Indium metallicum

Indium Metallicum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Metallic Indium. Preparation: Trituration of the pure metal.


Depression of spirit without cause. Depression of spirits. Restless, cannot sit still, must walk about, Feel almost crazed when attempting to study (with dull heavy nervous headache). Cannot fix the thoughts on anything. while reading, mental dullness with full feeling in front of the head.


Dizzy disagreeable sensation in the head on rising from a seat after retiring, nausea and dizziness, and pain in region of liver, When sitting, and stooping slightly, sensation of vertigo and fullness in the front part of the head, Awoke between 3 and 4 A.M. With vertigo, worse on turning the head on the pillow, much worse on rising, and then attended with faintness and nausea. Forced to lie down several times while dressing; at half past eight, being unable to sit up, took a dose of Bryonia 200 and was soon relieved, Head felt crammed full. Headache as though it would crack off, from temple to temple, and passing backwards as low as the bottom of the ears. Every motion jars the head and increases the pain, Headache all night with fever, restlessness, and desire to stretch. Headache relieved by pressure. Headache night, headache night and morning. Dull headache in the forehead on waking passing away during the forenoon never had headache like it before, dull headache in the evening; high up in the border of the hair a pressing aching pain, and on stooping feeling of fullness and expansion of the aching part, as though it grew larger, Dull headache every afternoon. Dull headache in the temples and forehead, with sleepiness and nausea, Thirst followed by great headache in the frontal region, low down, with pressing over the eyes, hot palms of the hands and dry mouth and lips, Headache over the whole forehead extending to the external angles of the eyes with dull stupid feelings. Headache with slight nausea. Headache in the evening, Headache extended to the eyes with sharp pain in the eyeballs, from before backwards, worse from turning or raising them. Pain in the head over the left eye, and in the right upper molar teeth, with nausea, dizziness, and pain in the region of the liver. Slight feeling of heat and fullness in the forehead, continuing through the day. Sharp pressing pain in the right temple when firmly closing the teeth. (30) Heat in the forehead, with slight throbbing pain in the temples. Headache on the left side. Diarrhoea with headache on the right side. Momentary pain as from pressure behind right temple, Severe attack of headache in the right temple lasting several days, with lachrymation of right eye, obstruction of the nose, and constant desire to spit. Headache in frontal region after walking. Sharp aching pain in left parietal region. Sharp throbbing pain in right orbital region extending to the eye. Nervous headache, with fever and nausea after eating. Dull heavy nervous headache and dizziness. Hard dull feeling in the head. Seemed as though straining at stool would take of his head. After a restless night woke with a dull heavy headache in the temples, lasting till afternoon, and accompanied with sleepiness and irritability. Dull headache, on rising, passing off after breakfast, dull headache before dinner, relieved by eating, dull headache before supper, better after eating, dull headache worse after supper with red face, severe chills on moving, nausea, and sleepiness. Slight headache before breakfast, relieved by eating. Slight headache with drowsiness, After a dreamy night, the content of the cranium felt bruised. On waking, the contents of the cranium, not the parts covering it, felt bruised.


Sharp pain in eyeball from before backward, worse on turning or moving the eyes, Eyeballs feel hot and pressed. People and things look ghastly and pale, or saffron-colored, followed by headache, fever, and sore throat, In the evening, a peculiar dry mist passed over the eyes; after looking at an object for a little time could see it more distinctly, while other objects remained indistinct. Sleepy irritation in the eyes, in the evening. All day, a sense of irritation in the left eye, as when the eyes are heavy with sleep, coming and going, not affected by daylight, worse from artificial light, and from closing the eye, with a desire to close it. In the evening, the right eye began to be affected in the same way as the left. After using the microscope, considerable irritation in the eyes, feeling as of an eyelash in left eye. Irritation in the eyes lasting three days. Slight tendency of lachrymation. (60) Lachrymation with headache, Smarting and dryness of the eyes on waking in the morning. Smarting in the eyes through the day when looking steadily, while reading fine print burning in the eyes. Eyes dull and glassy during fever, Spasmodic twitching at the outer angle of the left eye. Place over left eye, about an inch long, fiery red, without sensation.


Throbbing in the ears, in the evening.


Increase of catarrh from the nose. Discharge of green and bloody matter from the nose. Sudden and violent attack of sneezing, several times in succession. Very disagreeable tingling. Irritation high in the nasal passages, like an urgent desire to sneeze, but without sneezing. When sneezing, seems as though he would tear himself in pieces, wrenching the abdomen, followed by pain and soreness there. Obstruction of nose, with thin watery discharge. Feeling of slight cold in the head, with some obstruction of the nose, Sensation of weight across the nose and cheeks while lying on the back, relieved by turning the head to one side, Obstruction of nose, Stoppage of left nostril, frequent sneezing, running of the nose, discharge thin and yellowish. Nose obstructed in the morning. Watery discharge from the nose, with weakness and thirst.


Place over left eye, about in inch long, fiery red, without sensation, Pressure across the nose and cheeks when lying on the back, relieved by turning, the head to one side. Cervical glands below the angle of the jaw very sensitive to pressure. Skin sallow. Lips dry and parched, lips, dry, Dryness of the lips, with headache.


Pain in right upper molar teeth, when firmly pressing the teeth together a sharp pressing pain was felt in the right temple. Smell from the mouth very offensive, as from fever. Tongue pale, coated on the tip elevated and reddened, Soreness of small spot on tip of tongue. Tongue moist, with fever and sore throat. Tongue coated white, Tongue red, papillae raised and blood-red. Small pimple inside, on right of tongue. Sore to touch or motion all gone the next day, dryness of the mouth with headache and hot palms. Mouth full of water, with dry sore throat. Bad taste in the mouth on waking, Mouth tastes flat and nasty (with fever).


Uvula became swollen to the size off a chestnut. Throat reddened, uvula, enlarged, and back part of pharynx covered with thick yellow mucus, a band half an inch wide, thicker at the upper part, extends up and down as far as can be seen, the mucus is very tough, it can be moved but not removed by the probe the mucus became thicker and could be picked away with forceps the next day. Mucus could neither be hawked up nor swallowed. Destructive ulceration of the uvula, soft palate, and tonsils, with thick yellow secretion in the ulcers, On waking, hoarseness, inflammation, and redness of the fauces, worse on first rising, better after eating. Hoarseness and difficulty of swallowing. Throat sore on the right side. Sore throat, felt when swallowing saliva, and slight raw full feeling. Throat more sore in the evening. Throat sore many days. Dry throbbing stinging soreness of the throat. Swallowing painful on account of dryness, although mouth was full of water. Throat relieved by eating, or by drinking cold water, Dryness of throat on inspiring.


After eating lobster, at noon taste of iodide of potash all the afternoon, in the open air; all through the proving; never before or since. No appetite; can eat, but no relish for food. Much thirst, but too weak to go and get water. Thirst, With coryza and weakness. Faint feeling before. Meals, and unusual appetite. Nausea, with headache, and fever after eating; all better out of doors. After retiring at night, nausea with dizziness, and pains in the liver, During breakfast, sudden nausea and loss of appetite; obliged to leave the table; later, in fore noon, hungry. Nausea, with headaches. Nausea and faintness at 11 am. Eructations with stitches in the liver. Fullness and pressure at the stomach, with soreness, Eructations, with dizzy, disagree able sensation on rising from a seat. Nausea and faintness on rising.


Stitches in the liver. Stitches through the lower portion of the liver. Colic disappeared, Abdomen sensitive when laughing. Sneezing causes pain in the abdomen. Slight pain in the bowels. Nausea and faintness at 11 am. felt mostly in umbilical region. Moderate pain in left side of limbs, relieved by lying on the stomach. Transient, rather sharp griping pain in left lower part of abdomen. colic in the lower part of the abdomen from the umbilicus downward, Feeling as if diarrhoea would sting, with sore, sharp, continued pain around and below the umbilicus, pain in lower part of the abdomen. Sensation of impending looseness of the bowels. Uneasy feeling in the bowels before pappy stool. Pressing as far as the navel. with diarrhoea,.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.