paroxysm passed off; it returned in the same form, and with like intensity; at the same time, pain in the right parotid gland; in half an hour the pain in the knee disappeared; two throbs of a similar pain were felt in rectus femoris muscle of the left leg, about one-third the distance from the knee upwards, and in about five minutes a similar renewal of the pain in the same place (thirteenth day). Aching pains from hips to ankles, as though she had walked many miles, felt more particularly in the bones (after four days). In the evening, almost insupportable pain and aching in the lower limbs, better on moving; went off during a walk in the evening (second day). Hip. In the left hip-joint, pain as if sprained in the evening (ninth day). Knee. Weakness of the knee-joints (first day). Foot. Feet pain (sixth day); particularly the soles (seventh day). Pain in the ball of the foot and in large toe, ameliorated by walking (tenth day)). Toes. Towards morning pain in the right big toe, like in podagra but without swelling and redness; disappear after rising (third day); returning (sixth to ninth day). Sore pain between the toes of the right foot (nineteenth day). General symptoms. Objective. Weariness, nearly all day; a sore pain in left fingers, morning (second day). Great weakness attending rheumatic pains in the forearm and hand. Subjective. From midnight till morning, a very restless feeling, with a constriction in the diaphragm, almost like cramp. Desire to stretch the body and limbs. Feels weary, and a short of aching as if bruised in the whole body (fourth day). Rheumatic pains, more in the forearm and hand of right side; sensation of great weakness attending the pain (third day). Wearing stitches through all the muscles. The dull tearing-gnawing pains on the third day got in the night so violent that they disturbed his sleep.


Eruptions. Skin on forehead pale-reddish color (first day); turning dirty gray (fifth day); afterwards over and over full of the finest wrinkles, peels off in small scales after seven days; numerous small cracks and rhagades in all directions on the forehead (after external application). Nearly a month after the other symptoms, several days after the twelfth dose, two small pustules appeared in the outer side of the right leg, just below the knee, about two inches distant from each other slightly itching sore to touch, with inflamed bases; on the third day after their appearance they scabbed, but matter continued to accumulate under the scab; they were quite sore, and were not healed till thirteen days afterwards; after healing, another sore of the same character appeared in front or a little to the left on the same leg, just below the knee; in three days it healed, and no more appeared. A wen which had existed behind the right ear from infancy, in a young woman of twenty-four burst open and discharged (nineteenth day after first dose, and eleventh day after last). Sensation. Very strong itching on neck, dorsum of hands, particularly on the fingers of the right hand (thirteenth day). A painful itching on several parts of the skin of the right forearm (ninth to twelfth day). About 3 P.M., a pricking-itching sensation all over the right hand, lasted one hour (second day); followed by itching- pricking feeling at the lower part of the upper arm, all around it, lasted from, 3 o’clock, half an hour; the same pricking- itching sensation appeared on the upper part of upper arm, mostly in the arm-pit, and only lasted a few minutes; all this on the right side, at 6 P.M. (third day).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Very sleepy and drowsy in the evening; at the same time squeamishness of the stomach, with greater uneasiness and laziness all over the limbs (fifth day). Deep sleep, afternoon, several days in succession. Sleeplessness. Could not sleep well, very restless, headache. Lies awake, 5 to 6.30; sleeps till 8 A.M. (second day)). Dreams. Dreams a great deal (eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth nights). Foolish dreams (third day). Towards 5 A.M., lascivious dreams; prevented by his will a pollution (third day). Dreams about gunning and farming (seventh day); gunning and travelling (eleventh day). Anxious dreams (second day); about removing and his relations (fourth day). Sleep disturbed by troublesome dreams, such as swimming and wading in water, and pushing through low places, and under a shed; half conscious sleep, with fearfulness; also dreamed of detecting robbers in the night in attempting to enter dwellings (twelfth day). Frightful dreams (after four days). Quarrelsome dreams (seventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.