
Headache in the morning, as if the head were beaten or would be pressed asunder. Headache, extending from the forehead to the occiput, as if something were loose, on shaking the head.


Violent pains in the forehead and eyes, with profuse burning lachrymation, as though salt water had got into the eye.

Headache, as from external contraction, in the upper part of the forehead, disappearing on stooping or leaning it on the hand, with chilliness, vertigo and fretful senselessness (after one hour and a half). Pressive drawing around the forehead and right temple.

Digging and griping in the forehead, as from the stomach, with such great sensitiveness of the brain that it was painfully shattered by noises and by speaking. Drawing pain in the forehead above the brows.

Drawing pain in the brain just behind the forehead (first days).

Pressure in the forehead. Pressure in various places on the forehead (after three hours). Pressure in the forehead, alternately severe and slight; afterward heaviness, followed by the same sensation in the occiput. Pressure in the right side of the forehead, in the left side of the occiput, and in the left parietal eminence. Pressure and heaviness in the forehead, lasting the whole day. Pressive pain in the forehead, externally.

Pressive headache, as from a stone, on the upper part of the frontal bone (after three days). Pressive headache from within outward, over the eyes. Pressive headache, externally in the forehead, causing stupefaction. Jerk like sudden sticking in the forehead, lasting the whole day, worse in the room. Sticking pain from within outward in the forehead, at noon. Sticking headache in the forehead, the whole day; till she could not lie down. Sticking headache coming out at the forehead, with inclination to lie down, in the forenoon. Stitches in the forehead. Stitches, extending out of the forehead, in the morning after rising. Throbbing in the forehead.


Slight pain from temple to temple several times during the day (eighth day). Some headache in the region of temples, attributed to a cold (third day). Drawings in the right temporal muscles; worse when walking. Drawing pain in the temporal bones.

Drawing pain in the temples, on touch. Pressure in both temples (after a few hours). Tearing in the right temple and right ear.

Tearing pain through the temples, in the morning (fourth day).

Tearing pain in the temples, while eating. Tearing headache in the temporal region, with pressure in the forehead, after eating (third day).


Pressure on the vertex, with feeling as though one would fall.

The headache consisted of a violent pressive, squeezing sensation, like something pressing on the top of the head; the pain then went down from the top of the head to the sides of the jaws, and thence to below the left breast, with a feeling of choking and inability to draw a breath. Dull pressure deep in the vertex. Dull pressure on the vertex, afterward around the forehead. Nipping in the vertex on every step, while walking, without pain; not while sitting.

Some pains and heaviness in top and back of head (after half an hour).


Numbness, with sensation of coldness, of one side of the head.

Sensation in the right half of the brain as if a large foreign body. Pressive pain in the right half of the brain, extending backward. Sticking in the parietal bones and in the forehead, with vertigo, so that he was obliged to sit down; together with sticking in the cervical muscles. Tearing stitches, extending from the left parietal bone to the frontal region. Headache on one side, gradually increasing as if bruised, and as if something heavy were pressing downward, aggravated by moving the eyes towards the affected side. Pulsation in the right side of the head, in the evening, in bed.


Heavy sensation in the occiput, that frequently disappears and reappears; it appears from time to time while sitting bent but always disappears on becoming erect. Fullness and confusion in the occiput. Pressure on the left side of the occiput. Pressure in the right side of the occiput, as with a plug. Pain in the occiput; at every pulse it feels as though pierced with a knife.

Slight tearings in the left side of the occiput, while walking (after half an hour). Tearing headache in the occiput and nape of the neck, and especially in the orbits with constant nausea, so that he was obliged to lie in bed.

External Head.

Falling of the hair. Burning on the scalp above the right frontal eminence, with sensitiveness of the skin at that place.

Sharp pressure in a small spot on the scalp. Much itching on the scalp.



The eye itself immovable, staring. Their look was wild and piercing. Weak look of the eyes. Trembling look, as if the eye trembled. Red eyes. Eyes somewhat congested and wild. Yellow whites of the eyes (after ten days). Protruding eyes.

Movements of the eyes as if they were pressed outward. Affected with a weakness and dazzling of my eyes, together with a giddiness and debility of my whole body, especially the muscles of my arms and legs, so that when I attempted to walk I was apt to stagger like a person who had drunk too much strong liquor.

Mucus in the eyes in the morning.


Increased irritability of the eyes (first days). The eyes felt uncomfortable, causing me to brush them frequently to clear apparent obstruction from the lids. Heat in the eyes. An almost burning heat shoots through the eyes in the forenoon and evening.

Burning in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, towards evening, with pressure in the orbits. Drawing pain in the eyes, with redness of them. Pressure in the eyes, as from a grain of sand, especially in the forenoon, with inflammation and redness oft he white of the eye and biting lachrymation. Pressure in the eyes, mostly while reading. Dull pressure above both eyes, afterwards in the occiput, as if a band were tied about the head. Painful pressure in the eyes as if she closes them to sleep, in the evening, in bed.

Brow and Orbit.

There was an aching pain across the eyebrows and mistiness of vision. Pressure above the right eye, extending into the eye.

Pressive pain in the bones above the right eye, in the nose, and malar bone, late in the evening and lasting ten minutes. Pain in the orbits, especially with the headache. The absence of any preponderating action of the muscles supplied by the fourth and sixth pairs of nerves shows that they are equally affected with the third pair. A proportionate diminution of power is also observed in the muscles supplied by the motor branches of the fifth and seventh pairs. The contractive power of the M.

orbicularis in particular is distinctly weakened.


Inflamed lids with formation of styes in several places; the boy frequently blinks. Twitching in the upper lid. Eyes difficult to open (first hour and a half); closed (second hour). Difficult opening of the lids; in the morning they are drawn together. He could hardly raise the eyelids, which seemed pressed down by a heavy weight, and was disposed to fall off to sleep. Muscular relaxation of the orbicularis, drooping of the eyelids, almost amounting to ptosis and nearly inability to walk. Nearly complete muscular paralysis; the eyelids were closed, the pupils widely dilated, and the mind clear, calm and active, and she expressed herself quite comfortable; she tried perseveringly to raise the eyelids when I requested her to do so, but she was quite unable to separate their margins (after one hour). Burning on the inner surface of the lids. Pressure in the external canthus, as from a grain of sand. Sticking in the inner canthus; the lids are agglutinated in the morning. Itching sticking in the inner canthus, not relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a half).

Stitches on the margins of the lids and in the canthi.

Biting pain in the inner canthus, as if something corrosive were in it, with lachrymation. Itching on the margin of the lids.


Pressure and sticking in the conjunctiva bulbi of the right eye, in the inner canthus, with fine vessels closely aggregated at the inner margin of the right cornea.


Dilatation of the pupils from one seventh to one sixth.

Dilatation of the pupil occurs usually only after very large doses and then it is often but slight, and only observable in a subdued light, the excitement of strong light overcoming the tendency to dilate, just as the exertion of a strong will strengthens for a time an enfeebled limb. Dilated pupils (after one hour). Pupils dilated (second day). Pupils of the eyes apparently somewhat dilated (seventeenth to twentieth days).

The pupils were considerably dilated. Pupils decidedly and persistently dilated; at first this dilatation alternated with contraction. Pupils greatly dilated. Contracted pupils (curative action), (after three hours and a quarter).


Weakness of vision. Diminished vision. Dimness of vision, while walking in the open air; in the room it was clear.

Dimness of vision and dilatation of pupils. Obscuration of vision. ( * In Andree’s case, with giddiness.– HUGHES. *).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.