
Respiratory organs

Larynx and Bronchi. A sensation below the larynx as if something was sticking there, with short, dry, hacking cough. A spot of the size of a bean, on the internal right side of the larynx, pains like a sore, or as if water dropped continually on a sore place (smarting), of fifteen years’ standing, in a man of fifty-four years, cured. Crawling sensation in the upper bronchi, causing a dry cough (after two hours and a half). Titillation on the right side of the larynx, causing a continual cough; after three or four paroxysms of cough, which causes shortness of breath, he expectorates tasteless white mucus, and the dyspnoea ceases. Cough and Expectoration. Rough, scraping, metallic, dry cough, as if he had eaten rancid fat and taken brandy afterwards (after three hours). Hard, suffocating, dry cough, with stitching pains in the left chest, which returned regularly every winter. Cough partly dry, partly loose, with yellow, greenish, sometimes foul tasting expectoration, day and night; great lassitude and thirst. Cough the whole day, with titillation in the chest and gray, yellow, thick expectoration, tasting like rotten eggs. She has to cough a long while, with tearing pains in the chest, before she expectorates anything; warm drinks ameliorate, but there are shortness of breath and great weakness. He has to sit up when coughing, with breaking out of perspiration.


Feeling of heaviness in the chest, when breathing (after four days). She feels full in the chest and has to breathe deeply to get air enough, in the evening. Sensation in the chest as if everything were too tight; she cannot bear the pressure of her clothing; violent beating in the region of the heart and anguish, when resting as well as when moving about, the whole afternoon. Oppression in the middle of the chest, when stooping, as if it were too tight, for several hours; the mammae increase in size, with pressive pains in them, as if something painful were drawn through them, with oppression of the chest, so that she had to inspire deeply, and rest twice on going up stairs, on account of shortness of breath. During a corroding pain in the right labium, a sense of oppression in the lower part of the chest, with sensation of soreness; most severe towards evening. A transient stitch in the left lower chest, preventing breathing. Transient stitch in the center of the left chest, with consecutive dry cough (after a quarter of an hour). Some severe stitches in the left posterior upper chest, when writing (after five hours). When taking a deep inspiration and stretching and body, stitching pains in the middle of the chest; when breathing easily, it feels like the pain of an inflamed part. Drawing-stitching pains in the chest; the whole chest was affected, with heaviness of breathing, lasting several hours. Pains in the chest; the whole chest pains as if ulcerated, aggravated by breathing; they begin in the afternoon, and continue until she goes to bed and falls asleep; in the morning, when awaking, the pains were gone, but the neck was stiff and painful; the pains went downwards between the shoulders. Front. Pains in the chest, as if the center of the sternum were pressed in, when at rest (after five minutes). Continual stitches at the inferior part of the sternum, without any influence on breathing. Sides. Stitching under the left arm, when at rest. Stitches in the left side, in the region of the upper second false rib, aggravated by inspiration (after seven days). Three consecutive stitches in the left side below the short ribs, towards the heart. Mammae. Stitches under right mamma, in the skin (after five hours and a half). Sticking pains under the right mamma, aggravated by lying, breathing, or walking, beginning at 7 P.M., and lasting till midnight, followed by stitches close under the heart, with malaise and hot rising from the stomach, as if she would vomit, but she did not; at 1 o’clock water brash; then she fell asleep, and slept till after 5, when she awoke, bathed in perspiration.

Heart and Pulse

Palpitation of the heart, with slow pulse; she believes the beat of her heart must be heard far off, with some oppression of the chest. Four hours before the menses appear, severe palpitations, ceasing when the discharge begins.

Neck and Back

Neck. A node on the muscles of the neck, left side, two inches below the processus mastoideus, of the size of a hen’s egg, burning and pulsating, and preventing her from turning the neck. Back. One day before menstruation, backache, relieved by bending backwards, but continuing during the whole first day (which was never the case before). The backache commences in the morning, and lasts the whole day (after three days). The backache commences at noon, and continues till evening, when copious leucorrhoea with lassitude sets in, and continues (after twenty- four hours). Severe backache during menstruation, so that she has to lean and support herself against something, which gives relief. She has to sit or lie down frequently, on account of severe backache. Drawing pains in the back, aggravated by motion, but continuing the same when standing, sitting, or lying (after nine days). Dorsal. A tensive sensation of stiffness between the shoulders (after one hour). Drawing between the shoulders, with horripilations. Lumbar. Pains in the small of the back at noon, on the first day of her menses, worse on the right side than on the left, so that she can hardly move, with sensation of heat on the forehead. Pressing heaviness in the lumbar vertebrae, in the forenoon. Sacral. The pains in the back extend to the pelvis, and when she stoops she can hardly get up again; the sacrum pains as if it were broken.

Extremities in General

Lassitude in all the limbs; she could rest all the time. Great lassitude in all extremities, and frequent yawning, with sleepiness (soon after taking the drug in the forenoon. Sensation in the extremities as if some disease would set in there. She cannot sleep the whole night on account of tearing in the extremities and restlessness in the legs.

Superior Extremities

Objective. Trembling of the right arm; she is unable to hold it firmly. Subjective. A paretic pain in the right arm, so that she has to cease sewing. Crampy pains in the muscles of the right arm, as if several muscular fasciculi were squeezed (after two hours). Shoulder. A stitching pain in the left posterior axilla, increased by breathing. Arm. From the upper, inner, right side of the arm, down to the elbow, a pain as if the muscles were beaten off from the bones; she can hardly move to the arm. In the right deltoid muscles several consecutive stitches, so that the loses all power in her arm (after sixty hours). Drawing-tearing pain in the right humerus and below the elbow-joints, mornings. Forearm. Stitching pains begin on the forearm close to the elbow, pass around it and spread over all the fingers (after sixty hours). On the inner upper side of the left forearm several consecutive stitches, radiating to the fingers (after two day). A drawing- stitching goes from the fingers up to the elbow, and causes a peculiar stitching in the center of the forearm. Hand. The hands go to sleep easily. In the centre of the palm of the right hand a severe stitch, radiating to the elbow, and leaving a sensation of numbness for five minutes in the ring and little fingers. In the joint of the right hand, twitching, periodically returning pains of luxation (after four hours). Fingers. Several stitches along the surface of the right index fingers. In the joints of the middle finger of the right hand an acute beating pain, with the sensation as if the heads of the bones were too large and had not room enough in their articular muscles (after half an hour).

Inferior Extremities

Stitching-tearing pains, beginning in the small of the back, through the legs and thighs to the toes, extending also to the abdomen, like a pressure downwards, as if she were in labor, with frequent but fruitless inclination to stool (after twenty-four hours); after four hours of pain her menses set in very copiously, when the backache ceased, but the pains in the thighs continued till she went to bed; during that time she had tearing pains in the left side of the face. Thigh. Heaviness in the thighs; she cannot raise them well during motion, and at rest the sensation is one of pressure. A nervous pain in the left thigh, when awake (after three hours). In both thighs a tensive pain, as if the skin and muscles were too short, so that she can hardly go up stairs, and when she rises from a chair she has to walk lame for a little while, till she becomes used to motion. From the upper end of the right hip a painful drawing to the middle of the thigh, where it ends with a painful stitch (after thirty-six hours). On the posterior side of the thigh (from the neck of the femur to the hollow of the knee-joint), a painful sensation as if the muscles were torn from the bones; especially felt when ascending, stooping, or sitting, aggravated by the least touch, with the sensation as if the bone were affected. Knee. A paretic pain of luxation in the right knee-joint when going down stairs (after three hours). Acute, very severe stitches, either in the knee-joints or in the joints or in the joints of the foot, sometimes simultaneously in several joints, with sensation of internal heat, as if fever would set in (after fifty-two hours). Twitching pains in the left knee, radiating to the hollow of the knee (after two hours). Leg. A sensation of warmth in the left anterior leg, as from the vapor of hot water (after five minutes). Burning pains in the calves, as if she had taken very long walks (after three hours), in the evening till she goes to bed; when she awoke in the morning she felt nothing in the calves; but she had the same sensation in her thighs, preventing her from taking a long step or from standing; it feels as if the sinews in the thighs were too short; for twelve hours. A tensive pain from the joints of the foot to the knee (after two hours). On account of severe cramps in the calves, she has to get out of bed three or four times at night, and walk about from fifteen to thirty minutes; the toes are drawn up at the same time. (* A person who suffered for many years from these cramps was cured in a few days by a few doses of Eupion. *) Drawing pain in the right calf; the muscles are painfully contracted as from as spasm (after five hours). Tearing-drawing pains from the knees to the feet, most severe in the feet. In the right leg, from the external malleolus upwards, a stitching, pulling pain when at rest (after one hour). In the morning, stitching, burning, and twitching, beginning in the calves and going to the toes, most severe in the heel; in the evening the pains lessen in the calves, but stitches continue to shoot back and forty in the heels the pains gradually cease after an hour. Foot. In the joint of the right foot a pain as from luxation, continuing for some minutes when at rest (after four minutes). The soles of the feet feel numb as if she walked on needles; the pains in the calves cease on pressure. On the first day of her menses, several consecutive, very painful stitches in the middle of the sole of her foot, drawing her toes downwards; after half an hour the contractions of the soles and toes cease, but they are followed for a whole hour by severe abdominal colic, so that she has to crouch down, followed by great lassitude and sleep. Drawing- stitching in the right heel, running upwards to the calf, in the afternoon till bedtime (after seven days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.