
Hypochondria. Constrictive pain below the short ribs, extending to the lumbar vertebrae. Pressive pain in the hypochondria (after one hour). Stitch in hepatic region, from before backwards, worse in running (second day). Umbilical. Sensation of hardness and heaviness in the abdomen, above the navel. Pressure and burning above the navel. Slight cuttings in the region of the navel, followed by passage of flatus, inclination to stool, and urging to urinate. General Abdomen. Abdomen retracted. Transient ascites. Movements in the intestines, and in the afternoon, frequent passage of offensive flatus; and, during the next night, from 1 to 2 o’clock, violent pressive pain, located in the coeliac ganglia, so severe that he feared that inflammation would ensue, which caused great anxiety and sweating. Flatulence. Flatulent troubles in the abdomen. Slight discharge of flatulence. Copious emission of flatulence. Much discharge of flatulence, when walking. At first, passage of much flatus, and after several hours, in the morning, pressure in the abdomen as of distension from flatulence. Pain in abdomen, as if she would get diarrhoea, which, however, did not come (second day). Cold sensation in the upper and lower portion of the abdomen (after fourteen hours). Burning in the abdomen, which is distended. Violent burning heat in the upper and lower abdomen (after four hours). Pinching pain in the lower portion of the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region (after seven and a half hours). Cramp like pain in abdomen, with diarrhoea following several times (after one and a half hours). Pressure and tension extending downward from the diaphragm; after a half an hour, it changed to a pain in the region of the coeliac ganglia, which remained for several hours. Pressive pain, which seems to be in the region of the coeliac ganglia, so severe in the evening that he broke out into an anxious sweat; it seemed as if a very acute inflammation would attack the organs of the abdomen; this irritability extended up to the lungs, and caused cough, with a painful sensation on the inner surface of the spinal column, extending upward from the diaphragm. Cutting colic, at night (after five hours). Drawing bruised pain, more internally than externally, especially on inspiration, in the whole right side of the abdomen, extending into the region of the liver and into the chest (after three and a half hours). A scraping acrid sensation, now on each side, now on the left of the abdomen, sometimes more in the posterior, sometimes in the anterior portion of the abdomen; it approached a burning, and after a few hours changed to a grumbling pain in the region of the coeliac ganglia. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Pain in lower abdomen. Burning heat in lower abdomen (after one and a quarter hours). Burning- sticking in a surface as large as the hand, below the anterior crest of the ilium, extending to the groin. Drawing in the left side of the lower abdomen, with a tensive bruised sensation (after twelve hours). Sticking-drawing heaviness, which is distinctly felt on pressure in the right side of the lower abdomen. Hard pressure in the left side of the lower abdomen (after one hours). Itching-crawling in the right groin, which disappears on rubbing (after quarter of an hour).

Rectum and Anus

The rectum seems contracted, swollen, and painful, on passing flatus. Pressive sensation along the rectum, with urging to urinate, not only in the bladder, but beginning in the kidneys, and extending along the ureters to the bladder, with a dragging sensation along the spermatic cords to the testicles, and a general feeling of turgescence in this part of the body. Smarting in the rectum. Urging to stool (after four hours). Urging to stool; the stool is of the usual hardness, but only a little passes, followed by very violent urging again, and a scanty discharge again (after one hour).


Diarrhoea. Two stools the first day, preceded by some griping in the abdomen; the second day, no stool; the third, a rather hard and difficult stool. Stool dark-brown, thin and scanty. Stool hard and retarded. Stools sour. Stool increased during the first days, afterwards passed only with much exertion and great pressure, and also much flatus passed with as much difficulty as the hardest stool; this usually preceded the evacuation. Constipation. Constipation. Constipation, for five to eight days. Extremely costive at stool the day after. (*Corrected*). Stool sluggish and incomplete. The faeces were passed with difficulty, not without exertion of the abdominal muscles, as if the peristaltic motion of the intestines was diminished, and at the same time the rectum was contracted (after twenty-four hours).

Urinary Organs

Bladder. Diminished power of the bladder; the urine passes very slowly, without any mechanical hindrance (after twenty hours). Urethra. Once, for a few minutes, a hot burning in the urethra, like the effects of Cantharides. Sticking-burning on urinating. Frequent desire to make water. Frequent desire to make water, with some pain in course of spermatic vessels (after two hours). Micturition. Micturition frequent and difficult; urine clear. Almost involuntary urination, and pain as if the passage of urine in the urethra has a contraction from before backward. Involuntary urination, after severe urging to urinate. Urine passed in large quantity, probably in consequence of much water having been drunk. Urine increased, of a dark-brown color. Urine profuse, colorless, frequent, almost every five minutes. Diminished urination. Scanty urine, without difficulty, during the first hours, but after several hours ( in the afternoon), a biting pain when urinating, which lasts several days, in the posterior portion of the urethra; this is followed by pressure in the bladder, like a renewed desire to urinate. No urine passed during the first ten hours. Retention of urine for twenty-four hours, the bladder being full. Retention of the urine, with urging to urinate; tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Retention of urine (the first twelve hours), with constant pressure in the bladder and desire to urinate, when, however, none passes; but after twenty-four hours frequent urination of the usual amount, though more in the aggregate is passed; after forty-eight hours, still more frequent and more copious urination. Painful urination. Burning urine. Strangury. Strangury, almost immediately. The urine passes in a thin stream. The urine passes in a very thin stream, as in stricture of the urethra (after two and half hours). Urine dribbles. He in unconscious of the urinary symptoms afterwards. Urine. Urine quite clear, but having, as well as the perspiration, a very strong odor of camphor (after two hours). Yellowish-green, turbid urine, of a musty odor (after ten hours). Red urine. Red urine (very rarely). Urine brown. He passes turbid urine, which, on standing, becomes very turbid and thick, of a whitish-green color, without depositing a sediment. Urine contains sugar, is pale, odorless, contains mucus, without sediment. Urine with white or red sediment.

Sexual Organs

Male. Weakness in the genitals, and want of sexual desire (first two days). Pressure in the left side of the mons veneris; at the root of the penis, in the groin, when standing (after ten hours). Pressing-out sensation in the mons veneris, in the groins, at the root of the penis, as if a hernia would protrude (after twelve hours). Sticking-itching on the inner surface of the prepuce. Incomplete erection, with weak venereal desire, which soon again vanished (after one hour). Erections completely impossible for a year and a half ( taken on account of satyriasis); scrotum relaxed, not even contracted by cold. Impotence, etc. During the first two days laxity of the scrotum, want of erections, want of sexual desire, but after forty-eight hours far more violent erections than usual. (*The want of sexual desire, erections, and emissions are, as we see from these observations, only the primary action of camphor, hence it acts only as a palliative, if one prescribes for excessive sexual desire, erections, and frequent emissions, which have already lasted a long time; there then follows an increase of the disease on account of the reactionary effect of the organism. H.*) A contractive sensation in the testicles. Increased sexual desire. Sexual desire seemed to be increased during the first days (curative action). In the night, experienced unusual sexual ardor, with continued delusions respecting the object of embrace. Inclined to nightly emissions. Emissions for several nights (after sixty hours). Nocturnal pollution, without dreams. Female. Os uteri enlarged and hot. Severe labor-like pains as in parturition. (*From gr. xl, in enema*). Abortion. Slight discharge of blood from vagina. Sexual orgasm. Menstruation too profuse. Courses had ceased entirely. Increased sexual desire during the first days, in a woman.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. Mucus in the air-passage; it makes the voice husky and is not removed by hacking, or clearing the throat. Pain in the air-passages, and bronchial tubes, mostly in coughing, and even when hacking and clearing the throat. Complains of a contractive sensation in the larynx, as from sulphur-fumes. Cough. Short cough, from scraping in the throat. Hacking, dry cough. Dry, hacking cough, especially in the forenoon, which lasts more than fourteen days. Respiration. Respiration hurried. Breathing hurried, and at times greatly labored (after two hours). Deep and slow respiration. (Short inspiration and expiration, during sleep). Respiration short and snoring. Respiration impeded. Breathing labored (after three days). Heavy, slow, difficult;respiration (after one and a quarter hours). Oppressed, anxious, sighing respiration. Choking sensation. Suffocative dyspnoea, as if it arose from a pressure in the pit of the stomach (after one hour). It threatens to suffocate him and constrict the larynx. Almost complete arrest of breathing. The breathing seems to have almost entirely ceased.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.