
Urinary Organs.

Kidneys. Pain in kidneys. Pain in kidneys (60 drops). Slight pain in kidneys (10 drops). Severe pain in kidneys, soon followed by a profuse discharge of clear transparent urine (15 drops) after one hour. Excessive pain in kidneys (160 grains). Excessive pain and burning feeling in kidneys and along ureters, as if boiling water was pouring through them (40 drops). Severe pain in region of kidneys, with a profuse secretion of urine, smarting and burning in urethra (50 drops). Urethra. In a young man, a discharge like gonorrhoea, lasting three days, and ceasing spontaneously when the medicine was stopped. Thin, gleety discharge day and night, with feeling of ants crawling over body (160 grains). Feeling as if a drop of urine were in the urethra, or a constant dropping from it (60 drops). Pain and burning in urethra, when not voiding urine (60 drops).

Burning in urethra (160 grains). Burning in urethra and along ureters. Frequent but ineffectual urging to urinate. Cessation of a frequent urging to urinate, which had lasted about a week. Micturition. Increased secretion of urine (60 drops).

Profuse secretion of urine. Profuse secretions of urine (60 drops). Profuse secretion of urine, with numb, uneasy feeling in urethra (60 drops). Profuse discharge of watery urine (2nd day). Profuse discharge of light-colored urine (30 drops). Frequent emissions of large quantities of pale urine.

Scanty urine. From the first, urine scanty and deep-colored. Urine. Urine very high-colored, and after standing some time, threw down a bran like precipitate (200 drops). Red urine (3rd day). Urine deep-red (2nd day). Dark urine, with sediment, in both sexes. Color of urine and stools evince slight derangement of biliary secretion (200 grains).

Sexual Organs.

Male. Firm erections in morning (2nd day). Woke with firm erections in morning. Firm erections all night (2nd day). Sexual desire, with erections, in several men.

Female. Genital excitement at daybreak, with a discharge like leucorrhoea, and swollen mammae, with some pain (in two married women).

Respiratory Organs.

Profuse secretion of clear thin mucus in bronchi (40 drops). Larynx constricted and tender. Difficult respiration, with partial loss of voice, recurring at different intervals.


Oppression on chest. Oppressive pain in the chest, extending now and then to the back, with frequent inclination to sigh and draw a deep breath. Pressure on chest, as from a heavy weight (40 drops). Pain under floating ribs and under right scapula (60 drops). Sharp darting-cutting pains under both ribs; this pain continued four hours (60 drops). Pain in right side, which lasted for three hours (after half an hour); next day, pain in side and under scapula returned at 3 P.M., although no medicine taken; next day but one (no medicine taken), pains returned at 4 P.M., but less severe (100 drops). Oppression of the chest and throbbing of the heart (in nearly all the provers in whom febrile paroxysms were developed).

Heart and Pulse.

Palpitation of the heart and hurried breathing, with headache (during fever). Increase of pulse. Pulse increased 12 beats per minute, firm, full (after half an hour). Pulse increased fifteen beats per minute (after 20 minutes). Pulse increased 15 per minute, very full (after half an hour). Pulse increased 15 beats per minute (in a quarter of an hour). Pulse somewhat accelerated (65 drops). Pulse accelerated about 10 beats per minute (5 drops, after 10 minutes). 10 A.M., pulse 90 (3rd day). Pulse 90 (after half an hour). In morning, pulse 95, full (2nd day).

Neck and Back.

Pain in the back and loins, on getting up in the morning (7th day). Pain under scapula and in pelvis (5 drops, after 3 hours). Uneasy feeling in lumbar region, with feeling as if there was a drop of urine in glans penis (60 drops).

Extremities in General.

Numbness of hands, arms, and legs. Smart rheumatic pains in all the joints of the limbs. At 10 P.M., sharp flying pains in all the joints of the extremities, worse in feet, particularly first great toe joint (3rd day). Arthritic flying pains continued more or less for more than four weeks, most in feet and hands, some in elbows, more in knees and hips, but most troublesome in the first joint of great toes; pains relieved by motion and cold, before soreness of the joints came on, when they were increased by motion and cold; worse at night. Transient lancinating pain in the joints, especially in the right elbow (7th day). The pains in the limbs seem to be in the cartilages of the joints, particularly in the first joint of the great toe, and streaking up the bones.

Superior Extremities.

Painful weariness in the shoulders (2nd day). Pain in the elbow and right forearm, as if from a blow, lasting a quarter of an hour. Passing pains in elbows and forearms, with a cold sensation extending to the hands, towards noon. Sharp cutting pain in both elbows (5 drops, after 3 hours). Numbness and dead feeling in right hand and forearm, so that he could not hold his pen (15 drops, after three hours and a half). Pains (when not febrile concomitants) relieved by friction.

Inferior Extremities.

Numbness in right leg (15 drops, after three hours and a half).

Legs felt as if very much enlarged (65 drops). Lancinating pains in the joints of the knees. Contracting pains in the legs, as if produced from contusion, in the evening; these, and the pains in the knees, were relieved by friction, when not followed by chills or shivering of the whole body as precursors of fever. Sort of jerking and twitching of tendons of legs, in tendo Achillis and in right foot (150 drops). Sharp lame pain in the right ankle (2nd day). Swelling of feet, with extreme pain in all the joints. In the forenoon, pain in the heel (which?), as if an abscess was forming; this symptom, which was only felt on walking, lasted altogether about an hour, after which it ceased entirely (3rd day).

General Symptoms.

Objective. Weakness (5th day). Weakness, yet return of appetite (6th day). Weak and debilitated (15 drops, after three hours and a half). Was obliged to go to bed, but could not undress herself. Restlessness (after 9 hours). Restless and very nervous (40 drops). Subjective. Malaise (40 drops).

Malaise, with great weakness (3rd day). General malaise (after 9 hours). At night, fatigue from lying in one position.

General feeling of fatigue after waking, if the time had exceeded more than 6 hours, and a general weakness of body and mind. Neuralgic pains, soon followed by numbness over entire body, with smarting and burning in nose (100 drops). On getting warm in bed, severe, sharp, flying pains in all parts of the system; the pains in the limbs seemed to be in the cartilages of the joints, particularly the first joint of great toe, and streaking up the bones; in the abdomen, the pain was most in the region of the ascending colon, liver, and spleen; the pains of the head were all dull, except those of the occiput and those of the facial and optic nerves; the above pains kept him awake most of the night, those of the lower limbs being very severe. Principally manifested in provers of a voluptuous disposition, and of an excitable nervous temperament; more in females. ( The chief characteristic of this remedy is a periodicity which is often clock-like in its regularity).

Sleep and Dreams.

Sleepiness. About 7 P.M., yawning and stretching. Sleepy and drowsy (65 drops). Sometimes very profound sleep. Sleeplessness. Could not sleep (40 drops). Awake and restless all night. Restless night, without sleep, with a throng of confused ideas until 5 A.M. (prover had always slept well previously). All night, very restless, frequently waking.

Restless sleep. During night, restless sleep. Restless sleep and confused dreams, in both sexes. Dreams. Waking dreams.

Frequently waking from dreams of pleasant social interviews with female acquaintances (2nd day). Dreamed (he seldom dreamed) all night of pleasant social interviews with female acquaintances. Dreamed of quarreling with a dead sister and other dead friends; cried about it, and awoke with a nightmare, with sensation of a stone in the stomach.


Chilliness. 3 A.M., shivering all over with malaise and inclination to lie down; the shiverings are renewed by movement; coldness of the hands, feet and nose; repeated transient flushes of heat in the face; and finally, towards 6 P.M., face constantly hot; lively expression, with smarting in the eyes, especially when closing them (2nd day). Slight chills only about 3 o’clock (8th day). The chills continue all the time during the congestion of the head, and the hands, feet, and nose remain cold (2nd day).

Towards 6 P.M., chilliness, quickly followed by severe frontal headache, extending into both parietal regions, with red eyes, itching of the eyelids internally and externally, icy coldness of the hands and of the tip of the nose, even at the height of the febrile reaction, while the rest of the face was red and burning- hot (after 9 hours); a precisely similar attack at 5.30 P.M. (2nd day). Slight chilliness about 9 P.M. (21st day). General coldness all the evening. About 6 P.M., (immediately after dinner), general coldness, shiverings in the back, ice-cold feet, burning hands, feeling in eyes as after much weeping. Forehead cold, and as if empty, in the morning. About 6.30 P.M., half an hour after dinner, chilliness in the back and legs, unusual paleness of the hands, red face, heaviness of the head. Feet very cold; went out bare-footed in the snow, and went to bed, when they became warm (2nd day). Heat. Heat over entire body (10 drops). Dry heat during the night. Warm feeling over surface of body (60 drops). Felt a flush or feverish flow spread over body (5 drops, after 10 minutes). 11 A.M., considerable fever; pulse 100 (2nd day). Flying heat in the face, alternated with chills towards evening, with bloated appearance. Feverish paroxysms every day (quotidian) in some provers, and every other day (tertian) in others, towards 8 o’clock P.M., preceded by depressed spirits, dulness of the senses, and pressive headache at noon; cramps, then contracting and tearing pains in the upper and lower extremities, with a cold sensation in the hands and feet; mouth dry; great thirst, and desire for cold water; chills and shivering; sometimes very strong shivering of the whole body; palpitation of the heart and hurried respiration; pulse weak and oppressed. These symptoms lasted from one to two hours, varied much in intensity; they were followed by a sensation of dry heat, and then of a profuse perspiration, full and quick pulse, with animated, red face, cold and pale in the apyrexia; thirst and desire for warm drinks. The evening paroxysm of fever returns (stronger on one day, weaker on another) during more than three successive weeks, and for at least twenty days after leaving off the medicine. 6.30 P.M., febrile paroxysm, with itching of the eyes, only momentarily relieved by rubbing (2nd day). The medicine being taken by the healthy prover, was followed by – 1st. A certain state of mental excitement, and augmentation of vital energy florid face and a sensation of heat throughout the body; full and strong pulse; more or less perspiration, and no thirst. This group lasted from 20 to 40 minutes in some, and disappeared after that time to return no more, without any further disturbance of health; whilst in others, the symptoms were prolonged from one or two hours, and were followed by – 2d. Depressed spirits; dulness of the senses, and torpor of the mental faculties, general debility, languor and faintings in some. When these symptoms are followed by those of the first group, the phenomena of both sets are often repeated, and at certain intervals of time; but neither of the two occur periodically, unless when they are together. Nor are they absolutely concomitant to pyrexia; for the paroxysms generally take place without them as in the natural disease. It is for this reason that such phenomena were disconnected from category of the physical group; but whenever pyrexia occurs, or follows that condition, the symptoms, after weakness of the body and mind are as follows: 3D. Great thirst; yawning; cramps and painful feelings of contraction in the lower extremities; cold sensation in hands and feet; chills and shivering of the whole body; palpitation of the heart; pulse weak and oppressed; hurried respiration; chattering of the teeth and shaking of the whole body; scanty and highly colored urine; slight nausea in some, with yellow color of the skin and face in others; great debility; dilated pupils and confused sight. These symptoms lasted from one to two hours and varied much in their intensity; after which 4th.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.