


Flow of mucus from right nostril, lasting for three days.

Discharge of much mucus from nostrils (sixth day). Much coryza.

Epistaxis. Subjective.

Symptoms of a cold in the head (?), with lameness of the thighs, much mucus in lumps of a dirty-yellow color, from posterior nares, during the whole week (second and third days).

Sensation on bridge of nose similar to that produced by touching it with a metallic substance. Uneasy creeping and pressive sensation about ossa nasi, lasting about an hour, and is the sensation experienced by most persons on putting on a pair of heavy spectacles, if not accustomed to wear them (after one hour).


Pain in left side of face and teeth. Left cheek flushed (after eleven hours).



Aching soreness in teeth (second day). Pain in molar teeth of right side.


A whitish-furred tongue, in morning. Tongue covered with a white fur (after three hours). Small spot on left side of tongue, which itches. Sore spot on tip of tongue (fourth day). Small sore on right side of tip of tongue, also one on each lip, continuing several days (second day). Sensation of soreness on left side of root of tongue on swallowing, accompanied by roughness and stiffness, continuing through night (after nine hours).

General Mouth.

Sores in mouth on under lip (second day). Small sore on roof of mouth. Great fetor of the mouth. Dryness in mouth, with desire for cold water. Much dryness and heat in the mouth and throat, at night, he is obliged to drink frequently, with sticking posteriorly under the tongue. Contractive burning sensation in the palate. A peculiar drawing in mouth, after rising, until breakfast (second day). Soreness in roof of mouth. Pricking sensation in mouth and fauces.


Increased flow of saliva (second day). Increased flow of saliva during the day, so much so, that when he attempted to speak, he found some difficulty, from his mouth being constantly filled with saliva (second day). Salivation. Most excessive salivation, immediately. Incipient salivation.


Bad taste in mouth with phlegm and ptyalism. Metallic taste in mouth, from 8 A.M. till 2 P.M., modified by a continual tendency to hawk and spit, with unusually copious flow of saliva and mucus (second day). Peculiar metallic taste in mouth, not much unlike sulphate of zinc, or the taste after a metal or salt, after tea, continuing more or less one hour (after eleven hours). Taste as of tobacco, coffee, in mouth.


A good deal of mucus at the posterior nares, which comes away in lumps (second day). Throat dry, at 8 A.M. on waking (second day).

( Increased dryness of throat and mouth, being obliged to moisten and rinse the mouth every time he wakes). Pressive contractive pain in the throat, when simply swallowing saliva.


Much appetite for eating and drinking, and much desire for coition. Great desire for eating, and for coition. Appetite greatly impaired, in morning. But little appetite for breakfast (second day). Loss of appetite. Loss of appetite, eats very little. No appetite, aversion for all food.


Thirsty, at 8 A.M. on waking (second day).


Acidity of stomach, general headache, and heaviness of eyes came on before noon, somewhat as usual, only much aggravated (second day). Regurgitation of wind from stomach (second day).

Nausea and Vomiting.

Nausea (immediately). Nausea and uneasiness in stomach (after ten minutes). Nausea, with occasional throbbing in the left hypochondrium (second day). Mucus thrown up tastes like old tallow, mixed with coffee.


Sensation of emptiness in stomach, and very hungry two hours after eating a hearty breakfast. Sense as if secretions were flowing from stomach and all the mucous surfaces, as well as from the salivary glands (second day). Soreness in stomach, with tightness in temples. Tenderness of epigastric region (after eleven hours).



Pains of short duration in right hypochondrium; in middle of left breast, in front; in left kidney; occiput (fifty day).

The severest pains were in hypochondria and kidneys. Aching and somewhat sharp pain in the left hypochondrium, in front, over a space as large as may be covered by the hand; worse on moving about, and in the open air. Pain soon extending around the lower border of ribs behind, and to region of left kidney, where it seems dull and somewhat oppressive. All felt and disappeared in four hours. Soon after, appearing in right hypochondrium, in front, and extending around to back, and region of right kidney, where the pain is of the same character as in the left kidney.

The dull pressive pain is felt in one and then in the other region of the kidney alternately. The pains intermit in severity, and those in the hypochondria are relieved by bending forward (soon after).


Constrictive feeling in umbilical region, at 11 A.M. (third day).

Soreness in umbilical region, obliging him to turn during the night as well as during the day (third day).

General Abdomen.

Abdomen distended (second day). Rumbling through the abdomen, below transverse colon, which lasted about one hour and a half (after six hours). Rumblings in abdomen, and pains passing from the epigastric to the pubic region (after ten minutes). Uneasy, indescribable feeling in abdomen. Sensation of approaching looseness of bowels, in evening. Pain in bowels before each evacuation (second day). Sensation as if abdomen were too large, and wishes to have everything loose about the bowels. Griping pain in bowels. Excessive griping in the bowels. Shooting pains in bowels, at intervals during day.

Hypogastrium and Iliac Region.

Pain in lower part of abdomen, attended with diarrhoea, and also flatulence, after taking the first dose. (Colic from eating boiled cabbage). Sore feeling extending from the small of the back around both sides over ossa ilii, worse on pressure.

Rectum and Anus.

Bleeding piles for two days. Feeling of weight in lower part of rectum, and a sensation like aching, after dinner (ninth day).

Violent itching in anus, worse at night, in bed.



Nightly diarrhoea for two weeks, without colic. Two stools daily.

Two easy soft stools every day, preceded by some griping, which is relieved after the stool. Two passages from bowels in afternoon, the last one with straining.


Constipation, only one passage in a week.

Violent constipation, lasting all the time while taking, and for a long time after. Disposed to costiveness throughout the whole proving.

Stools hard and too large (second day).

Urinary Organs.


Pain like a soreness in the urethra, while urinating, although it is not painful to pressure. Sensation as if there were a raw spot in center of urethra, which woke him up two nights in succession.

Urgent desire to urinate (after ten minutes).


Increase of urinary discharges. Great increase in flow of urine and saliva, lasting one hour, with shooting pain in left side of head, from occiput to forehead. More profuse discharge of clear urine.


Urine tinged yellow (third day). Urine turbid.

Sexual Organs.


Redness and swelling of the prepuce; it looks sore, with itching pain. Small red spots on the glans penis. Two small red spots appeared on each side of the glans, secreting a large quantity of lardaceous matter. It had the appearance, according to his opinion, of herpes preputialis. Shining red points on the glans, as if pimples would form. Penis swollen. Jerking in the penis.

Violent erections in the evening. Violent erections in the evening, in bed. Tearing stitches in the glans. Itching pain in the fossa behind the glans penis; pus having a nauseous sweetish odor oozes out. Violent itching of the corona glandis with a profuse secretion of pus; the itching was so violent as to cause him to rub it, which only ceased it for a short time, to return with tenfold violence. Burning, sticking itching on the corona glandis, in the evening, relieved by rubbing, soon after, returning more violent than ever. Sexual excitement on the least provocation (second day). Sexual excitement, as if about to have an emission, but is able to combat the feeling, at 2.30 P.M.

(second day). Increased sexual desire, with erections, which continued at night, terminating by an emission of semen (second day). After finishing the medicine, all desire for an embrace is lost, which was not the case before he took the medicine.


Leucorrhoea, the discharge of which causes a pressure in the vagina.

Respiratory Organs.


Hoarseness of the voice, in the morning, going off in two or three hours. Every evening, hoarseness, with croup like cough.


Cough. (On lying down she is compelled to cough incessantly, relieved by sitting up; single very dry shocks of cough).



Pain under lower point of sternum, extending to left side under short ribs. Pain running near ensiform cartilage from the seventh rib on right side, diagonally through to the chest. A severe pain extending from the cartilage of the seventh rib at its junction with the sternum, to the right hypochondriac region under the inferior border of the tenth rib, from 4 to 5 P.M. (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.