
Sticking in chest, just beneath sternum.


Pain in upper part of left and right lung. Pain on seventh rib of each side, in a spot as large as a quarter dollar, more on left side. Occasional pains in left side of chest, between cartilages of fifth and sixth ribs (second day). Returned in evening, in region of heart, of a sharp cutting character, producing difficulty in getting breath, while they continued (third day).

Returned in forenoon, followed by wandering pains throughout whole chest (fourth day).

Soreness under right breast, near last true rib, particularly on drawing breath.

Heart and Pulse.


An inward soreness over the heart, extending along the left arm on taking a long breath.

Heart’s Action.

Nervous trembling of the heart, with anxiety, to which she was formerly subject, again returns, in evening.

Pulse. Pulse at first rapid, intermitting, strong, afterwards tremulously weak. Pulse, which was at 12 M. from 44 to 52, rose at 4 P.M. to 80. Pulse 60, at noon; 80 in evening (second day).

Pulse 60 (second day). Seems to lower the pulse in forenoon and make it irregular. Throbbing-like pulse and sticking here and there near the sternum and beneath the short ribs, mostly when walking, least when sitting and lying.

Neck and Back.


Pain in back part of neck, when head is thrown back, extending to occiput. Pain on right side of neck, below the sternocleidomastoid muscle, on turning head. The muscles of the back part of neck seem as if contracted. Pain as if dislocated in the cervical vertebrae. Soreness from right ear into the middle of the posterior cervical region, as if the glands were affected (second day). Soreness increased, very severe in evening (third day).


Tearing pain and a sensation as if everything would separate in the side of the back, especially at night, on the slightest motion in bed, and also in the arm while writing, both relieved by the warmth of the stove.


General pain all over the back, down to loins, worse after every dose of medicine, aggravated on drawing a long breath. Dull pain in lower dorsal portion of spine, continuing only for a short time (after ten minutes). Sticking pain in region of left side of fifth and sixth dorsal vertebrae, in evening (fifth day). Same pain occasionally on the right side of same vertebrae (sixth day).

Lumbar. Aching in small of back, as if bruised. Aching pain in small of back and legs (sixth day). Aching across small of back and in limbs, in morning (third day). Severe aching and drawing pains in back, from region of kidneys to sacrum, and in thighs and legs, all last night and today. Drawing up of legs affords relief. (The pains in legs were exactly like those he suffered years ago from Calomel), (seventh day). Awaked by a dull sticking pain in region of left kidney, which lasted but a short time, about 4 A.M.

Afterwards, tossing about and sleeplessness for an hour (fifth day). Sharp pain, at night, in region of kidneys, as if a nail had been driven in on each side of the vertebrae.

Extremities in General.

Paralytic sensation in all the limbs; he is heavy and sleepy.

Numbness and heavy aching in arms and knees, and lower legs, at 8 P.M. (second day). Pain in all the joints, with lameness, during the day (second day). Dull aching in bones of forearms and legs (second day). Dull aching pain in bones of forearms and legs (after six hours and three-quarters).

Superior Extremities.

OEdema of right arm. Pain along left arm, particularly in little finger, third finger, and thumb. Wakened several times from sleep at night by a severe pain in right arm. It continued next morning and during the day; at times very severe, commencing about the center of the os humeri, and extending to the elbow and along the radius to its inferior extremity; the pain was of a heavy, aching character, deep-seated, and caused lameness and difficulty in moving the arm (fourth day). Severe stitches, at times, in the arm.


Lame sensation in right shoulder-joint, in evening (second day).


The least twitch causes the elbow-joint and shoulder to crack.

Numb feeling in elbows, as if the ulnar nerve was compressed, also numbness in knee-joints. A constant pain in left arm-joint when turning and straightening the arm and when writing. On supinating the forearm, the pain is worse at the elbow; it feels as if the “crazy bone,” were struck.


Numbness of left arm, from elbow down to end of little finger.

Numbness in left arm, from elbow to end of little finger, passing off on using the arm, and returning again while at rest (second day).


Pain in right little finger. Occasional shooting and prickling pain in the two middle fingers of left hand, better by firm pressure upon thumb (after two hours). Sharp darting pains (like electric flashes, passing from the first phalanx of ring finger of right hand to middle of forearm, and from lower extremity of radius of left arm up to elbow (after one hour).

Inferior Extremities.

Lameness and frequent stitches on walking, particularly inner side of knee-joint (second day). Tired feeling in all the joints of lower extremities, better from rising and walking. Drawing in all the muscles of the lower extremities, on the under surface.


Pain and tired feeling in right hip, and afterwards in left.


Aching pains in thighs, during day and night (second day).

Drawing-aching pains in thighs, from the hip-joints nearly down to the condyles, aggravated by moving, and accompanied with great lameness on getting up and attempting to walk, getting better after walking a short distance. Shooting-aching pain on posterior side of right thigh, from hip-joint to middle of os femoris, on straining at stool (after two hours).


Pain in knee-joint, worse at noon, while walking.

Frequent pain in lower side of left knee, near inner side of tibia (second day). Sticking pain in back part of left knee-joint for a short time in forenoon (second day). A slight sticking pain in right knee-joint with a creeping sensation above and below it, seemingly about the bone, lasting about an hour, in after noon (second day).


Painful jerking in the lower leg, in the evening, after going to sleep, awakens him. Pain in tendo Achillis and os calcis after walking.


Sore feeling of the ankle, attended with heat and itching over the whole leg.


Pressive sensation in the foot, as if it would go to sleep.


(Rheumatic pain in the great toe).

General Symptoms.


Nervous system excited. Lassitude, weariness.

Uncommon tiredness and weakness (sixty day). Great weakness of all the limbs, in morning (second day). Continual restlessness, and dreams that a lump is in his throat and right ear. Great restlessness and nervousness (second day). Nervousness and irritability for a short time, about noon (second day).


Heaviness and sleepiness during day (fifth day). A dull, heavy and at times a sleepy feeling during day (second day).

Sense of languor and depression, as after excessive exhilaration or intoxication; this continued with intermission for three days (second day). Felt wearied in body and confused in mind on going to bed (after ten minutes). Feels very tired in morning, after restless sleep with many dreams (third day). Feeling of depression and weakness of whole system, as after a severe illness (second day). Feeling as if an attack of typhus fever were coming on. Sense of general prostration in morning (second day). General nervous, uneasy sensation (second day).

A peculiar nervous thrill pervading the whole frame, even to the fingers and toes, affecting especially the joints (second day).

Sensation of having taken cold. A very uncomfortable sensation in the body after eating, as if it were distended and puffed up; sensation across the chest and stomach, as if oppressed.



Redness of skin, like a chronic eruption.

Eruptions, Dry.

Eruption on posterior cervical region. Eruption on inner and lower part of thigh, with itching (second day). (Warts here and there on the prepuce, which bleed when touched).

Eruptions, Moist.

A small pimple (like a transparent vesicle) sore to touch, on inner edge of eyelid, near the spot where the pain was, the latter having disappeared (second day). Right middle finger and palm of hand, scurvy tetter exedens.

Eruptions, Pustular.

(The margin of ulcers becomes painful and tense). Sore in inside of under lip towards the left.


From the first, felt as if pimples would come out over his body, with general uneasy sensation and itching; (has had this feeling for some time, but now in an aggravated form). Itching at night, especially on inside of thighs. Itching in various parts oft he body while waking in open air. Itching over the body during the day (second day). Spot on right side, on one of the ribs (seventh and eighth), as large as a wafer, very sore to touch, with occasionally a sore pain in and around it (fourth day); some pains on left side, but without the sore spot (fifth day).

Itching of eyelids and various parts of body (sixth day). Itching of nose, with bleeding, after blowing it; the blood is very dark; the itching is caused by pimples at right nostril. Itching on left side of face. Itching in palm of right hand. Violent itching on the inside of the thighs, knees, and legs, worse at the knees, especially at night (sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.