
Hypochondria. Sticking as if in the middle of the liver (first day). Stitches in the hepatic region (second day). Umbilical and sides. Feeling of discomfort in the umbilical region (second day). Passed a very bad night, complaining of great pain at the umbilicus (first night). After the first eighteen hours, the pain removed, and became violently fixed at the umbilicus, continuing there eight hours; thence to the back (lumbar region) which continued to, her death. Colic to the right of the umbilicus, a kind of griping, after dinner (second day). Pressing-down in front below the umbilicus immediately after a stool, lasting some time. Colic, cutting below the umbilicus after a moderate use of sour apples, while walking in the open air, and afterwards in the evening becoming very acute, with some desire for stool (fifth day). Itching sticking in the umbilical region (eleventh day). Colic about and above the umbilicus, after eating bread and butter (first day). Colic pains in the umbilicus region, followed by there very thin stools with tenesmus. Tenesmus in the umbilical region on pressure (fifth day). A constrictive jerking pain in some muscle-fibers in the umbilical region, in the inner side of the right rectus muscle, lasting several minutes, and afterwards frequently returning (second day). Cutting in the right side of the upper abdomen (sixth day). General abdomen. Swelling of the abdomen. Abdomen swollen, and generally painful to the slightest touch. Excessive swelling of the abdomen. Abdomen swelled as large as a woman’s in seventh month of pregnancy, very hard; with pains at regular intervals, like labor-pains. Abdomen distended painful to pressure. Unusual distension of the abdomen (after twelve hours). Abdomen very much distended, painful. Bloated bowels, in the night. Abdomen tumefied and very painful to touch (after one hour). Pain has extended all over abdomen, which is somewhat tympanitic on percussion and exquisitely, very sensitive to touch. Borborygmi, in the night. Unusually profuse emission of flatus (first day). Pain in bowels (after forty-five minutes). Pain and sensitiveness not only of the epigastrium, but of the whole abdomen (after four hours). Abdomen painful, much distended. Epigastrium and abdomen generally very painful, the uneasiness being somewhat increased on pressure, but without particular tension or enlargement (soon). When asked to point out the seat of pain, he passed his hand over the whole of the upper portion of the abdomen (after half an hour). Slight pain in abdomen (after four hours). Great pain in the bowels. Great pain in the left part of the bowels (third morning); less (fourth morning). Severe pain all over the abdomen (after two hours). Intense pain over the abdomen (soon). Very violent pain through the whole intestinal canal. Frightful pains from the pharynx through the whole intestinal tract. Burning sensation in abdomen (after one hour and a half). Sense of distension of abdomen, her clothes appearing to be all too tight for her (soon); abdominal distension and much tenderness on pressure (after one hour and a half). Griping pains in bowels. Griping in the abdomen, at times without distension, relieved by emission of flatus; frequent sudden attacks of weakness and confusion of the head. Cutting in the abdomen, with chilliness in the open though warm air (immediately). Pinching sticking in the upper abdomen, as if in the muscles (first day). Severe tormina (third day). Colic (second day). Colic from the slightest cold, for several weeks. Colic, with desire for stool in the abdomen (after eating potatoes), in the afternoon (third day). Colic, almost daily after eating various things fruit, especially after potatoes, cherries, etc. (after ten days). Colic and tenesmus and six discharges during the night. Passing colic (after third dose). Quite severe colic (second day). Violent colic. Violent colic in the region of the caecum. Violent colic followed by several bilious stools with distressing tenesmus (fourth day). Tenderness over abdomen (second day). Tender and tympanitic condition of abdomen (fifth day), Some but not much tenderness on pressure over the abdomen (after eleven hours). Abdomen entirely sore on the slightest pressure (second day). A peculiar bruised sensation in the abdomen, especially in the coecal region and following the course of the transverse colon; the coecal region and transverse colon were painful to moderate pressure, as though they had been bruised; the walls of the abdomen, however, were painless; this pain lasted all the forenoon, was less acute in the evening, but did not entirely disappear (seventh day); bruised sensation in the cecal and mesocolonic regions; the painfulness was increased by moderate pressure (eighth day). Smarting pain all over the bowels (second day). Jerking in the right rectus abdominis muscle (fifth day). Pain, relieved by bending double. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Feeling of apprehension in lower abdomen, not relieved by emission of flatus (third and fourth days). Pain in the lower portion of the abdomen (first day). Slight sticking drawing in the left inguinal region (first day). A peculiar pressive pain in the right inguinal gland, as if the gland would became swollen; this sensation continued for an hour, and was relieved after rising in the morning (third day). Tensive-pressive pain in the left inguinal region, with a sensation as if the gland were swollen, at 5 A.M., after waking (seventh day).

Rectum and Anus

Rectum Much pain in rectum (third day). Burning heat in rectum (after three days). Constant burning pain in the rectum (second day). Violent burning in the rectum (eighth day). Sticking- shooting pain in the rectum (fifth day). Stools associated with the most violent smarting pains in the rectum (second day). Anus. Oozing of a corrosive ichor from the anus, that excoriated the external parts, and rendered them so sore that he could hardly bear clusters to be injected (fifth day). Frequent discharge of blood per anum (fourth day). Blood passed off freely per anum, and increased daily (third day). Frequent burning in the anus during stool. Sticking in the anus (after twelve hours). Itching in the anus (sixth day). Urging. Frequent desire for stool, with increased emission of flatus (fourth day). Tormented by constant urging to stool (soon). Frequent ineffectual urging to stool, causing most violent pain (fifth day). Tenesmus. Persistent tenesmus. Tenesmus incessant (soon). Very distressing tenesmus, getting worse and worse; nothing passed but mucus tinged with blood (third day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; (sixth day), (one case). Diarrhoea and bloody stools (after forty-five minutes). Diarrhoea attended with tenesmus; constant desire to go to stool, the matter evacuated being scanty, chiefly blood and mucus (after eight days). Frequent diarrhoea, with tenesmus and constant desire to go to stool. Bloody diarrhoea (soon). Frequent offensive slimy and bloody diarrhoea. Serosanguineous diarrhoea (after two hours). Purging the dejections consisting mostly of mucus tinged with blood. Purging of bloody mucus, with constant and distressing tenesmus. Considerable purging of fluid matter, containing a large quantity of blood (after three hours and a half). Much purging, bloody stools (second day). Great purging, partly, blood (soon). Purged violently (after three hours). Violent purging of coagulable lymph, clots of blood, and fine pellucid membrane (after twenty-two hours). Purged eight times in eleven hours (after a quarter of an hour). Violent, repeated, and very offensive discharges per anum. Repeated calls to the vase, in which were voided large pieces of a coagulable lymph, like sheets of boiled macaroni (after six hours); stools changed to a livid, fetid and grumous appearance (second day); dirty grumous, in which was enveloped a lumbricus (third day). Bowels had acted three times; stools quite liquid and dark (after two hours and a half); bowels acted twice in the morning, very much blood in the stools; in the after part of the day three dark green stools (second day); four or five times (second night); considerable purging during the day (third day); three or four bloody stools (fourth day); stools still bloody (fifth day); four or five stools with a little blood (sixth day); three or four stools (seventh day); much purging (eighth day); frequent stools of a yellowish appearance (eleventh day). Frequent stools, with great tenesmus; the stools were very offensive and in quick succession. Frequent offensive stools. Frequent bloody stools (third day). Frequent evacuation of a little bloody mucus day and night, with almost cutting colic intolerable, painful, almost ineffectual pressive forcing and tenesmus. Tenesmus, with frequent discharges of a bloody and mucous character (fifth day). Used the bedpan frequently during the night. The dejections were for the most part fluid, containing apparently blood, mucous membrane, and a thick scum. The dejections and matter vomited resembled each other, and were so peculiar that they were saved. He had had several dejections, consisting of a dark fluid, with some lumps of dark-green faeces (after half an hour); dejections frequent and several followed each other at intervals of only two or three minutes; they continued to exhibit similar appearances, being almost entirely dark fluid, but several of the last had a quantity of flakes, apparently of mucus mingled with them (after two hours and a half); had several small bloody fluid dejections, containing small masses of coagulated albumen, free from fecal odor, but of the fleshy smell, sometimes observed in similar dejections in cases of cholera ( after three hours and a half). Several bilious stools in the afternoon, with decided tenesmus (eleventh day). Several offensive bloody stools, with severe colic and tenesmus (after a dose of Epsom salts), (after three hours). Evacuation of stool with tenesmus. Alvine evacuation with frequent and violent urging, with tenesmus and violent burning (after five hours). Brown, very offensive stools. Several watery stools, with colic (third day). Cutting colic, followed by thin bilious stools, with straining (twelfth day). Pasty dark- green, blackish offensive stools (third day). Very offensive, dark stools, with tenesmus. Bloody stools; (after twelve hours). Stools mixed with blood. Stools mixed with blood; with small hard, frequent pulse (eighth day). Faeces mixed with blood and watery mucus. Small. brown, viscid stool, mixed with a little blood (second and third days); blackish diarrhoea (fourth day); frequent, dark, strong-smelling stools (fifth day). Stool of mucus mixed with blood (after two hours); before this had had two natural evacuations, which were attributed to an aloetic pill taken the preceding evening; complete cholera (second day). Her first stools, commencing after six hours, looked like strong saffron water, then, for four days and nights, her stools were blood and mucus only, passing them every two or three hours, each stool preceded by cold pains, felt low down in the pelvis, and followed by severe tenesmus; in forty-eight hours after bloody stools ceased she had a natural stool. Green-colored evacuations (second day); faeces of a dark color, mixed with blood (third day); motions streaked with blood, and once or twice they consisted entirely of blood mixed with mucus (fourth day). Dejections of merely bloody mucus (soon). Bloody stools, with abundance of mucus (first day); a copious stool, and another shortly afterwards, but without blood, at 9 A.M.; there has been nothing but bloody mucus passed per anum (second day); frequent stools, consisting chiefly of mucus and coagula (third day); three or four more natural motions (fifth day); motions passed involuntarily. tolerably healthy, though loose, containing little blood (sixth night). Discharge of bloody stools, accompanied by cramps (soon); three stools of tolerable consistence, and of a light color, within the last twenty-four hours (ninth day); passed by stool about six pounds of fluid blood, immediately before death (fourteenth day). Tenesmus, with at least twenty evacuations in twenty-four hours, consisting of mucus mixed with considerable blood; they were painful and compelled groaning (second day). Bloody stools less frequent, with less pain (seventh day). No blood in the stools (twelfth day). Liquid stools; yellow after a meal (fifteenth day). Three pasty brown stools about 4 P.M., with rumbling in the bowels (tenth day). Two or three copious stools (after two hours and a half); frequent stools, averaging once in ten minutes, with but little fecal matter, which looks like water mixed with blood (second day); frequent dark and offensive stools (fourth day); not more than once in three hours (fifth day). Two soft stools in the morning (tenth day). Two clayey, light-yellow stools (seventh day). Stools and urine passed involuntarily (seventh day). Stools reddish and slimy (fourth day). Passed by stool a large quantity of green and highly bilious looking fluid (after eight hours and a half). Evacuation of faeces mixed with mucus and dark clotted blood. Stool of thin formed faeces. Soft stool about noon (third day). A thin, soft, yellow, painless stool, with frequent urging, after breakfast; this was followed by continued desire for stool in the abdomen (second day). Stool of tenacious faeces. Stool remained, for a long time after the proving, hard though evacuated daily. Stool harder and more scanty than usual (fifth day). Stool harder, drier, and more scanty than usual, for three days after the proving; after which for three days it was softer and more moist than usual; after which it returned to its normal condition. Constipation. Constipation during the whole attack; no diarrhoea. Stool never soft; constipation (before taking the pills she had been subject to frequent diarrhoea). When constipated the faeces were dark brown. No stool (second day); (fifth day); (eighth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.