
Stitching, tensive pain in the anus, extending to the region of the back and loins, combined with the sensation of a wedge in the rectum. Frequent itching in the anus, which is rubbed sore, with annoying smarting and burning pain. Frequent itching at the anus, which is rubbed till sore, with tearing and burning pains.

Pressive pain in the perineum; the urine passing in a weak stream, with slight burning in the urethra. Frequent urging to stool, either ineffectual or with scanty greenish mucous discharge, with twinging and pain in the anus (in several persons).



Diarrhoea preceded by severe pressure in the abdomen, the first day after a few glasses of the water. A copious brown diarrhoea with slight griping; constipation the next day (11th day).

Profuse diarrhoea several times a day (from the “New Spring”), which disappears after two glasses of “Sprudel”. (* 3 was inclined to prostrating diarrhoeas, and frequently troubled with looseness of the bowels; had been operated on for stone and subject to spasm of the bladder; was seventy years old. *) Painless diarrhoea the first day; on the 4th day the stool was already solid (before beginning the water he had pasty stools; on well days, however, firm, sluggish evacuations). Mucous diarrhoeas; at times discharge of large lumps and streaks of mucus, with or without faces; with much relief. Chronic diarrhoea. Small diarrhoea-like stool (29th day). Labor-like pains in the lower abdomen are followed, either easily or with effort, by a diarrhoeal stool. After two warm clyster of “Sprudel,” a profuse sudden evacuation, like diarrhoea, though consisting of green lumps as large as walnuts (34th day). Two painless dark-green, bilious stools (10th day). Two solid stools in the forenoon, without exertion, of a dark-spinach color; a third after dinner, dark-brown (5th day). Stools watery, mostly of mucus, or pappy, at times glairy, bilious, mucous masses, with a pungent smell of rotten eggs. A thin stool was passed unnoticed, with some flatulence (in a young girl, who, in consequence of a fall on the right side, had complained of a pain in the liver for several years), (first 8 days). Pappy soft stools, also frequently diarrhoeal. After half an ounce of “Sprudel” salts, a profuse discharge, first of small hard lumps, then of thin faces, all of which was colored green (33rd day). No stool the whole day in spite of two warm clyster and three glasses of water; only the next morning after half an ounce of Carlsbad salts, a sluggish green stool (30th day). Stool occurred first after dinner, solid, of a dark color (16th day). After breakfast a greenish soft solid stool of very dark-green color (25th day). After a clyster of cold “Sprudel,” the water first passed, then a large quantity of flatulence, and lastly a small stool, consisting of small, very hard lumps, like nuts, of a dark-green color (21st day). Passage of scanty stool with straining, with sensation as if small pieces were passing, though it consisted of slimy masses, thin and dark-green (15th day).

Stools which had previously been clay-like and gray become gradually yellower (4th day). A stool looking like frog-spawn. Gallstones are passed, soft like wax and of considerable size, without pain (in a healthy person, 30 years old, who had suffered long from them ). Sensation during a thin stool, as if it passed in pieces. Constipation. Constipation for several days, in spite of much working in the abdomen, and violent pressure, with constant urging; finally, several hard lumps pass. The usual evening stool being absent from the first days, the morning evacuation also becomes very difficult.

Urinary Organs.

Bladder and Kidneys.

Extraordinary pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, with excessive pressure to urinate, as after drinking new beer.

Tension and drawing in the region of the kidneys, with sensation as if something would press down from the region of the last ribs toward the privates, in the course of the ureter toward the bladder. Sensation of pressure and heaviness in the region of the kidneys, now on the right, now on the left, at times during rest, but mostly on motion, and especially on long sitting. Dull pressing pain in the region of the left kidney. Dull pressive pain, mixed with single dull stitches, along the ureter, extending forward to the fossa navicularis, and ending at the prepuce. Urethra. On urinating, and long after, burning sensation in the preputial portion of the urethra. Very frequent urging to urinate, with discharge of a copious watery urine.

Burning urine and smarting as if the pudenda were sore, after urinating (after 9 days). After urinating, frequent deceptive sensation, as if some urine still remained to be forced out. Micturition. Copious urinating twice in the night (after 6 days). Very frequent urinating all day, also at night he frequently wakes to pass urine; the urine is clear like water. After three glasses of white wine during a night of watching, he was obliged to pass watery urine frequently much at a time after 3 weeks).

Urine passed frequently though not much at a time; was always pale (5th day). Fullness of the bladder after two or three glasses, and though no special urging to urinate he was obliged to use abdominal muscles, and press the hand over the bladder in order to slowly evacuate it (3rd week). Passed a small quantity of urine three or four times with the stools (17th day). At times during the cure, diminished discharge of urine, with dull sensation in the perineum, and often, during stool, drops of prostatic juice at the orifice of the urethra. Urine. A thick mucous sediment disappears from the urine and it becomes clear, the 2nd week; afterwards the cramps in the bladder also disappear (they had been a frightfully painful compressor after urinating) only several weeks after “the cure” they return, E. Urine quite pale, clear, and watery, while that passed during the day is frequently straw-yellow, or dark-red, like badly fermented beer; sometimes jumentous and brown, as after taking Rhubarb. Urinary sediment whitish, brick or dark-red, at times tenacious, like frog spawn; at times thick, mucous, and even containing small lumps of blood. The urine, which when in health was almost as clear as water, looked dark (3rd week). Urine causes dark-yellow spots on the linen in the latter part of the proving, in two women not jaundiced.

Sexual Organs.– Male.

Transient twitching through the penis. Erections without cause, also emissions for several nights. Even on going to stool, there is erection of the penis, and with pressure to stool not seldom prostatic fluid is discharged. Erections and emissions cease. Crawling and itching on the skin of the penis and scrotum, changing, after scratching, to a burning sensation. OEdema of the scrotum (on the 4th day of the fever). Testicles at times swollen without pain or signs of inflammation, so that he must apply a suspensory bandage. Pressive pain in the testicles; tensive drawing from the groin to the testicle and cord. Amorous excitement, with very sensual thoughts, frequent erections, and frequent and copious emissions. Suppressed sexual desire, the first part of the proving. During the proving, sexual desire entirely ceases. Frequent involuntary nocturnal emissions, in the case of chaste individuals, and even advanced in years; without erection or amorous feeling; with subsequent exhaustion and remarkable lassitude. Female. Three days after cessation of the menses, discharge of lumps of tenacious black blood, and later uncommonly violent leucorrhoea. Frequently, after the menses, burning and smarting in the genitals, and much leucorrhoea. At times too early appearance of the menses, with spasmodic abdominal pains, cutting in the lower abdomen and mostly also some headache. Menstruation, which had been profuse, became scanty; when it had been completely normal it occurred later; when it had ceased for some years (after the climacteric), it reappeared and continued several days. Mostly scanty and retarded menstruation, at times, however, more profuse again, and also lasting somewhat longer; then somewhat darker blood, and of a penetrating smell. Difficult menstruation, with drawing in the loins, and pains in the front part of the thighs.

Respiratory Organs.

Larynx and Trachea.

Frequent hawking of mucus from the trachea and larynx; at times it is detached with difficulty. Sensation of soreness in the air- passages, and quite uncommon sensitiveness to the air, as if the parts were deprived of their protecting membranes. Scraping and tickling in the larynx and along the trachea to its point of bifurcation, exciting a cough, with loose expectoration of mucus.

Sensation of roughness and dryness in the trachea and larynx, also after a little talking; sometimes even in the morning before breakfast. Voice. Momentary, at times also lasting and intense, hoarseness and roughness. Cough. A chronic dry cough became looser, and at last troublesome. Respiration. Oppression of breathing. Difficult breathing on ascending steps; and, on carrying a slight and customary burden, increased oppression of chest, making him stand still.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.