

Objective. Blue margins under both eyes, more under right (eighteenth day). Blue margin at inner canthus of eyes (ninth day); blue margin round eyes (tenth day). Dull color of sclerotica (tenth day). Swelling of eyeballs and eyelids, with bloodshot appearance of right eye (ninth day); eyes still protrude, but right eye not so congested (tenth day). Subjective. Painful weakness of eyes (tenth day); eye feel weak, but are less inflamed (eleventh day). Eyes heavy (twelfth and fifteenth days). Eyes very heavy and painful, tender on pressure (fourteenth day). Eyes feel as though they would melt away (after two months). Eyes painful (twenty-eighth and thirtieth days). Eyes painful, and pain increased by pressure (twenty-first day). Eyes very painful (fifteenth day); at 8 P.M. (twelfth day). Feeling as if both eyes would be forced out of head; relieved by pressing them in with the fingers, but worse for a few moments after removing pressure (eighteenth day); disappearing (nineteenth day). Sore pain in eyes (seventh day). Eyes very painful under slight pressure (ninth day). Brow and Orbit. Pain over left eye (twenty-seventh day). Dull pain over orbits (seventh day). Lids. Could scarcely close her eyes for three days, (after two months). Spasmodic twitching of, first, the right upper eyelid, and two hours after the left upper eyelid (nineteenth day). A peculiar spasmodic thrill in left upper eyelid, similar to that felt when winking rapidly, for several days (twenty-first and twenty-second days). Vision. Dimness before;the eyes (second day).


Bleeding at the right ear (after more than two months). Pain in both ears, with headache (tenth day). Some burning of the right ear in the evening (first day). Dull, burning pain in and around the right ear, relieved by pressure, about 5 P.M. (seventh day). Feeling of fullness in left ear at 8 A.M. (tenth day). Earache (forty-ninth day). Earache, the pain extending even to her finger ends (after two months). Itching in left ear, and over the body under the clothing (eighth day). Slight sensation in mastoid process (twenty-eighth day). Pain in mastoid process, in afternoon and evening, when first going out in the wind, lasting a few minutes (twenty- seventh day). Hearing. The right ear is obstructed, so that the prover can hardly hear with it, in the evening (twenty-second day); passing off by noon (twenty-third day). Buzzing in ears at 10 P.M. (tenth day). Ringing in ears at 8 P.M. (twelfth day).


Objective. Nose swollen and inflamed; still painful to touch, but not so much so as yesterday (eighth day). Septum of nose swollen and painful to touch (seventh day). Bad smell from nose (seventh day). Sneezing in afternoon, with eructations of wind (ninth day). Sneezing at 12 M. (fifth and sixth days). Sneezing spell, and running of water from nose; cold in head (fifth day); running from nose; caught a fresh cold in the evening; discharge from the nose acrid and burning, excoriating (sixth day); nose fills up readily; discharge excoriating (seventh day). Several fits of sneezing during forenoon, after which the nasal passages seemed less obstructed (ninth day). Cold in head. Took cold again from being exposed for a moment to a draught without a hat (eighth day); fresh cold (eleventh day). Catarrh (nineteenth day). Slight catarrh on waking; nasal passages much obstructed, with some soreness of nose (second day). Coryza (second day); continuing (sixth day). Some coryza; nasal passages almost entirely obstructed (second day); cold continues (third, fourth, and fifth days); about the same (seventh day); some cold (eighth day). Coryza comes on at 4 P.M. each afternoon, goes away at 10 P.M.; not troubled with it in the intervals. Fluent coryza, discharge burning and smarting every part it touches (eighth day). Passed a tough, green plug from right nostril at 11.45 P.M. (sixth day). Bleeding of the nose, which clears her hear head, and affords her great relief (after more than two months). Nose began to bleed between, 9 and 10 the next morning, and continued for an hour until I smelled Camphor; with the epistaxis was a feeling of tightness of the bridge of the nose, and considerable crowding pressure in the forehead between the eyes, with a benumbed sensation over the whole as frontis; I was at first somewhat surprised, as in the whole course of my juvenile and adult experience, I had never before been unfortunate enough to get a “bloody nose,” and epistaxis is something I never knew occur in my family. Profuse epistaxis checked by smelling Camphor (ten hours after first dose). Subjective. Nose feels stopped up (eighteenth day). Stopped up condition of head (seventh day); (eighth day). Head feels stopped up (fourth day). Head very much stopped up (thirty-second day). General “stuffed” feeling in head (fourteenth day). Considerable obstruction of the nasal passages, but no mucus was raised, on rising (second day). Nasal passages greatly obstructed (ninth day). Left nostril less obstructed than the right (ninth and eleventh days). Nose less obstructed in the evening (forth day). Pain and dull feeling at the root of the nose (fourth day). Oversensitiveness to smell (thirteenth day).


Muscles of face feel very sore and stiff (seventh day). Cheeks. Burning pain felt in right cheek, lasting five or six minutes, in afternoon (twenty-sixth day). Burning in right cheek in the evening (twenty-second day). Singing pain in left cheek, for a few minutes, at 1.30 P.M. (eighth day). Occasional shooting pain along the right superior maxillary, extending up to the malar bone (forth day). Lips. Swelling of the upper lip, where the left nostril joins it, at 8 A.M. (eleventh day). Mucous membrane of lips much cracked at 1 P.M. (ninth day). Dryness of the lips (sixth day). Dryness of lips, and fauces well marked (seventh day). Very great dryness of lips (thirty-first day). Lips dry and cracked (fifteenth day). Lips sore at 8 A.M. (eleventh day). Lips sore at 10 P.M. (tenth day). Lips and gums very sore (twelfth day).


Teeth. Had my teeth examined by a dentist; he could not find any decayed, or gums inflamed (fifth day). Pain along the teeth on the right side (seventh day). Pain in right molar teeth of upper jaw (fifteenth day). Sharp lancinating pain along the molar teeth, extending up to the malar bone, also into the region of the temporal (sixth day). Severe stinging and throbbing pain in right molar teeth, experienced before commencing the proving, has been much worse since taking the medicine (fourth day); pain continued, aggravated by going into a warm room, or on getting warm in bed; the pain became so intense that he took Belladonna to relieve it, without avail; Pulsatilla ameliorated the pain (fifth day). Some soreness about the upper wisdom tooth of the right side (eighth day). Gums. Gums bleed easily (eleventh day). Soreness of gums of upper jaw at 10 P.M. (tenth day). Gums sore and swollen (fifteenth day). For the past week his gum has been very sore and painful from the pushing through of last molar tooth on lower right jaw, which had stopped, apparently, for some time, without making any headway (thirty-first day). Very painful canker sore at median line of upper jaw where the lips join it (thirteenth day). Tongue. Papillae on tongue much enlarged, especially near the root (ninth day). Tongue coated, and a “brassy” taste in mouth (fourteenth day). Tongue coated with brownish-white mucus at 8 A.M. (tenth and eleventh days). Tongue coated white (fifteenth day). Tongue coated white in the morning (fourth day). Tongue coated slightly with a whitish fur (twenty-first day). Tongue clean, but not so red in middle as usual (fourth day). Tongue clean and pale (fifteenth day). Tongue paler than usual (twelfth day); (sixteenth day). Tongue is perhaps paler than usual (eighth day). The tongue has two blisters on the right side; they are very troublesome (fifth and sixth days). Canker spots near end of tongue (eighth day), Scalding sensation on tongue, just beyond the tip, continuing until retiring (second and third days); remaining (fourth day). Taste. Flat, rough taste (sixth day). Bad taste in the mouth (fourth day). Putrid taste (sixth day). Taste of what has been eaten rising up to the pharynx three or four hours after eating (seventeenth day).


Objective. Throat and tongue reddened, but flabby, in the evening (twenty-second day). Hawks up considerable (ninth day). Raised some mucus from throat (twelfth day). Still has coryza; for the last four or five days, been hawking up from throat matter which should come from nostrils (eighth day). Subjective. Dryness of throat, with thirst, causing him to drink large quantities of water at short intervals (third day). Great dryness of throat and lips (twenty-third day). Great desire to drink water from excessive dryness of throat (second day). Dry feeling in throat at 9 A.M. (second day); momentarily relieved by cold water in the evening; more severe than yesterday (third day); after 8 P.M. (fourth day); also (fifth and sixth days). Throat begins to feel dry at 3 P.M.; throat dryer, and slight burning, at 4 P.M., increasing in extent till midnight; uvula fallen; difficulty in talking (third day); hoarse on arising; dry feeling remaining; burning feeling almost gone (fourth day). Throat dry, rendering it necessary to drink large quantities of water to assist in deglutition, in the morning (eleventh day). Dry, thirsty feeling of the throat, which water would not relieve, lasting full twenty-four hours. Throat very dry all night, with a feeling as if something had lodged there; compelled to swallow every few minutes, which produced dull pains in the tonsils (fourth night); very painful when swallowing food; fauces very much congested, and the tonsils slightly swollen, in the morning (fifth day). Every inhalation seems to dry up mucous membrane of throat and fauces (fifth day). Throat very painful (fifth day). Sore throat; worse on the right side (after two months). Throat sore in the evening (twenty-second day). Throat slightly sore, causing pain in effort of swallowing, about 10 A.M., continuing all day (second day); increased at 8.30 A.M. (thirty day); slightly better on rising; almost entirely disappearing by evening (fourth day). Throat slightly sore; tonsils swollen and inflamed, the left more than the right (eighth day); tonsils swollen, but not so red as last night, right swollen more than left, swollen enough to cause a slight feeling of rawness on swallowing (ninth day). Throat feels very sore (fourth day). Very sore throat, particularly fauces (fifth day). Rawness in the throat (third day). Rawness in the throat and fauces in the evening (first day). Her throat gives her more trouble in the morning and evening (after more than two months). Uvula and Tonsils. Severe stinging pain in uvula, as if it would break off, every time he coughs (sixth day). Tonsils much reddened, and veins and vessels on surface enlarged; several spots as of ulceration on left tonsil; at 8 A.M. (tenth day). Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus. Severe congestion of the fauces and tonsils; deglutition is very painful (sixth day). Dryness of the fauces (fourth day). During the day dryness of the fauces, with increased thirst, and corresponding desire to urinate (fifth day). Fauces dry and inflamed (fifteenth day). Feeling all day as if something had lodged in the fauces, which produced a constant inclination to swallow (fourth day). Rawness of the fauces (first day); better (second day). Feeling of rawness in the fauces, immediately. Disagreeable sensations in pharynx and oesophagus, extending to the stomach, with feeling of distress (twenty-eighth day). Dull pressive distress in the pharynx, and roughness of the fauces (after nine hours, third day). Slight pain on swallowing at 10 P.M. (eleventh day). External Throat. Slight pain in right side of neck, along the course of the sternocleidomastoid muscle; worse in morning and when moving it (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.