Urinary Organs

Stitches in the orifice of the urethra after urinating, for several minutes. Micturition. Obliged to rise three times at night to urinate, contrary to habit. The stream of urine intermits and dribbles, with burning in the orifice (twelfth day). Urine. Urine increased (first, second, and third days). Urine increased (seventh day); he was also obliged to rise the next night to urinate. The secretion of urine seems diminished. The urine passed in the morning was copious, light yellow, soon became turbid, and deposited a copious red sediment (twelfth day). The urine is greenish as passed, is of a clear color, and in a large quantity (second day). Abundant red sediment in the urine (tenth day).

Sexual Organs

Male. Erections at 2 P.M., very unusual; and again two days afterwards (after eleven days). Erections without fantasies, and without desire for coition. Stitches in the penis frequently recurring while sitting and walking, not while standing. Female. Thick leucorrhoea, as profuse as the menses, with weary pain in the small of the back and thighs. Burning leucorrhoea on moving about, and frequently. Some blood from the vagina between the menses. Menstruation returned after fourteen days; the discharge was thick, black, and more profuse than usual (after ten days). Menstruation seven days too early short, and scanty. Menstruation three days too early, without any other difficulties (second day). Menstruation two days too early (the second time during the proving). Menstruation delayed three days and scanty, lasting three days. Menstruation for two days, then omitted for two days, then returned for one day.

Respiratory Organs

Voice. Voice hollow, with catarrh, like a bass voice, for two days (after eleven days). Cough and Expectoration. Frequent irritation to cough, at 5 P.M. (ninth day). Cough that shakes the chest and head (tenth day). Hacking cough, caused by tickling in the posterior wall of the pharynx, disturbing sleep at night; the tickling as from adherent mucus continued, even in the morning, especially on inspiration, causing hacking cough (third day). Loose cough, with a feeling of soreness in the throat and mouth (tenth day). Cough in the morning with some expectoration, but with sore pain in the chest as if cut to pieces. Frequent hacking cough, with some expectoration of mucus during the day (first day). Dry cough, in the evening in bed, during which he fell asleep (thirteenth day). Dry cough, with burning in the pharynx down as far as above the pit of the stomach, all day (ninth day). Very fatiguing dry cough, in the morning after waking; does not permit him to lie down; is obliged to sit up, which affords relief; better after rising (tenth day). Expectoration of acid mucus, especially in the morning, and also frequently during the day.


Burning in the chest, without cough, in the forenoon (third day). Burning beneath the upper parts of the sternum (second and third days). Burning in the middle of the chest, lasting half an hour (after five minutes, and also second afternoon). Pressure upon the chest, with tickling irritation in the larynx, and a sensation as if the lung were too large, especially in the morning in bed; she was obliged to rise several times in order to obtain relief (after twenty-two days). Pressure upon the chest at night, that does not cease until he has raised some tenacious mucus, at 3 A.M. (fourth day). Throbbing and oppression in the chest from both sides; he could hardly breathe, while writing in the forenoon (ninth day). Pressure upon the chest, with oppressed respiration lasting an hour and a half. Pressure on the lower portion of the chest, as from weight, with somewhat short breath. Oppression of the chest, with burning in the chest, while walking. Dull sticking beneath the right breast above the pit of the stomach, on rising after stooping in the forenoon. Stitches in the lowest false ribs of the right side (first day). A stitch from either side of the chest toward the other, on going into the house from the open air in the evening (eighteenth day). Some fine stitches here and there in the chest, frequently. Great painfulness of the chest internally, when coughing, like a burning, so that she thought it would tear out a piece of the lung (after twelve days).

Back and Neck

Neck. Tension in the nape and between the shoulders, in the morning on rising. Tension and sticking in the nape of the neck and between the shoulders. Tension in the tendons on the right side of the neck, during rest and motion. Pain like a tension in the cervical vertebrae, with sensitiveness to touch, so that she dared not lie upon them; relieved by walking (fourth day). Back. Tearing down the back from between the shoulders, after midnight, so that she was obliged to rise and walk about in order to obtain relief (sixth day). The back was painful as if bruised, on waking in the morning (sixth day). Dorsal. Bruised and ulcerative pain between the shoulders, with a feeling as of a lump as large as the first, on which account she could not lie upon her back; if she lay upon her side she also felt lump there; relieved by rubbing (eighth and ninth nights). Sensation as if beaten between the shoulders, all day. Lumbar. Heaviness in the small of the back, and at times in the hips, for two days (after ten days). Violent pain in the small of the back, as if bruised and as before menstruation; also pain in the groins, without being able to determine the locality of the pain; while sitting and standing, best while walking; while standing, the thighs also pain (after ten days).


Slight drawing in the limbs at 9 P.M. (fifth day). Tearing in all the limbs, especially in the tips of the fingers (second day). Bruised pain in the limbs (tenth day).

Upper Limbs

The left arm falls asleep in the bed, in the morning after waking (fifth day) Tearing in the whole right arm at various times. Jerking in the arms three several times. Shoulder. Violent tearing in the left shoulder, during rest in the afternoon. Fine sticking in the left axilla towards the chest, transient. Arm. Pressive pain in the middle of the right upper arm in the bone (first day). Tearing in the posterior surface of the upper arm, in the morning in bed, relieved after rising. Tearing on the lower surface of the upper arm (first day). Elbow. Tearing in the left arm elbow (first day); so violent that the part was still sensitive to touch (second day); occurring while resting from spinning. Forearm. Tearing in the tendons of the left forearm, at 11 A.M. Wrist. Painful tearing in the left wrist, frequently from noon till evening. followed by great sensitiveness of the part. Hand. Trembling of the hands, so great that she split her soup (third, fourth, and fifth days). Twitching between the left thumb and index finger (seventeenth day). Drawing in the left hand that draws the fingers inward. Tearing and sticking in the right hand, with painful drawing inward of the hand and fingers, so that she was unable to move them for sometime, in the afternoon (second day). Fingers. Sharp stitches in the second phalanx of the right thumb, intermitting at short intervals, when writing (eleventh day). Some fine stitches in the tip of the right thumb, after dinner. Tearings at night in the tips of the fingers, now of the right, now of the left hand. Ulcerative pain in the posterior ball of the left thumb, on moving the thumb; also on pressure. Beating and throbbing in the whole right index finger, as if a panaritium would develop, lasting five minutes (seventeenth day).

Lower Limbs

Weakness of the legs, so great that she dreaded to walk (thirteenth day). She could not walk alone, but had to be supported, for half an hour. Pain in the legs and small of the back continued uninterruptedly for two nights (after eleven days). The pain in the legs became worse towards noon, after pain in the small of the back had ceased, even while walking. Tearing, extending down both limbs to the feet, in the evening. Hip. Tearing in the posterior surface of the right hip, in the forenoon. Tearing in the right hip, during rest and motion (third day). Thigh. Weakness of the right thigh, even while sitting, worse when walking. Tearing in the left femur (twelfth day). Bruised pain in the left nates, worse while walking. Knee. Tensive sensation in the bends of the knees, worse in the right, while walking. Tearing in the left knee while spinning; on stretching it out, it cracked and felt better. Foot. Cracking in the tendons above the heel, at every step (apparently in the ankle). Falling asleep of the left foot, in the morning before rising (eleventh day). Very transient tearing-sticking in the ball of the left foot, at noon. Ulcerative pain, with stitches in the hollow of the left foot, during rest and motion (fifth and sixth days). Toes. Sticking in the right great toe, and tearing in the left great toe (fourth day). A fine stitch in the left great toe, after dinner. Tearing in the left toes, which become contracted, for two minutes. Tearing in the right great toe, in the evening before lying down (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.