Cornus Circinata

Griping in the bowels, with inclination for stool but could not effect anything, at 2 p. m. Slight griping pains in the abdomen, accompanied with rumbling of wind at 10 o’clock; these pains were experienced over nearly the whole abdomen but chiefly in the vicinity of the umbilicus, and they did not subside until bedtime at 11.30 p. m. (second day).

Occasional griping pains in the bowels (fourth day).

Griping-shooting pains from the center of the chest (apparently in the thoracic muscles), down to the lower part of the abdomen; the pains coming on severely at intervals and then remitting (third day). Occasional drawing pains from the stomach to the lower part of the abdomen (first day). Dull pains in the bowels (third day); (fourth day).

Hypogastrium. Rumbling of wind in the lower part of the bowels (sixth day). Sense of weight in the lower part of the abdomen (ninth day). At about 11 a. m., felt a griping pain in the lower part of the bowels, with rumbling of wind and frequent discharge of offensive flatus (after three hours, third day).

Rectum and Anus.

Frequent inclinations to go to stool but no satisfactory discharge, the result being a small quantity of dark and slimy fluid, and much offensive flatus (second, third and fourth days).

Some desire for stool (second day). Urging to stool (twelfth day). Some urging to stool (thirteenth day), (150 drops). Awoke at 5 in the morning with a sensation in the rectum as if he must have an evacuation (second day).

Increased sensation in the rectum, urging to stool. He rose at once to dress, fearing, however, that he should not have time on account of the increasing desire to evacuate. Accompanying this sensation in the rectum there was a bearing-down pain in the abdomen, which contributed to the disposition to evacuate (twenty minutes after 20 drops, second day). On rising felt an urging to stool (sixth day).


Diarrhoea. Loose, scanty stool at 9 o’clock in the morning, attended with tenesmus, burning at the anus and discharge of offensive wind (fifth day). Large, loose and dark stool with some griping and tenesmus in the morning (seventh day). Small and somewhat loose evacuation from the bowels, with much discharge of offensive flatus and burning at the anus in the morning (second day). A copious stool, slightly loose and attended with slight pressing-down pain in the rectum (third day). Stool looser and more scanty than usual, with slight burning pain in the rectum during the evacuation (fourth day).

A slightly relaxed stool at usual hour this morning (fifth day).

Stool this morning thin and scanty, with pressing pain in the rectum, smarting at the anus after the discharge, dull feeling in the head, drowsiness and lassitude (sixth and seventh days).

Stool thin and scanty, and attended with some tenesmus, griping in the umbilical region, rumbling of wind and large discharge of offensive flatus (ninth day). Copious dark stool of natural consistence, attended with a pressing-down sensation in the rectum (eighth day). Dark, thin and moderately large stool, with some tenesmus and burning at the anus (second day). Dark, thin stool, with slight tenesmus, on rising in the morning (third day). A small discharge of bilious and slimy matter, accompanied with copious emissions of wind and some tenesmus. During and after the discharge, a severe burning pain was felt at the anus, and a short distance within the rectum (tenth day). Very offensive stool of a bilious character and rather loose (after two hours and a half); another passage rather less loose and less offensive (after seven hours, second day).

Constipation. Stool, hard, dry and scanty, with slight pressing in the rectum, at 9 p. m. (tenth day). Stool scanty and dark- colored, and attended with burning pain in the anus at 7 o’clock in the morning (seventh day). Towards night, a scanty stool, with burning at the anus during the discharge (twelfth day). Very early in the morning was obliged to get up to relieve the bowels but could do nothing at all satisfactory, or which gave relief, the discharge consisting of only a few slimy lumps, and being attended with pressing and smarting at the anus (third day).

Urinary Organs.

Urine scanty and red (fourth day). Urine scanty and red; has to pass water oftener than usual (sixth day).

Sexual Organs.

Strong persistent erections frequently during the night (fourth night).


Choking sensation in the upper part of the thorax (tenth day).

Stitches in the chest and back (after two hours, tenth day).

Stitches in the chest and under the right scapula (seventh day).

On rising in the morning, a sore feeling in the chest and back, as if the parts had been bruised (third day). Sensation of dragging or bearing down on each side of the thorax (second day).

Heart and Pulse.

Accelerated pulsation of the heart (second day).

Neck and Back.

Neck. Drawing pains in the nape of the neck (ninth day).

Back. Dull pains in the back (third day). Dull pains in the back and knees (twelfth day). Pain in the lower part of the back and abdomen (second day). Sore pain in the lumbar region, worse by bending forward (second day). Dull pains in the small of the back (fourth day).

Inferior Extremities.

Weakness of the legs (sixth day), Weakness and trembling of the legs (fifth day), Weakness and weary feeling in the legs (six day), Weary feeling in the legs (fifth day), Tired feeling in the legs on walking, or ascending stairs (eight day).

General Symptoms.


General loss of energy (second day). Almost entire prostration of the mental and physical energies (fifth day). Weakness (third day); (fifth day). Unusual weakness (third day). Debility (twelfth day). Slight debility (eighth to tenth day). Some debility (fifth day). Considerable debility (fourth day); increased (fifth day). Great debility (fifth day). General debility (tenth day).


Feeling of indolence and loss of physical energy (fifth day).

Sense of fatigue (fourth day). Felt fatigued through the forenoon (eighth day). Disinclined to mental or physical labor (seventh day); (twelfth day). Complete disinclination to mental or corporeal exertion (ninth day); (thirteenth day), (150 drops).

Dread of making any exertion (eighth day). General sense of weariness (first day). General sense of weakness (second day).

Felt weak and languid, on waking in the morning (ninth day).

Sense of debility and lassitude (seventh day). Sense of debility.



A fine scarlet rash on the breast, attended with itching, but which disappeared in two or three hours (eleventh day).

Subjective. Itching of the skin all over the body (fourth day),.

Itching in different parts of the body (eleventh day),. Itching of the skin at different points (fifth day). Prickling of the arms and legs (first day). Itching of the integuments of the head and legs, and of the nasal mucous membrane (fifth day).

Occasional paroxysm of itching of the skin of the back, legs, and feet, coming on generally during the evening (forty-third day).

Itching on the legs, thighs, and around the labia (eight day).

Sleep and Dreams.

Sleepiness. Great inclination to sleep (fifth day); (twelfth day); (thirteenth day), (100 drops). Drowsiness; (second, third and eighteenth days), 60 drops; (second, fourth and fifth days); (fifth day); (seventh day); (seventh, eighth, ninth and eleventh days). Drowsiness; almost irresistible desire to sleep (second day).

Great drowsiness (after two hours, tenth day). Very great drowsiness, with heavy feeling in the head and sensation of emptiness of the stomach (after half an hour). Pain in the head and drowsiness became so great that he could not well endure it (after six hours). Strong coffee afforded speedy relief to the headache and drowsiness (second day). Drowsy (eighth day). Began to feel drowsy at 1 p. m. (first day).

During the day have been very drowsy and disinclined to make any effort (fourth day). Sleepy and stupid feeling (fifth day). Slept soundly this night, a circumstance quite unusual on former occasions when he had taken coffee, as his beverage had always before kept him awake through the entire night (second day).

Slept more profoundly and later than usual (fourth night). Slept very soundly but woke at 7, without feeling refreshed (fifth night). Slept very soundly last night but woke up this morning without feeling refreshed as usual by sleep (fifth morning).

Slept very soundly last night and awoke an hour later than usual (sixth morning).

Sleeplessness. Restless during the night, continually turning from side to side (second night).

Dreams. Sleep disturbed by unpleasant dreams (eighth night).

Sleep disturbed by unpleasant dreams. Awoke once by a frightful dream, in a profuse perspiration (eighteenth night). Slept more soundly than usual but had frightful dreams (second day).



Chilly sensations, succeeded by transient flushes of heat (eleventh day). Coldness, followed by flushes of heat and perspiration (fourth day). Hands and feet cold (seventh day).

Heat. Transient flushes of heat pervading the whole body (eighth day). Flushes of heat, followed by easy general perspiration (eighth day). Flushes of heat and coldness in afternoon, followed by cold perspiration (seventh day). Heat on the top oft he head (sixth day). Unusual heat in the head and face in the morning on rising (sixth day). Head hot (seventh day). Head and face hot (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.