
Feeling as if something were lying before the left ear (after three hours). Pressive pain in the left ear (after three hours). Transient stitches deep in the left ear (fourth day). Very deeply seated tearing earache, at times sticking, in the left ear, in the evening (first day). Drawing-tearing pain in the left ear (after three hours). Pressive tearing in the right ear, for a short time (after six hours).


Objective. Nose moist, with catarrh. Nose and eyes moist, as at the outbreak of coryza. The nose was sometimes moist, as if coryza would occur, then again dryer than ever. An old chronic periodic catarrh returns. Violent coryza (second day). Subjective. Dryness of the nose (first day). Constant dryness of the nose (after eight hours). Sensation of dryness in the forepart of the left nostril (after three hours and a half). Sensation of heat in the nose, as if rising from the stomach (after three to four hours). The breath seems hot in the nose (after one hour). The breath from the nose is cold (after four hours). Burning in the nose, at times with fine stitches, especially in the evening (first to third day). Burning pain within the nose that is quite dry; if she inhales air forcibly it feels sore internally; a very violent burning, sore pain as if from horseradish, if she presses upon the bony portion of the nose or upon the place where the bone and cartilage unite; worse in the left and then in the right nostril (after two to six hours). Drawing sensation in the nasal bones; running as if coryza would occur; some drops o water from the nose (after four hours). Tearing in the nose. Crawling in the nose, at times sneezing (after one hour and a quarter) A crawling sensation in the nose, as if clear water would run out of it; the nose becomes moist (after three-quarters of an hour). Crawling and burning in the nose, internally and externally, as from pepper; he is conscious of having a nose; the nostrils seem sore (after nine to eleven hours).


Objective. Very sickly look, with blue rings around the eyes, for several days. Redness and heat of the face (after two to four hours). Great redness and heat of the face (after half an hour to six hours); (after two hours). Subjective. Sensation of numbness in the left side of the face, with slight tearing in it (second day). The left side of the face feels swollen (first day). Tense and numb sensation in the skin of the face, even severe on the third day (after two to six hours). Cheeks. Great redness of the cheeks (after a quarter of an hour). Burning in the cheeks, that are red but not hot to touch (after one hour). Burning pain in small points in the left cheek, in the region of the infraorbital foramen, deeply seated; changing to a deep tearing pain (second day). Tension in the left cheek, with a sensation of numbness, also in the frontal region (first to fifth day). Pressure in the right cheek, with heat in it, and in the whole body (after four hours). Pressive sensation in the right upper jaw, extending down from the vertex (after one hour). Burning pressure in the region of the left malar bone and zygoma (after three hours). Violent dragging pressing pain in the upper jaw, less in the lower jaw, and behind the ears (after five hours and a half). Tearing pain in the left cheek and ear (after six hours). Tearing pain in the left cheek, and in the sockets of the teeth (after six hours). Tearing pain in the left cheek, especially in the bone, here and there, also in the teeth and ear (first to third day). Tearing pain in the left cheek, rather in the upper jaw than in the teeth or their roots; especially above the second back tooth; in the bone and sockets, with a sensation of warmth and swelling of the cheek; earache, and tearing in the left temple (first to third day). Transient tearing in the right malar region (after seven hours). Pressive tearing pain deep in the left cheek (after five hours). Lips. Lips dry, with increased thirst (third day). Lips very dry (second day); (first day). Burning of the lips, often only at the corners of the mouth, at times itching, also with fine stitches, as from a hair. Fine sticking in the upper lip, lasting only a minute and changing to slight burning. Burning sticking in the upper lip. China Painfulness in the region of the left lower jaw behind the last tooth, for several days. Tearing in the left lower jaw, extending downward from the ear, lasting five minutes (third day). Tearing in the left lower jaw and along the alveolar process, lasting two hours, in the afternoon (after four hours, fourth day).


Teeth. Sudden painful dulness in the two upper left incisors. Constant pain in the sockets of two teeth on both sides of the upper jaw; the gum was somewhat red (third to fifth day). Slight pain in the upper and at times also in the lower back teeth (second day). Dull Pain in the socket of the second upper back tooth, worse when biting (second day). Tearing several times in the second upper back tooth that was decayed down to the root. Transient tearing in the last right upper back tooth, in the morning (second day). Frequent painful tearings in the roots of the teeth of the lower jaw, sometimes transient, sometimes lasting a long time (ninth and tenth days). Tongue. Tongue is white, numb and insensible (after three hours). Tongue coated white, feels quite dry (after three hours). A small burning- sticking blister on the left side of the tongue (second day). Dryness of the tongue, without thirst (several provers). Tongue dry, swollen, and seemingly insensible on the sides (after one hour). Tongue quite dry (after two to seven hours). The tongue almost sticks to the palate, it and the mucous membrane of the mouth are so dry (after three to four hours). Heaviness of the tongue (after two hours). Tongue heavy, as if thick (after two hours). Tongue so heavy and dry that she could scarcely speak (after five hours). Tongue seems numb, insensible as if she had no taste (after half an hour). Burning on the tongue, which is whiter than usual posteriorly (after third day). Burning on the tongue, just back of the tip (after two hours and a half). Burning and smarting on the tongue (after three and six hours). Constant burning and biting on the tongue. Sticking burning on the tongue, as from a blister, moving about (third day). Biting burning on the tongue after eating bread and butter (after two hours and a half). Sticking pain in the tongue (after seven hours). The left side of the tongue is painful in the middle on moving it (second day). Fine burning sticking on both side of the tongue (after two hours). The tongue is painful, if it touches the palate, as if there were blister on it (first day). Tongue painful, especially in the middle and on moving it, as if blisters had formed (after twelve hours). Scraping sensation on the root of the tongue (after three hours). Painful scraping and a dry sensation on the tongue (after two to six hours).’ Biting on the tongue. General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth (after two hours and a half). Mouth dry and hot without special thirst (after eight hours). Dryness of the mouth, with heat without thirst (second day). Dryness and stickiness in the mouth, with increased thirst (after seven hours, and also next morning). Great dryness of the mouth; the want of saliva is so great that a piece of sugar does not dissolve in the mouth (after two to three hours). Great dryness of the mouth while eating (after two hours and a half). Dryness of the mouth, so great that she swallowed a piece if bread with great difficulty; after swallowing, a sensation as if a morsel were still sticking in the mouth (after two to five hours). Chewing was very difficult partly on account of the dryness of the mouth, and partly on account of the difficulty of moving the tongue (after two hours). Parched sensation in the mouth, without thirst (after three to four hours). Stickiness in the mouth; (second day). Stickiness and dryness in the mouth (third day). Glutinous sensation in the mouth (after five to six hours). Mouth very glutinous and pasty (first day). Burning in the mouth. Crawling in the mucous membrane of the mouth. Saliva. Accumulation of water in the mouth (after one hour and a half). Some accumulation of water in the mouth (after a quarter of an hour). Saliva, returns but is very tenacious (after seven hours); saliva tenacious, glutinous (first day). Taste. Taste seems unusually acute (after two hours). Foul, bitter taste, with heartburn and nausea (after four hours). Sour taste (after one hour and a half). Disgustingly sour, nauseous taste (after one hour). Taste as if he had eaten very sour bread; as if fasting (after three hours). Taste as sour as vinegar (after three hours). Soapy, garlicky taste, soon (after the extract). She thought she could only taste with the tongue (after two hours and a half). Soapy taste (of the extract), (after one to five hours). Everything, even bread, tastes bitter. Bread has an unusually sour taste (after two hours). Speech. Speaking was very difficult the tongue seemed paralyzed (after two hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.