
Comocladia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

   Common name: Guao.


Comocladia dentata, Jacq.

Natural order: Anacardiaceae.

Preparation: Tincture of the leaves and bark.


(Self complacent thoughts and contempt of others)?; (after three hours and a half). Combative, vindictive disposition all the week and contempt for opponents (sixth day).


Confusion and Vertigo. Head only somewhat confused, muddy (third day). At times feels dizzy.

General Head.

Heaviness of the head, in the morning (second day). The head feels very heavy and large (first day). Severe pain at intervals, extending from the posterior portion of both eyeballs through the head to just below the occipital protuberance, with sensation of pressure on the superior surface of the eyeballs, seeming to move the eye downward and outward (sixth day); this pressing and rolling sensation was felt more or less during the last two days.

Violent pain extending from the posterior portion of the right eye through the head to the occipital protuberance, with great soreness in the eyeball, very profuse lachrymation and sensation as if the eye were as large as two eyes, continuing an hour until she fell asleep (sixth day). Cannot describe the headache (first day). Stupefying throbbing headache (from merely passing by, in a shadow of the tree). The head feels worst near the warm stove and when stooping it is almost impossible to hold the head down, relieved by being in the open air (first day).


The head feels heavier about the forehead and eyes (first day).

On sitting down, pain and pressure deep in the anterior portion of the brain (after one hour). Severe pain, deep in the brain over the right eye, lasting but a moment (fifth day).


Quite a severe pain in the right temporal region for some minutes (after three hours and a half). Pressing pains in the right temple for a few minutes at 1 p. m. (seventh day). Severe press ing pain in the temporal region, soon passing off (after ten minutes). Shooting pain through the left temple, recurring at intervals for three hours, and at times for several days.


Frequent returns of pains in the right side of the head (after nine hours and a half). Pressing constrictive feeling in both sides of the head as if they were pressed together (after three hours and a half). Compressive headache from the sides of the head (eleventh day).


Sharp pain in the occiput extending down the neck (after twelve hours).

External Head.

Itching of the scalp, mostly the superior left parietal region, exciting one to scratch it (after ten minutes).



Eyes look dull and glassy; vessels congested; lids red, swollen and inflamed (fifth day). The eyes feel very heavy, larger than usual, painful and pressing out of the head, as if some thing was pressing on the top of the eyeballs, moving them downward and outward (first day). Right eye very painful, feeling much larger and more protruded than the left, at 3 or 4 p. m. (fifth day).

Aching soreness in the eyeballs, which increases in severity during the evening, sometimes making him very dizzy, lasting from 4 or 5 p. m. till 10, aggravated by looking at a lighted candle and by motion; stooping or moving the head causes flow of tears (third day). Catarrhal symptoms in the head; eyes seem sore, with more or less lachrymation, attributed to a cold, at 4 or 5 o’clock, and continuing through the evening (fourth day). Looking at a lighted candle makes the eyes more painful and causes profuse lachrymation (first day). Eyes were aggravated by moving the head, by reading, by looking at a lighted candle and bright objects (sixth day). The eyes feel more painful when near the warm stove; with profuse lachrymation also when stooping (all this time the eyeballs are very sore, the right worse than the left), (first day). Eyes were relieved by sitting quietly before a wood fire on the hearth (sixty day). The right eye worse than the left during the day, in the evening vice versa (sixth day).

Left eye worse than the right towards and during the evening (fifth day).


Fine stitches in the external canthus of left eye, about 8.30 p.

m.; these stitches seem to resemble very fine needles (about half an inch long) and moved rapidly from below upward, lasting only a few seconds (tenth day). Slight itching at external angle of the right eye, then at the lower border of the left eye (after ten minutes).

Lachrymal Apparatus.

More or less lachrymation for some time, worse in the open air (sixth day). Profuse lachrymation during the day, worse in the open air (fifth day).


Right eyeball very sore, worse on moving the eye; at 6 a.

m. (fifth day). Eyeballs feel worse on moving them (first day).


On rising from bed everything looked dark.


Dulness of hearing. Slight ringing in the ears and sensation of giddiness (after three hours and a half).


Face most dreadfully swollen, my eyes projecting far out of their sockets, and I could see only a faint glimmer of light with the left.

A painful burning on my face and arms, and particularly about my eyes. Face around the eyes felt swollen, at 6 a. m., very much puffed just below the superior tarsal cartilage in the afternoon (fifth day).

Sensation as if the skin was puckered or drawn up from the face and about the nose, rendering me slightly dizzy (after ten minutes).


Interior lip blistered and swollen. The lips have been dry and chapped for three or four days, at 9 p. m. (eighth day). The lips remained dry or chapped, often bleeding, for several weeks, a circumstance without precedent in my history.


Slight pain in the lower jaw from the ears (after nine hours and a half).



Sensation as if all the molar teeth on right side were loose, about 4.30 p. m., lasting thirty minutes (eighth day). Aching in the bodies of all the teeth, lasting a minute, but returning every five minutes; which intermittent aching continued for half an hour (second day). Aching in a middle molar tooth of the upper jaw of the right side (the molar tooth immediately below it is carious, or in popular language hollow); at 12 m. it increases and becomes of a twitching character, that is, a sensation as if the tooth was drawing out of its socket or alveoli, putting the nerve on the stretch and suddenly pressing into the socket again, the pain shooting up to the temple of the same side; the tooth felt about an inch and a half long and lasted till 3 p. m., relieved by pressing on the jaw with the hand and by holding the affected side close to a hot stove; aggravated by holding cold water in the mouth (first day). Sore pulsating pain in the body of the middle molar tooth of the right upper jaw (this tooth is perfectly sound), lasting half an hour, and then relieved by hold ing the right side of the face to a hot stove, at 6.30 p. m.

(thirteenth day).


The gum of a carious tooth is swollen (ninth day). Steady aching and soreness of the gum and root of the middle molar tooth of the right lower jaw; this aching continued until I went to sleep (9.30 p. m).; relieved by holding the right side of the face to a warm stove, or very hot wood fire; holding cold water in the mouth produced no change (ninth day). (* This tooth is carious, and has been so for several years, and it is loose, but never ached before. *).


Tongue coated in the morning, dirty yellow coating, which is easily removed. Tongue like a chip, with burning and swelling of the lower lip, which remains chapped (eleventh day). Tongue feels burnt (eleventh day). Tongue has still the burnt sensation, and more smooth and red on the tip than usual (third day). Severe burning in the tongue, which looks redder and dryer than usual, more the anterior portion, in the forenoon (second day). Violent unpleasant burning in the tongue (after ten minutes).

General Mouth.

Mouth dry. Mouth very dry at night (tenth day).

Dry mouth and tongue for several nights (eleventh day).


Bitter taste, in the morning.



A girl inoculated when she was six years old suffered from severe attacks of inflammation of the throat, until the period of womanhood, when they ceased. Hawking up of increased quantity of mucus, for several days (seventh day).


Immediately sense of roughness and scraping in the fauces and throat.


Difficulty of swallowing in empty deglutition (second day).


Eructation with relief (after ten minutes). Unpleasant eructations coming up from the stomach (sixth day). Frequent eructations of wind, at 9 a. m. (ninth day). Sour eructations, two hours after eating. Felt sick at the stomach, which feeling continued over an hour (after two hours, second day). Constant pressure and heaviness in the region of the stomach. While lying on the left side at night, a number of very fine sticking pains or stitches in the scrobiculus cordis, worse on inspiration, lasting a few seconds (this sensation seemed as if about a dozen fine pins or needles, half an inch in length, were dancing about in every direction), (tenth night).



Stinging pains about the hypochondrium, lasting but a moment, at 11 a. m. (seventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.