Helleborus Niger


Hypochondria. Twisting griping commencing in the hepatic region, and constantly extending downward and forward (after two hours and a half). Umbilical. Audible painless rumbling beneath the umbilical region (after one hour). Pain several times deep in the umbilical region (fifth day). Heat deep in the umbilical region (tenth day). Feeling of heat deep in the umbilical region, with dull pressure in it (eighth day). Pressure deep in the umbilical region (twentieth day). Sharp pressure transversely across the abdomen below the umbilicus from without inward, especially severe while sitting (after twenty-four hours). Violent pressive pain deep in the umbilical region, lasting more than an hour (third day). Colic early in the morning, consisting of a kind of twisting and cutting about the umbilicus, somewhat relieved by lying bent together, gradually relieved after the passage of flatulence (first day). General Abdomen. Excessive distension of the abdomen, in the evening (after five days). Painful distension of the abdomen (first day). Abdomen distended, but not very painful when touched (after two hours). Movements of flatulence in the abdomen. Movements in the abdomen as if bubbles rose up and burst, followed by emission of offensive flatus (after eight hours). Fermentation in the abdomen (twelfth day). Rumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling and uneasiness in the bowels. Excessive rumbling in the abdomen, and noises (immediately). Flatulence rising up towards the short ribs, with empty eructations. Emission of much offensive flatus, soon after dinner (after one hour and a quarter). Emission of offensive flatulence in the morning, after the customary milk (after half an hour). Emission of very offensive flatulence (second day). Discomfort in the abdomen, with sensation of coldness, as if diarrhoea would occur, followed by urging to stool, and pasty stool (seventh day). A disagreeable sensation of powerlessness in the abdomen, so that pressure was agreeable, in the morning (first day).

Feeling of coldness in the abdomen as if it would become a colic, but which passed off without (two hours after dose, second day). Heaviness in the abdomen (after two hours). Pain in the abdomen came on in the night of the eleventh day; on the morning after taking a drachm of the extract he walked as usual in the garden; after some time his attendant noticed a remarkable paleness, with sunken features and staggering gait; the patient complained of excessive colic and weakness; he was found leaning against a tree, with his arms hanging down relaxed, hands cold, face pale, eyes deeply sunken, lids closed, pupils moderately dilated, scarcely sensitive to light, lips bluish, face covered with clammy sweat, pulse thready, 102; the patient was immediately put to bed, but had scarcely lain down when he was attacked with very violent, painful diarrhoea, followed by retching, with vomiting, twice, a slimy, yellowish fluid; the pain in the abdomen and the retching lasted three hours, during which time the patient had four liquid stools with violent tenesmus. Fullness and rumbling in the abdomen; emission of flatulence relieved for only a short time. Feeling of distension in the abdomen, constant need for stool, without being able to pass anything (second day). The whole abdomen seems to be distended; on slight pressure it feels as if ulcerated (third day). Griping in the abdomen, on ascending steps (after thirty-two hours). Violent, dysentery-like griping transversely across the abdomen (after eating). Burrowing pain in the abdomen (fifth day). Violent cutting in the abdomen, continuing in the evening (first day). A few stitches in the abdomen and tearing pain transversely across it (after half an hour). Colic. A woke at 5 A.M. with colic and great desire to urinate (it is true I have a desire to urinate every morning, but not such an irresistible desire), this time, however, I passed only a very small quantity (first day). Colic like pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea were imminent. Pain as if bruised in the anterior and lateral portions of the walls of the abdomen (eighth day). Bruised pain in the anterior and lateral portions of the walls of the abdomen (eighth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Audible rumbling low down in the abdomen, as if in the spine. Violent hard pressure on the middle of the pubis (after quarter of an hour). Sticking in the hypogastric region, somewhat disturbing sleep (second day). Pressure in the right inguinal region, becoming a stitch, a sensation as if a hernia would form. Pressing pain in the right groin (soon). Successive jerking cuttings extending from the right iliac region (beneath and outward to the umbilicus) to the outer portion of the left iliac region. Pain in the outer surface of the os ilium, similar to sciatica, occurring at intervals, in the afternoon (seventh day).

Rectum and Anus

Inclination to hemorrhoids. Feeling in the anus the whole day as if there were obstinate constipation (fourth day). Burning, biting pain in the anus, for a minute after an evacuation. Dragging and pressing asunder sensation in the anus, followed by difficult evacuation of some frothy, mostly hard faeces in small balls (one hour after the dose, second day). Sudden dull pressure as from a foreign substance in the anus, with desire for stool, though only some flatus is passed; sometime afterwards the pressure returns, and a small amount of large faeces is evacuated (eight day). Sudden pressing-asunder urging in the rectum, as if a stool would immediately follow, but a thick dry evacuation was passed with difficulty, attended by smarting pain in the anus, which continued even after the evacuation (third day). Desire for stool, which, however, was not satisfactory (first day). Frequent inclination for stool. Sudden urging to stool, with cutting in the abdomen, followed by soft pasty stool, with disappearance of the discomfort in the abdomen (sixth day). Ineffectual urging and long pressing, without a stool (first day). Ineffectual desire for stool (ninth day). All desire for stool was wanting at the usual time, with a sensation in the anus as if it were forever closed, followed by sudden pressure and sensation of distension and sudden urging to stool; at first only some flatus passed, then a hard large stool with difficulty, during and after which there was violent smarting in the anus (fifth day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea always preceded by colic, which is relieved after every stool. A little diarrhoea. Purging, with nausea and colic. Considerably purged. Frequent pasty, undigested stools (fifth day). Six evacuations (second day); two liquid evacuations (the night of second day); twelve (third day); several stools in quick succession (fourth and fifth days); followed by some tenesmus (sixth day). Two rather soft evacuations, with violent colic (third day). Two evacuations (second day); one (third day); two (fourth day); one (fifth and sixth days). The stool is retained the whole day, but the next day is earlier than usual, and in the afternoon there is a diarrhoeic stool. Stool consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus. A white gelatinous stool like frog spawn is passed three or our times a day, with much pressure. Stool not well digested (twelfth day). Constipation. Constipation (fifth day). In none of the provings was there an increase of the stools; in several there was a decided indolence in the evacuation of the faeces. Stool large, difficult, with burning, smarting pain in the anus, which continues after the stool, and violently affects the sphincter (fourth day). Hard, scanty stool, during which, and immediately afterwards, there is violent cutting sticking in the rectum, extending from below upwards, as if it drew itself tightly together, and something with sharp edges were sticking between its walls (after twelve hours). During the stool a feeling as though the intestines had not the power to evacuate the faeces though they were soft and in part thin (first morning).

Urinary Organs

Micturition. Urging to urinate. Frequent urging to pass urine, with scanty discharge (after three-quarters, two and a half, three, and five hours and a half). Some desire to urinate, with only scanty discharge, with violent burning through the whole urethra, in the afternoon. Frequent micturition. When urinating there is no stream or desire, as if the bladder had lost all its power to expel the urine; during the whole proving. Urine. Some increase in the urine (tenth day). Urine seems to be secreted in greater abundance than usual (seventh and eighth days); the bladder also expels the urine better. Passage of copious urine without much urging (after twenty- four and twenty-six hours). Passage of much watery urine. There seems to be less secretion of urine than usual, though not remarkably so. Urine dark yellow, it passed without any stream (after five hours). The urine decomposes in a few hours.

Sexual Organs

Male. General relaxation of the genitals, without any inclination for coition. No erections, even when the urine has accumulated in the bladder, the penis constantly remains relaxed (after six days). Several itching fine stitches at the tip of the glans penis (after half an hour). It seems to forcibly suppress sexual desire. Female. Appearance of menstruation (after eight hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.