Kali cyanatum


Lips and mucous membrane of the mouth pale. Slight frothing at the mouth (after 10 or 15 Min). A peculiar astringent taste in the mouth, something like that of a saturated solution of alum or green vitriol (immediately). Power of speech lost but intelligence preserved. Teeth, gums, and lips covered with sordes. Tongue has a peculiar darkish background, seen through the heavy white coating. Breath extremely fetid.


Astringent sensation in the throat and nausea, lasting till after midnight. Feeling of constriction about the fauces, with muscular tremors about the throat; for 1 or 2 days afterwards he complained of a great degree of stiffness about the throat. Immediately after meals, especially dinner, quite a painful feeling of fullness in region of oesophagus; also feeling of much accumulation of wind in the stomach, with desire to raise it; but could not; this became particularly noticeable in the forenoon of the 3rd day and continued all through it. The above symptom became still worse after dinner than ever before with painful soreness about the oesophagus; feeling in the stomach are very troublesome with a pressure upwards (3rd day); had these symptoms slightly and occasionally a few days before taking the medicine. The patient was able to swallow as a large amount of fluid filled the pharynx; after every swallow the whole body was seized with convulsive tremors and flushes of redness overspreading the face. Had no sensation of the act of swallowing.


APPETITE. Appetite good, but no hunger before eating (3rd day). Less appetite for meals though food relishes but ate less than usual (5th day). ERUCTATIONS. The trouble in stomach passed of with eructation with much wind coming up easily and involuntarily, leaving only slight soreness about the oesophagus, at 4 p. m. (4th day). VOMITING. Inclination to vomit (immediately). Great inclination to vomit. Vomiting immediately. Copious vomiting (after 5 hours).; Followed by return of consciousness. Retching with copious vomiting, immediately after the difficult swallowing of a cup of milk; the vomiting was followed by relief. Vomited twice at an interval of half an hour, a small quantity of yellow water having a peculiar smell (soon after 2 hours and a half), and from that time improved rapidly. The color of matter first vomited was light-blue or greenish. STOMACH. The epigastrium prominent, almost immediately. Pain in the pit of the stomach (after 2 hours and a half). Severe burning in the stomach (immediately). Great sensitiveness of the epigastric region (4th day). Loss of appetite. Some nausea. Pain at the epigastrium, of a griping intermitting character.


A feeling as if the bowels were about to act. Pains in the abdomen. Very severe, dull tearing pain in the bowels, beginning in the region of the bladder, and running quickly over whole abdomen towards outer surface but also in the bowels, tearing, rolling, and cutting which extended as far as the stomach; it lasted about 5 seconds, then it ceased slightly for a moment, and then again increased; and lastly passed away quickly leaving no sensation at 10 a. m. (9th day). ILIAC REGION. Pain in the groins, in the afternoon (10th day). Pain in right groin, at 9 a. m. passing into loins, and passing off towards 12 o’ clock; pain in right groin made leg feel stiff, at 1.15 p. m. (9th day). Up to this time and previous to taking the medicine, had a dull, painful feeling in back after nocturnal pollution, with dread of head work or any exertion, which was replaced by pain in left groin (2nd day). Pain in the left groin and hip-bone, in the night (9th night). Pain in left groin while standing, at 4 p. m. (9th day). Slight dull pain in right groin, which disappeared after a few seconds, and then reappears in back of head, aching about twenty minutes, just before going to sleep (after 15 or 20 minutes, 1st night). Slight dull pain in left groin, near top of hip- bone, which passed, at intervals of 1 or 2 seconds, to both thighs, chest, and top of head, at 10 a. m. (2nd day).


Faces came away involuntarily. Bowels obstinately constipated.

Urinary organs

Bladder distended by a large amount of urine, which had to be evacuated with a catheter. Urine came away involuntarily. Examination of the urine showed a sp. gr. of 1.014, slightly acid, odorless, of a wine-yellow color, without sediment, the chlorides and urophein normal, the uroxanthin increased, sulphates, alkaline phosphates, earthy phosphates, urea, and uric acid diminished (2nd day).

Respiratory organs

Voice hoarse after the attack. Loud mucous rattle. Respiration superficial. Slow and difficult breathing. Respiration slow, regular. Breathed slowly and heavily. Breathing slow and noisy, inspiration quick, expiration very slow and prolonged, with a loud groaning noise (after 10 or 15 minutes). Breathing not oftener than four or five times a minute, and stertorous. Respiration slow, with extremely long intervals. Respiration became very slow, only 7 to the minute; the expiratory act was prolonged; the intervals between the respirations were remarkably long (2nd day). Respiration heavy and labored, producing the blowing of bubbles at the mouth. Diminished frequency of respiration (12 to 16 per minute). Respiration nearly suspended, but the thorax was convulsively raised, at irregular intervals, far enough apart (soon). Struggled desperately for breath, and the horrible conviction of impending suffocation, though ignorant of its cause, did not leave me for a moment; this stage lasted hardly thirty minutes; the violence of the asthmatic symptoms prevented my speaking. Dyspnoea. Inclination to yawn, to sigh, and to heave, immediately. Respiration as if the chest were constricted. Inability to take a deep breath without pain. Breathing very slow and spasmodic, white froth issuing from the mouth, and the jaw fixed.


Anxious feeling in the chest, soon (2nd day). Oppression of the chest.

Back and neck

Vague pain in the nucha (2nd day). Feel painfully weak in back and loins, during morning and forenoon (6th day). Very marked weakness in the lumbar regions, with dull pain and weakness of right and left iliac region, while walking and during the afternoon (3rd and 4th days). Pain in lumbar region.


Limbs rigid and convulsed (soon). Spasms of the extremities. Tetanic spasms of the muscles of the arms and legs. Extremities relaxed, and when raised fell down as heavy as lead. Limbs flaccid, with occasional slight general convulsions more like a shuddering than anything else (after 10 or 15 minutes). The arms sank down, the cloth fell from the right hand, he leaned back upon the chair with legs stretched stiffly forward, the head turned backward (after a few seconds). Extremities relaxed and limbs flaccid.

Superior Extremities

Sharp stitch in right shoulder, in the morning, just after rising (3rd day); it occurred several mornings in succession, and was also felt at various other times during the day, though not so well marked. Hands clenched (after 10 or 15 minutes). The fingers were stretched out and spasmodically contracted (after a few seconds).

Inferior Extremities

Gait seemed to me to be unsteady. Legs feel heavy, but with a disposition to walk, in the latter part of the afternoon (4th and 5th days). Pain in legs in different places, with weakness below the knees (4th day). Felt stiffness and pain in legs, as if from below on the thighs, while walking, at 2 p. m. lasting all the afternoon (9th day). Severe rheumatic twinges on the inner side of right knee, lasting only a second, at 11 p. m.; they continue and assume the character of continued pain over the whole right knee; while the twinges continue at intervals of a few minutes for an hour after going to bed (4th day), and are felt again next morning after rising (5th day). Became weak in the lower part of legs, below the knees, extending to a part of each foot; sometimes felt in the knees, but not in the ankles; felt at the same time a desire to walk, but could not walk with ease and pleasure; the legs feel heavy, at 4 p. m.; weakness of legs passed off at 6.30 p. m. (3rd day). Weakness in lower part of legs, extending to part of feet and ankles, but without pain, in the afternoon (5th day). Slight weakness in lower part of legs, below the knees, passing away soon; after 5 p. m. (9th day).


SLEEPINESS. Sleepiness during day (9th day). Became very sleepy at 2 p. m. (5th day). Felt very sleepy at 8 p. m.; could not keep awake; became wakeful again at 9 p. m. (3rd day). Slept soundly all night (3rd night). After being quite awake and bright all day, became sleepy early in the evening, and wakeful again at 9 p. m. (2nd day). Slept well all night (8th night), waking with clear head, at 6 a. m. (9th day). Slept soundly all night (4th night). Slept soundly until 2 o’ clock a. m. (2nd night). SLEEPLESSNESS. The sleep at night had been restless; confused dreams, which he cannot remember after waking, for two nights (3rd night). Restless, dreamful sleep all night; could not lie on one side for any length of time (3rd night). DREAMS. Dreams very lively, especially towards morning (3rd night). Dreams clear, very lively, and practical, with very satisfactory feeling after waking and in regard to dreams (4th night). Lively dreams, but awoke only once during the night, and then continuing the dream had before waking, very lively, quick, and rushing (1st night). Rushing dreams, very clear and distinct, from 2 o’ clock until morning (2nd night). During the whole night, dreams horrid and exciting; then waking up partially, and feeling tired of lying on that side, as after great fatigue; turning on the other side, another dream, waking, and turning again, and so on till morning (5th night). Sleeplessness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.