Cuprum Aceticum

General symptoms

Objective. Emaciation. Emaciation of a greater or less degree, in all cases, lasting a long time, and only after several months did the natural weight and healthy color return. Great loss of flesh. On venesection, the blood showed an inflammatory crust (second day). Most of the patients lay still and apathetic, looking straight ahead, with dim, lusterless eyes and a stupid relaxed expression. Lying on the back, with the head bent backward. The limbs and trunk were stiff, the jaws clenched.

Great trembling, especially of the hands, which incapacitated them from holding anything with safety. The whole frame seemed to writhe under the pain. Frequent twitchings at night (“during sleep”). Convulsions, (fifth day). Convulsions; his limbs and body were stiff, jaws clenched. Convulsions, with constant vomiting and violent pains in the abdomen, which gradually passed into a paralysis. Convulsions (in only one case out of thirty- one, a robust woman of 47) after violent pains in the last dorsal vertebrae, which were not sensitive to pressure; the pains extended suddenly into the left arm, as far as the wrist; the arm was spasmodically flexed and extended for several minutes, followed by loss of power (with perfect sensibility), lasting several hours; these attacks returned on the two following days, gradually becoming weaker; the paralytic weakness of the arm and pain in the back disappeared on the following day. Convulsions that seemed to involve more particularly the abdomen and the upper and lower extremities; when thus attacked, they uttered a horrible cry, a sort of howl, or croaking resembling the croaking of frogs. They rose in their beds with irresistible force, so that the strongest men were unable to keep them down. They were quite crazy, looked frightened and attempted to escape; their eyes glistened and seemed to start from their sockets. They stared and looked wild. These paroxysms came so frequently that they seemed to continue without any interruption. If one was attacked, the other persons, upon hearing the cries of their companion, were likewise attacked with rage. Thus they kept up a sort of reciprocal howling. Two of these persons are even now in this sort of sympathetic state of suffering, although they occupy entirely separate rooms; as soon as one feels the attack coming on, the other is likewise affected. Convulsions, followed by death in sixty hours. All the muscles agitated with violent convulsions; the limbs remaining rigid in the intervals (after three hours). Convulsions so violent that six men had to hold him. Convulsions so violent that two men could scarcely hold the children. Pressure upon stomach produced violent that two men could scarcely hold the children. Pressure upon stomach produced violent convulsions (after three hours). Several spasmodic fits (third day). Several members of the same family were at different times attacked with severe epileptic fits. Paralysis.

General depression. General lowness (second day). Lassitude.

Great loss of strength. General weakness. Great weakness.

Remarkable weakness of the whole body. (* See S. 455. *) Excessive weakness; the knees sink under her. Throughout the whole attack, with the exception of the lady who had spasms of the chest, there was not the least restlessness, they seeming too weak to move a finger. Extreme debility of constitution (after partial recovery). Exhaustion. Great exhaustion, for several days. Great exhaustion, so that she was scarcely able to sit upright in bed; on attempting to rise from bed, attacks of vertigo and faintness (second day). Prostration. Prostration of strength. Great prostration of strength. Faintness. Repeated fainting. (* When fatigued with much vomiting. *) Great restlessness; (third day). He is very uneasy and utters a piercing cry from time to time. Extreme agitation (second day).

Subjective. Great sensitiveness to changes in the weather, for a long time. General heaviness (two cases). A sensation of inner restlessness and anxiety. A sensation of absolute prostration and exhaustion, and in some the slightest motion caused a kind of faintness. Unwell and drowsy (after twenty-two hours), (one case). General distress and uneasiness (soon). Pains shooting through the whole body, especially on the right side, causing a shuddering. Pains in the bones, in the morning, with headache and nausea. Pains in the bones, with headache, during the remissions of delirium and convulsions. All the symptoms of cholera morbus. Copper causes enormous vomitings, profuse discharges of bile both upwards and downwards, inflammations and erosions of both stomach and bowels, delirium, convulsions, syncope, and death. Spinning vertigo, nausea, vomiting of mucus, saliva running together and flowing from mouth, coppery taste on tongue, cutting pain in abdomen, constriction of chest, violent palpitation of the heart sensation of coldness along the sternum, coldness of the extremities, internal heat in the abdomen, and great thirst; after Cupr-ac. accidentally taken in a large (homeopathic) dose. General cramps (fifth day). A girl about ten years old was not attacked till next day. An old person was not affected till the third day. Aggravation from lying down; Almost as soon as he assumed the horizontal position, the symptoms, which had subsided, returned (excepting retention of urine), (third day). After diarrhoea, relief of the pains and of the hardness of the abdomen, followed usually by the nervous symptoms.


Objective. Skin, pale, earthy, yellowish, without a real jaundice. Skin of a light-yellow color, especially on the face and conjunctive (third day). Skin flabby and relaxed, especially with a sunken face. Contraction of the skin of all the limbs.

Eruptions. Eruptions on the skin. Eruption seemingly of a leprous kind, consisting of spots of different sizes, the largest of which were white and scaly, with moist base, appearing as if something acrimonious had been secreted under the cuticle, which thickened, rose and separated from the cutis. It was more or less all over the body, and very much amongst the hair of the head. There was no itching and no particular pain. The quantity of eruption was in exact proportion to the amount of soup eaten (after two days). Rash on the chest and hands. Petechial spots on neck and arms (third day). Subjective. Sensation like pin- pricks fro within outwards in the skin of the face, and on the cheeks, forehead, head, and various other parts of the body (third day. Formication in the hands, especially the finger-tips (third day).

Sleep & Dreams

Sleepiness. Yawns and is sleepy, yet cannot get to sleep, on account of a crowd of ideas which he cannot drive off (third day). Great sleepiness (second day). Great inclination to slumber, which, however, was frequently interrupted by dreams.

Lethargic sleep after vomiting. Soporous condition, especially in children. Inclination to coma (third day). Great disposition to coma, which existed in three cases. Comatose state.

Sleeplessness. Complete sleeplessness, frequently lasting three or four days. Sleep uneasy, not refreshing. Sleep restless, interrupted by dreams. Dreams. Anxious dreams, frightening her in sleep so that she awoke (second day).


Chilliness. Coldness (after forty-two-hours), (after twelve hours). Coldness of surface (fifth day). Surface cold, and bathed in perspiration. Coldness of the skin. Skin became cold.

Icy coldness of the whole body. Repeated shaking chill, so that the patient seemed to be affected with an intermittent (in one case). Shivering. Shivering in body (after twenty-five hours).

Sensation of coldness along sternum. Coldness of the extremities. Coldness and severe cramp in extremities (soon after). Cold extremities. Extremities icy cold. Upper and lower extremities of icy coldness, and covered with a cold sweat.

Coldness and cramps of limbs (soon). Coldness of legs, hands, and feet (after twelve hours). Hands and feet cold. The legs continue cold for four days. Heat. Skin warm, frequently covered with profuse sweat. Skin warm and dry. Pungent heat of skin. Fever (second day). Some fever, with a full, hard, frequent pulse, which was very variable without sufficient cause, even in the same case, in only four individuals out of thirty- one. Symptoms of acute fever set in immediately after the vomiting, etc. Violent fever. Sweat. Sweat (fourth day).

Profuse sweat. Profuse night-sweats. Cold sweat. During the collapse, the patients were covered with a cold clammy sweat, especially on the forehead, but would lie quietly, only moaning, the cheeks and eyes sunken, a bluish hue to the face, and the lower jaw hanging down. Skin dry and burning (third day). Skin at first dry, afterwards moist and frequently (especially in great prostration) covered with profuse sweat. Profuse sweat on the forehead. Collection of light-green perspiration (in which copper was found on analysis) between the toes, and underneath the nails.

Conditions Aggravation.

(Morning), Pains in bones.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.