Cereus Bonplandii

Somewhat persistent pain in the cartilages of the left lower false ribs.

Tenderness over ribs, left side anteriorly, just below the heart (after 6 hours and a half).

Heart and Pulse.

Pain at heart. (2nd day). At night when retired, felt severe convulsive pains at the heart; severe agonized pain for several hours, which returned toward morning (2nd day).

Sensation of a great stone laid upon the heart; soon after, sensation as if the chest was broken out just in front of the heart (2nd day).

“Feeling as if the heart was transfixed by a blunt instrument, as on a bolt”. Slight pricking pain at the heart (2nd day). All along felt strong desire to antidote the very powerful effect of the drug on the heart and nervous system; could with difficulty at times restrain the desire to take medicine for that purpose.

Pulse a little irregular just after dinner (6th day). A little before 6 A.M. counted pulse for 1 minute; found several diacrotic beats and intermissions in that time (2nd day).

Neck and Back.

Neck. Pain on left side of neck (after 3 hours). At night, pain in the neck of the left side above and along the clavicle. Pain in upper portion of spine and medulla oblongata, running upward and expanding through the brain to near its surface, especially on stooping or bending head forward, as in bowing or kneeling.

Back. Pain running along the back down to the arms.

Tenderness on pressure along the spines of all the cervical and the three or four upper dorsal vertebrae (after 5 hours and a half).

Dorsal. Pain in the right scapula. Painful feeling in dorsal vertebrae. Dorsal region feels lame on stooping.

Lumbar. Pain at a spot in the muscles of the back, midway between the left scapula and sacrum (2nd day). Sensation of uneasiness, extending to the back as far as the lumbar region, on taking frequent heavy respiration.

Extremities in General.

In the coracoid of the right shoulder, as well as in the hamstring tendons of the left thigh, there was pain; so also in the last phalanx of left index finger.

Superior Extremities.

Tired feeling in both arms. Pain in both arms, followed by pain in chest (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain, with numbness of right arm, when writing (2nd day). Pain running across the inner side of left arm, felt in the bend of the elbow after subsiding elsewhere. Pain in outer border of elbow-joint, left arm, back of and at left shoulder-joint. Tenderness of the flexor muscles of both arms (upper), ( after 5 hours and a half).

Shoulder. Pain in left shoulder, like that produced by carrying a heavy weight.

Arm. Pain in both upper arms. Pain along inner side of right upper arm (2nd day). Pain along the outer side of right upper arm, while writing (2nd day). Pain in the muscles of the arm above the elbow anteriorly (after 4 hours and 1/3rd).

Elbow. Dull pain in left elbow and forearm (2nd day).

Forearm. Pain in left forearm (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Soreness and lameness in right forearm above wrist; considerable in flexor muscles of right arm on contact. Pain in muscles of the back of the forearm (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain in arm posteriorly, over ulna, above wrist (after 5 hours and a half). Pain in left ulna, with numbness (2nd day).

Wrist. Pain in back of left wrist, running to forearm (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain on ulnar side of the left carpometacarpal joint.

Hand. Lameness in dorsum of left hand. Pain on dorsum of right hand (after 4 hour and a 1/3rd). Pain in first metacarpal bone of right hand (2nd day). Pain in metacarpophalangeal joints of right hand.

Fingers. Pain in metacarpal bone of thumb and contiguous bone of right hand. Drawing sensation from end of thumb of right hand upward; seems as if sprained. Pain quite constant. Left to right drawing pain of right index finger affecting the bone. Pain in last joint of left index finger (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain in right finger and right wrist (after 3 hours). Pain right ring finger (after 1 hour).

Pain in left ring finger returning (after 4 hours and 1/3rd).

Pain in right little finger. Pain, with lameness in left little finger (after 5 hours and a half).

Inferior Extremities.

Noticed for several days a dull heaviness in my steps.

Compressed feeling from the sacrum down through the limbs, terminating at the heels (2nd day).

Hip. Pain in right hip and head of right thigh-bone.

Pain in right trochanter (after 4 hour and 1/3rd).

Knee. Pain in both knees and in left little finger (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain in both knees, on rising. Pain in right knee.

Pain in knees and ankles, dorsa of feet (2nd day). Pain on inner side of the knee (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain on inner side of left knee, low down (after 4 hours and 1/3rd). Pain in right patella; difficult to touch without considerable pain on pressure with the hand (after 3 hours).

Ankle. Pain above right external malleolus (at night).

General Symptoms.

While taking the medicine, I lost in weight 7 and one half pounds, which I did not regain for some weeks. Allowed the time to pass until noon unoccupied in anything of importance (2nd day).

Ill at ease, restless. Do not know what to do myself.

Subjective. Felt weary (2nd day). Feel fatigued on riding, especially in the lumbar region. Weak feeling and pressure at the heart, on reading or thinking consecutively (6th day). Faint feeling, followed by nausea, on rising (4th day). Feel very uncomfortable; do not know what to do with myself (after 6 hours and a half). Each night seemed to be under the influence of something powerful. Feel that I am sick (5th day). Feel like one recovering from a cold (3rd day). Went to bed feeling miserably.

Feel the effect of an incubus weighing me down, affecting more particularly the nervous system (4th day). Pain through right shoulder-blade, through right hip, and again in right kidney (2nd day). When mental symptoms subside corporeal ones are aggravated and conversely. Feel worse from the pressure of clothing (after 3 hours). Feel better on disrobing for the night. Muscular pains were mainly gone in a few days, although echoes of the morbid symptoms were perceptible slightly after 4 or 5 weeks had elapsed. The symptoms affecting the heart and chest were mainly gone in 10 days after taking the medicine; some symptoms being noted longer, as sighing respiration.


Eruptions. Pustules on body, more on the nates and gluteal region.

Pustule on the lip near the left ala of the nose (2nd day).

Subjective. Felt for two days, more on 2nd day, intolerable itching over the whole surface of the body. On the 3rd day it was perfectly unbearable. After annoying me very much, it gradually left me. Itching in various parts of the body (2nd day). Itching of the nose (2nd day). Lower extremities have a prickling feeling, when kneeled or flexed (4th day). Itching of right popliteal space (5th day). Itching quite severe, with roughness of the skin in the right popliteal space (at night). Itching of the skin of the right popliteal space returns many times after concluding the proving, and is very noticeable almost every day of the 9th week. Itching on sole of left foot (4th day). The itching of the sole of the left foot perfectly aggravating (much more severe that symptom on the 9th day) on the 8th week; in fact as troublesome and presenting as severe objective symptoms as any chilblain.

Sleep and Dreams.

Sleepiness. Yawning. Great fit of yawning (2nd day). 11 P.M., drowsiness (after 11 hours). Drowsiness on closing the eyes.

Slept soundly; did not hear anything of a heavy shower that came on in the night. Slept all night without undressing, as I had thrown myself down and fallen asleep.

Sleeplessness. Late at night but not sleepy. 11 P.M. not sleepy; mind disturbed (after 6 hours and a half). During the night slept but little (2nd day).

Dreams. Full of dreams of large assemblies of persons, and things relating to scenes forgotten for years. Slept pretty well; disturbed by dreams of a dog, and a fracas, very exciting to the nerves. Re-dreamed old dreams in part or whole.


(Night), Pain in heart; pain in neck; pain above malleolus; feeling as if under influence of something powerful.

(On bending head to floor), Eyelid painful.

(On descending steps), Pain in occiput.

(From pressure of clothing), Feels worse.

(On reading and thinking consecutively), Weak feeling etc., at heart.

(On heavy respiration), Sensation extending to back.

(On rising from kneeling), Dizziness, etc.

(Stooping, or bending head forward), Pain in upper portion of spine, etc., (On undressing), Cough When writing). Pain in arm.


Amelioration, (On undressing for the night), Feels better.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.