Sexual Organs

Male. The sexual organs were relaxed during the whole of the proving. Penis much shrivelled and shrunken (eight day). Erections in the afternoon (second day). Erections, with nightly emissions. Violent erections, with burning in the urethra. Complete impotence, with atrophied testicles, soon followed its administration. No sexual appetite since the proving begun. Scrotum and penis shrunken from the commencement. Left testicle and epididymis somewhat swollen (second day). Left testicle more swollen and harder than usual, also much more painful, even when at rest. No pain in the tumor testiculi, though the epididymis is very much swollen (fifth day). Fine sticking-burning pains in left spermatic cord, running deep into abdomen; these pains returned in the evening, when in bed. Jerking-sticking pain in the left testicle, continuing about two minutes (after five hours and a half). Stitches in the left spermatic cord, in the evening. Sexual desire increased (in both sexes). Sexual desire, and erections ceased; this impotence was so decided that his wife, herself diseased, gave it as a reason for leaving him. Copious emission during the night. Female. Almost entire obliteration of ovaries. Menstruation five days too early, without trouble. Menstruation irregular.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Irritability of the larynx. Inclination to cough. Inclination to cough all day. Desire to cough, rising from the bifurcation of the bronchi (followed after the hoarseness and irritation in the larynx). Heat in the larynx. Voice. Husky voice. Voice somewhat husky, though without other catarrhal symptoms (fourth day). Rough, husky voice (second day). Hoarseness. Hoarseness, lasting two hours. Hoarseness from the larynx, with much irritation to hawk, especially on its posterior wall, seldom provoking cough, lasting thirty-six hours. Some hoarseness at noon, as if from a catarrh. Cough. Violent cough, immediately after lying down in bed. At 10.30 P.M., caused by a continual and very troublesome tickling high up in the pharynx, exactly as if snuff had lodged upon the uvula, straining the chest and making it sore; convulsive and dry, lasting half an hour (sixth day). More or less tormenting cough, without characteristic sputa. Dry cough. Respiration. Breath smelt of Sulphide of Carbon. Increased warmth of the expired air. Hot breath. Inspiration deep and slow. Respiration accelerated. Respiration somewhat oppressed. Oppression of breathing, with pressure on the sternum. Seemed to have lost his breath.


Sensation of warmth in the chest. Constriction of the chest, as though expiration were impeded. I was obliged to inspire deeply, and only obtained relief after continued deep respirations in the open air. Fulness of the chest and oppression of breathing seem to arise from the anterior portion of the right side of the diaphragm. Pressive-tensive pain in chest, stomach, and abdomen. Oppression of the chest is increased in impure air and in a room which had not been aired in the morning, when it was also associated with anxiety. Some transient stitches in the chest and below the left short ribs (third day). The symptoms of congestion of the lungs are perceptible, and seem to involve the upper lobes of the lungs (second day). Front. Sensitiveness of the anterior wall of chest when sneezing, in the evening. Pressure under the sternum. Transient stitches near the left side of the sternum (second day). Violent stitches under the middle of the sternum, extending upwards like lightning (soon after). Sides. Burning in the left half of the chest and beneath the sternum. Dull pressive pain in the right side of the chest. Paroxysmal pressive-sticking sensation in the region of the right last ribs, about four fingers’ breadth from the pit of the stomach, at 5 P.M. (second day). Dull jerking-sticking in the lower portion of the right side of the chest (after three hours). Stitches in the left half of the chest, without cough (second day). Itching stitches in the right nipple. Chest symptoms aggravated by ascending steps.

Heart and Pulse

Heart’s action accelerated. Pulse accelerated. Pulse 90 to 95. Pulse 80, and increasing (second day). Pulse accelerated, 92 (usually 76); this; however, lasted only ten minutes, after which it was again regular. Pulse reduced to 52 beats (one case).

Neck and Back

Neck. Very marked intermittent bruit de souffle in the cervical vessels. Stiffness of neck prevented me from turning the head, toward the left particularly; continued all day (sixth day). Painful stiffness in the nape and neck (fifth day). Violent sticking constrictive pains in the neck, near the commencement of the oesophagus, as though there were a bone sticking there; thin pain returned several times-during the day. Drawing pain in the right muscle sterno-cleido-mastoideus. Itching-sticking pain in the right sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle (fourth day). Dorsal. Feeling in back as though a heavy weight were lying across shoulders and weighing him down, so that his head sank forward; at noon, when walking. Lumbar. Lumbar pains (hemorrhoidal). Lumbar pains, continuing until morning. Persistent lumbar and sacral pains through the day (second day). Violent lumbar and sacral pains on waking in the morning (third day). Dislocated pain in right lumbar region, 10 P.M. Jerking stitches in the right lumbar region, at 7 P.M. Tension in the small of the back, especially on ascending steps, together with occasional jerks extending towards the hip- joints. Drawing in the small of the back, in the afternoon (second day). Tearing and pressure in the small of the back. Sacral. Continual sacral pains. Sensitive pain in the right tuber ischii and in the flexor side of the foot, in the afternoon, when riding.

Extremities in General

Dwindling of the limbs and of the whole muscular structure. Severe pains in the limbs. Pains in the limbs, like chronic rheumatism, with formication and general prickling. Jerking- sticking pains in several joints (third day). Intermitting dull sticking pain (sensitive twitching in single muscle-fibrillae) in several places as large as the tip of the finger, on the inner side of the upper arm and thigh (after one hour and a quarter). Jerking-sticking transient pains on the back of the left foot and in the right wrist.

Superior Extremities

10 P.M., paralytic pain in left arm, from holding newspaper to read in bed. Violent rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulder, in forenoon (fourth day). Pressive pain in the right arm (third day). Slight attacks of itching-sticking pains, in places as large as the tip of the finger, on the inside of the right arm (soon after taking). Frequent slight stitches in the arms, extending from the shoulder-joint to the wrist (second day). Diminished sensibility on the arms and hands. The left arm goes to sleep, with pain and sensation of weariness in it. Shoulder. Jerking-sticking pain in the right shoulder-joint. Arm. Rheumatic pain in left upper arm, occiput, and nape. Violent rheumatic pain in left upper arm to the bones, in the evening. Paroxysmal itching-sticking pain in the left deltoid muscle (sixth day). Jerking stitches in the upper arm and shoulder-joint (third day). Elbow. In evening, frightful rheumatic pain in left elbow-joint, so that he could not move the arm without crying out; when quiet, it was painless (sixth day). Slight stitches in the right elbow- joint, along the course of extensors to the wrists, transient, frequently returning during the day. Tearing pain in the left elbow and in the left shoulder (these parts had formerly been the seat of a rheumatic affection); the pains were transient. Jerking in the region of the elbow (after even hours). Forearm. Trembling of the left forearm, with sticking in it, especially about the wrist. Pressive pain in the left forearm, when touching it or leaning upon it. Pressive pain in the left forearm, aggravated by leaning upon it lasting half an hour. Jerking-stitching pain at the tendinous insertion of the biceps of the forearm, paroxysmal, going and coming, during the afternoon and night (fourth day). Wrist. Pain in the left wrist. Sticking in the left wrist. Transient jerking pain in the wrist, at one time in the left, at another in the right, lasting only a few seconds, frequently repeated during the day (third day, and noticed for several weeks). Hand. The hands (as in lead-poisoning) were held in pronation and hanging down, on account of the greater weakness of the extensors, although the flexors were also enfeebled. With the weakness, a kind of camps or transient contractions of the extensor muscles of the hands, which, for a short time, entirely prevented the fingers from bending. Piercing pains in metacarpal bones of left hand, when in bed. Insensibility of the hands; she did not notice deep needle stitches in various portions of the hands. Fingers. Dull sticking in the metacarpal joint of the left index finger (after three hours). Jerking-sticking in various joints of the fingers. Jerking-sticking in the metacarpal joint of the index finger. Intermitting jerking-sticking pain in the third phalanx of the left fourth finger, frequently returning (after four hours, and lasting the whole day). Prickling-sticking feeling in the fingers, especially of the left hand, and in the feet at noon, continuing more or less all day. Very violent piercing-stitching pains through the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, several times at noon. Jerking stitches in the joints of the left thumb (second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.