
Tearing in the bones of the face, in the right side, at 3 P.M. (first day). Cheeks. Tearing in the left zygoma; the spot remains sensitive for a long time. Violent tearing in the left zygoma, at 2M.. Lips. Upper lip below the nose somewhat red and tense (sixth day). Burning in the lips, with dryness, in evening (eleventh day). China Somewhat painful tearing from the left submaxillary region into the head (first afternoon).


Teeth. Toothache; a slight grumbling in a left upper hollow back tooth, in the evening before lying down. Toothache, especially on entering the house from the open air, lasting half an hour, also, in the evening after lying down, after which the pain disappears; aggravated by warmth and cold, and also by contact of food. Tearing toothache, in the evening in bed (eighth day). Toothache, throbbing in a left back tooth, with heat in the head. Jerking pain in the upper incisors, after 8 P.M. (second day and frequently); not in bed, but especially in the forenoon. Tongue. Coated tongue (teeth and twelfth days). Tongue somewhat coated (eighth and ninth days). A blister on the left margin of the tongue, with cutting pain. Rawness of the tongue, after dinner, till towards evening (second day). General Mouth. Mouth and throat very dry, as if numb, with a sweetish bitter taste, in the morning. Taste. Bitter taste in the morning after waking, which disappears after breakfast.


Objective. Frequently mucus in the throat, which he could neither swallow nor raise. Frequently hawking of tasteless mucus from the throat, in the morning. Subjective. Dryness and pain in the throat, even when not swallowing. Burning and sticking low down in the throat, coming on at night, worse on swallowing. Pain in the posterior nares, on coughing and talking much, as if air streamed violently through (twelfth day).


Appetite. (Appetite and relish for food return on the seventh day). Appetite diminished (eighth day). Little appetite (tenth day). Loss of appetite for two whole days, and aversion only for meat; she felt very sick, without knowing exactly what ailed her (twelfth and thirteenth days). Entire loss of appetite, aversion to warm food; bread seems to agree best. No hunger, yet she relishes her food, though she will not eat meat (twelfth day). No hunger nor appetite; yet no aversion to food. Aversion to all food, even when thinking of it (second day). Aversion to all food that she thinks of, till evening, when she had nausea, but was able to eat. Tobacco was not relished (eighth day). Aversion to tobacco (tenth day). No desire for smoking (ninth and twelfth days). Thirst. Thirst in the morning after rising, disappearing after breakfast (third and fourth days). Thirst in the evening, for several days, worse in the house (after nine days). Thirst the third evening, and all the fourth day (during menstruation). Slight thirst, which can be resisted (eleventh day). Eructations. Frequent empty eructations, but only during the day (eighth, ninth and tenth days). Frequent empty eructations, with loss of appetite (second day). Eructations of water into the mouth, after eating potatoes, and lasting two hours (tenth day). Bitter eructations, followed by taste of the food eaten the previous day (soon). Eructations of slimy taste (third day). Eructations tasting of bad eggs, several times (first day). Frequent eructations tasting like bad eggs, in the morning (fifth day). Collection of water in the mouth, with some nausea and qualmishness (soon). Frequent collection of water in the mouth, that rises from the stomach, with aversion to all food. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea amounting even to vomiting, in the forenoon and afternoon (ninth day). Nausea and qualmishness at night; she tosses from side to side on account of uneasiness, though without coldness or heat. Vomiting in the afternoon, first of food, then of mucus. Stomach. Sensation in the stomach as if it had been disordered by decayed fruit. Feeling of coldness in the stomach and qualmishness, in the morning in bed. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, that was also externally sensitive. Several burning stitches externally about the epigastric region, frequently in the morning. Trembling in the stomach, then risings of bad water and nausea. Trembling in the stomach; general weakness; risings of water.


Hypochondria. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, lasting a quarter of an hour, during rest and motion. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, in the evening before and after lying down, disappearing when lying on the back. Stitches beneath the left lower ribs, while sitting, repeated seven times (first day). Forcible stitches in the left hypochondriac region, in the evening for half an hour after lying down, so that he pressed both hands upon the painful spot, which relieved (first day and second evening). Umbilical. Burning beneath the umbilicus, lasting half an hour (soon ). Violent stitches about the umbilicus, aggravated by motion. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen (seventh day). Distension of the abdomen in the evening, which disappears at night; emission of flatus the next morning. Abdomen distended, but soft and painless (twelfth day). Rumbling in the abdomen and emission of flatus (soon). Complete loss of sleep all night, on account of violent pain in the abdomen; in the morning she could scarcely get up; she sank back again into bed and seemed inconsolable; after smelling camphor three times there followed three soft stools in succession, with disappearance of all the threatening symptoms, and the appetite and color returned. Pain in the abdomen, pit of the stomach, and chest, without cough. Indescribable pain, almost like a sticking, in the whole abdomen, in the forenoon, after potatoes eaten the previous evening. Fullness in the abdomen (tenth day). The abdomen was tense, hard and stiff, though he had eaten but very little. Griping externally extending to the hypogastrium, in the afternoon and evening. Griping in the abdomen during dinner, preceded by urging to stool. Griping or sticking in the abdomen after a stool at 6 P.M.; afterwards the pain returned more violent in both hips, lasted sometime and then disappeared (second day). A pinching, griping, and raging in the abdomen, as from a purge, in the evening after taking milk (fifth day). Feeling of a painful drawing in the abdomen (immediately after a dose). Fine twinging in the abdomen, with a hard stool (first and second days). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. A disagreeable feeling of heaviness low down in the abdomen, with sensitiveness in the inguinal region; relieved by profuse emission of flatus, in the afternoon (second day). A distressing sensation of heaviness in the lower abdomen, with dulness of the head, somewhat relieved after an evacuation of the bowels, in the afternoon (third day). Tension in both groins, though more in the right, as if one retained the urine during micturition; on stretching out a sensation as if it would burst (ninth day). Dragging in both groins, and pain in the small of the back, as from flatulence, followed by a hard stool.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea five times from noon till evening, preceded by rumbling in the abdomen, and accompanied by twisting pains in the abdomen (after a new dose). After normal stools for several days, diarrhoea returned. Purging, preceded by distension, emission of offensive flatus, and rumbling in the abdomen (soon). Purging four times, with great thirst; next day a hard stool (eighth day). Thin stool (first and second days). Thin stool morning and evening (twelfth day); hard in the evening (thirteenth day); then for a few days, soft stools. Thin stool with tenesmus, twice in succession (tenth day). Thin painless stools in the forenoon, and in the afternoon much rumbling and audible noises in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur (fifth day). The usual stool (first day), after which there were frequently very soft stools. Soft stool for several days (after ten days), previous to which there had frequently been hard stools with pressure. Soft stool (second day); hard stool, and in the afternoon a soft one followed by tenesmus, and in the evening a stool, first hard and then soft (third day). Stool soft, followed by tenesmus (seventeenth day). Stool soft, with burning in the anus (second day); soft again (third day). Soft stool, with constant moving in the abdomen (second and third days). Stool soft but unsatisfactory, followed by more watery faeces, at noon; in the afternoon four profuse watery stools evacuated suddenly without pain; only with the last, at 11 P.M., a slightly painful sensation in the umbilical region (fourth day). Stool soft (first day); harder and as usual, in the morning after rising (fifth day). Soft and hard stools alternately though not regularly. Stool hard (first day after the continued doses); soft (second and third days); no stool (twelfth day); afterwards regular stools. Stool, consisting of only a few hard pieces like nuts, evacuated with great pressure, preceded by gripping beneath the umbilicus, and after half an hour again ineffectual urging and pressure, followed after half an hour by a satisfactory hard, and later a loose stool (seventh day). Discharge of worms with every stool (first day). Constipation. The usual stool did not occur at noon (second and third days), but in the evening (third day), was tenacious, soft, unsatisfactory, and evacuated with effort. No stool (first, seventh, eighth, and sixteenth days). No stool (sixth and seventh days); unsatisfactory soft stool (eighth day); no stool (ninth, tenth, and eleventh days); desire for stool several times without an evacuation (twelfth day); in the forenoon an unsatisfactory soft stool evacuated (twelfth day); in the forenoon an unsatisfactory soft stool evacuated with effort; in the afternoon a second more profuse (thirteenth day); a normal stool in the morning (fourteenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.