Cuprum Aceticum

Cuprum Aceticum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Neutral Acetate of Copper, C2H3CuO2 Plus Aq. The symptoms here included, from various kinds of food cooked in copper vessels, belong to the acetate, sub acetate, and some organic salts of copper, the action of all of which is nearly or quite identical.

Preparation: Triturations.


Emotional. Attacks of rage frequently returning; she tried to bite the bystanders. Attacks of mania; he fancies that he is a military officer; a fancy that he is selling green vegetables; a fancy that he is repairing old chairs. Merry singing. He spits in the faces of the attendants, and laughs heartily at it.

Attacks of mania, with full, rapid, hard pulse, inflamed eyes, wild look, and disconnected talking, ending with sweat. Attacks of surly, ill-natured mania. Delirium. Delirium furious during the first day (in only one boy). Delirium (appeared in seven of the worst cases) of a quiet kind, consisting of unintelligible murmurings, at times interrupted by lamentations. Delirium or constant sopor, in some amounting to complete coma, in others, on the contrary, to complete sleeplessness. Slight delirium.

Disconnected, delirious talking. Raving during sleep (second day). Talks all the time (third day). Taciturnity (second day).

Crying like a child. Frequent crying out. Their look is confused, but they are in full possession of their mental faculties, and their speech is easy and perfectly rational.

Nevertheless they are still liable to these paroxysms of howling, which always come unexpectedly. Anxiety, etc. Great anxiety (soon after), (third day). Great anxiety, with unusual tossing about the bed. That anxiety peculiar to pain in the stomach.

Apprehensiveness. Loss of sensitiveness, and moping in a corner.

Intellectual. Loud speaking aroused them from their fancies; they were obliged, however, to think a long time before they could answer. Loss of consciousness. He fell down unconscious, with sudden convulsions. Found stretched without sense upon the floor (after two hours and a half). In thirty to sixty minutes, they sank into a semi-conscious state, voice very faint, eyes half open, fixed, glassy, insensible to light, pulse very weak, in some quick, in others slow, difficult to arouse, and when aroused, complaining of a cold, and of violent pain in the abdomen. Lethargic stupefaction.


Confusion and Vertigo. Great confusion of the head. Great confusion of the head, with beating pains in it (second day).

Vertigo. Vertigo, even to falling down if she arose from bed; this was especially distressing when she was obliged to rise on account of her bowels. Vertigo, a very marked and persistent symptom, mostly violent; it usually outlasted all the other symptoms, though it was generally relieved by the evacuations of the bowels; it was always combined with a certain degree of stupefaction. Vertigo, so violent that the patient is unable to sit up in bed. Spinning vertigo. Reeling from side to side, increasing so that patients were obliged at last to go to bed.

General Head. The head is drawn obliquely. The head is drawn backward. Violent congestion to the head. Dulness and headache.

Heaviness of the head, (third day), etc. Head heavy and pained (second day). Feeling of heaviness in the head. Pain in the head (after half an hour). Most violent pains in the head, chest, and abdomen. Pains in the head, becoming more and more intolerable (two cases). Compressive pain in different parts of the head (third day). Headache, (after twenty-five hours); (after forty-two hours), etc. Headache in nearly all cases; in severe cases very violent, especially in the forehead and vertex, becoming less after one or two days, sometimes, however, returning. Headache in the evening. Much headache. Great headache. Severe headache, succeeded by vomiting and purging.

Violent headache, etc. Frightful headache. Agonizing headache at distinct intervals like paroxysms, lancinating pains, sometimes in the forehead, sometimes in the top of the head, sometimes in the temples or occiput, aggravated by the slightest pressure (third day). Sensation of pressure and heaviness in the head. Very severe lancinations in the head, especially when turning it to either side; it felt as if fastened to the shoulders by a long peg (third day. Throbbing pain in the whole head. Beating headache. Forehead. Violent pain in the frontal region. Violent pains in the forehead. Temples. Temporal veins much swollen and hard (third day). Painful throbbing in the temporal arteries. Parietals. Unpleasant drawing in left side of head, extending to the face, the ear, behind the ear, and to the same side of the neck, as if all the parts were put on the stretch (second day). External Head. Hair sensitive, and as if sore when touched (third day). Peculiar, indescribable sensation in the scalp of the upper part of the head, like a pricking tickling (third day).


Objective. Red inflamed eyes, with a wild look (during the delirium). Brilliant eyes (soon). Sparkling eyes (soon after).

Staring, sunken eyes. Eyes prominent (second day). Eyes sunken.

Eyes sunken and dim. Eyes sunken, deeply seated, surrounded by blue rings. Fixed eyes. Eyes fixed upward. Brow. Severe pain over eyes (after half an hour). Lids. Eyelids very red and swollen, so that they could hardly be opened (third day).

Conjunctiva. Conjunctiva yellow of a greenish hue. White of the eye somewhat red (second day). Conjunctiva of eyes bloodshot.

Pupil. Pupils dilated; (second day). Pupils always very much dilated, but sensitive to light. Pupils contracted (second day).

Pupils contracted in only three cases (out of thirty-one) in which there was much congestion of the head during the first days. Vision. Photophobia (second day). Eyes cannot tolerate the lamp-light. Frequent blackness before the eyes, flickering and vision of sparks.


Difficult hearing. Slight deafness. Complete deafness, in a girl of 22. Roaring and ringing in the ears (second day).

Roaring and ringing in the ears, in some cases continuing a long time, and associated with difficult hearing, which only gradually disappeared during convalescence.


Nose red and swollen (third day). Very violent fluent coryza, with lachrymation and smarting in the eyes (third day).

Epistaxis (fifth day). Profuse epistaxis, with petechiae, in a child, twenty-four hours before death.


Objective. Countenance heavy (second day). Features sad, depressed. He was a miserable-looking man. Face expressed the greatest anxiety. Countenance expressive of pain (soon). Face expressive of great pain. Paleness (second day). Pale face, (third day). Face pale, collapsed. Face pale, with expression of the greatest prostration, or even of complete stupidity.

Jaundice, with quiet expression. Jaundice appeared on the second day, was still worse on the third, with vomiting and eructations, sensation of heaviness in the head, difficult hearing, grayish stools, great thirst, dark turbid urine, with yellowish sediment; jaundice disappeared after about two weeks. Face and eyelids red (second day). Face, in some cases, red and turgid, during the first days. Face in one case red, in the others pale. Face very red and swollen (third day). Face flushed (second day).

Features altered, full of anxiety. Swelling of face (soon after). Face and eyelids swollen and red (second day). Face puffy, red, hot. Sunken face. Face sunken yellow. Features distorted (from larger quantities). Spasmodic distortion of the face. Face at times spasmodically distorted, when the eyes seemed staring and retracted in the orbits. Lips. Lips swollen (third day). China Spasmodic contraction of jaws and spasm of the pharynx. Teeth firmly closed (after three hours).


Gums. Gums ulcerated (third day). Tongue. Tongue swollen and pale. Tongue rather white (second day). White furred tongue.

Tongue at first coated white or yellowish, moist; in worse cases the margins became red, after one or two days, while the back remained pale, or the whole tongue seemed red with enlarged papillae, but moist; in the worst cases it became very red and dry, the papillae very prominent, giving the tongue a rough look; when the disease was at its height it was cracked and brownish; in other cases the epithelium came off on the eighth day, and the whole mucous membrane of the mouth of the mouth was loosened in large flakes; in another case on the sixth day some roundish ulcers with a yellow base appeared at the tip and on the margins.

Tongue green. Tongue greenish. Tongue, in several cases, red, in others moist, and covered with a whitish or yellowish fur.

Tongue furred and clammy. Tongue moist and flabby. Tongue, in mild cases, moist and pale, or only red on the margins, but in most cases, red, dry, rough, with enlarged papillae. Tongue dry.

Tongue and throat affected, as well as the mucous membrane of the mouth (second day). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth.

Dryness of the mouth and throat. Mouth dry (second day. Dry mouth, without thirst (third day). Pretty sharp pains in mouth and pharynx. Saliva. Much viscid saliva (third day). Saliva accumulating, and flowing from mouth. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Taste. Taste flat. Foul, nauseous, bitter taste in mouth. Metallic taste in mouth (after half an hour). Copper- like taste in mouth. Taste of copper, for several days.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.