
Teeth. Gnawing toothache in the upper back teeth, as though they would be hollow; in all positions (after six hours). Stitches in the teeth. Throbbing toothache, with sensitiveness of the teeth to touch, and swelling of the gum, which pained when touched (after seven days). Gums. Boring in the gum of the right side of the upper jaw, followed by swelling, with pressive-drawing in the right temporal muscles. Fine stitches in the gum of the whole upper jaw (after two hours). Blisters on the tongue, with burning pain and heat in the mouth. Tongue. Dry sensation on the tongue (after five days). A feeling of rawness and soreness in the tongue, which is coated white. Rawness and scraping on the back of the tongue, which provokes cough, but does not disappear after coughing (after twelve days). Saliva. Dryness in the mouth, as from chalk Accumulation of much mucus in the mouth; he could not swallow it fast enough (after one and a half hours). Taste. Food, especially meat, has little taste.


Throat hoarse and rough, for three days (after twenty-four hours). Sensation of much mucus in the fauces on swallowing, with dryness in the mouth (after one and a half hours). Violent sticking on the right side of the upper part of the oesophagus, when not swallowing (after three-quarters of an hour). Swelling of the submaxillary glands with pressive sensation in them.


Thirst. Thirst, with dryness of the throat. Thirst in the morning. Severe thirst, with desire for cold drinks, especially for water; he was obliged to drink a great deal, for eight hours (eight to fifty-fifth day). Eructations and Hiccough. Frequent empty eructations. Constant sour eructations. Sour, offensive eructations. Frequent hiccough. Much hiccough, for a quarter of an hour (after five hours). Nausea. Nausea, with eructations and accumulation of water in the mouth, with a kind of vertigo in the head (immediately). After drinking milk in the morning, nausea arose from the stomach, as from a foul stomach. Nausea, with cough and a kind of heartburn, awoke him at midnight. Dull pinching-retching just below the pit of the stomach (immediately). Stomach. Anxiety in the pit of stomach (after six hours). Anxiety, as if it arose from the pit of the stomach, when sitting, with immediate burning in the abdomen, which soon disappeared when walking or standing (after twenty-six hours).


Hypochondria. Violent pinching in the hypochondriac region and chest, which here and there ends in small stitches (after half an hour). Tensive pinching pain in the whole hypochondrium, and in the pit of the stomach (after ten hours). Griping in the hypochondriac region below the pit of the stomach, with chilliness over the whole body. Griping-twinging sensation in the whole hypochondriac region, extending to beneath the breast-bone, where it becomes sticking and causes eructations (after three- quarters of an hour). Umbilical. Griping in a small spot below the navel, which becomes a gurgling, on rubbing with the finger (after half an hour). General Abdomen. Audible rumbling in the right side of the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would follow. Frequent audible rumbling and crawling, extending outward in the right side of the abdomen, as from flatulence, which is passed. Loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, as from emptiness. Pinching, almost cramplike pain in the walls of the abdomen, in the right groin, in a small spot, only when speaking; also painful to pressure with the finger (after eight hours). Cutting pain in the abdomen every morning, also in the evening and night; it ceased after eating, and left behind a gurgling in the abdomen. Tearing in the abdominal muscles, increased by inspiration. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Griping deep in the lower abdomen, as if the region of the bladder, frequently repeated, and always associated with passage of flatus. Pressure in the lower portion of the abdomen, which causes confusion of the head. Pressive tension in the left groin (after eight hours). Sore pain in both groins, as if the glands would become swollen, especially felt when walking; on touch there seems to be slight enlargement of the glands (after ten hours). Swelling of the glands of the left groin (after twenty-two days). Tearing in the inguinal glands, when sitting and walking (after nine hours). Pinching on the crest of the ilium.

Rectum and Anus

Twinging in the end of the rectum when at stool, with loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Pressure in the anus. Severe itching in the anus.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, not exhausting, two three, or four times a day, for several days (after second day). Frequent stools, the first is solid, afterwards pasty, then thin, with difficulty; constipation the two following days. During the day three soft stools. Constipation. Constipation for two days (seventh day). No stool (second day).

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge (after twenty-six hours). Frequent urging to urinate, with profuse discharge. Urine. The urine becomes turbid after standing, like gruel.

Sexual Organs

Male. Penis and Testicles. Tickling-itching on the prepuce, which caused rubbing (after nine hours). Tickling-itching at the end of the glans, compelling rubbing (after ten hours). The left testicle is drawn spasmodically up to the abdomen, and is painful to touch, with painful pressure and pain in the left groin. Emissions. Frequent emissions. Emissions at night. Two emissions the first night, with voluptuous dreams. Two emissions in one night, without voluptuous dreams. Female. Discharge of blood from the uterus of an old woman who had not menstruated for several years; in the last quarter of the moon (after seven days). Itching of the pudenda. The usual leucorrhoea was increased.

Respiratory Apparatus

Loud rattling in the air-passages on expiration, as from much mucus in the chest (after thirst-seven hours). Tickling irritation in the air-passages, which provokes cough. The cough became loose, and large pieces, like purulent matter, were expectorated. Difficult breathing, which was relieved by bending the shoulders backward.


Anxiety in the chest, as if it were too narrow, with short breath, especially when sitting, with pressive pain in the chest, especially on inspiration; the heart beat anxiously and trembling. Constrictive, anxious sensation the whole day, as if there was not room enough in the chest to breathe, with stoppage of the nose (after thirteen days). Very anxious constriction of the chest and difficult breathing, like a tension in the lower portion of the chest; the breathing was affected for almost an hour almost to suffocation, but on motion and when sitting (after thirty hours). Cutting pain from within outward in the lowest ribs, aggravated by inspiration. Broad stitches in the pectoral muscles on every beat of the heart. (Itching stitches in the chest, worse on expiration, disappearing on rubbing (after forty- eight hours). Sides. Long stitches in the right side beneath the ribs (after thirteen hours). Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest from within outward, without affecting breathing (after seven hours). Sharp stitches in the left side beneath the axilla, from within outward, worse on inspiration (after two hours).


Sticking-drawing pain in the praecordial region (after nine and a half hours).

Neck and Back

Dorsal. Sharp pain on the inner side of the shoulder-blade. Severe stitches from the thoracic cavity out through the spine, between the shoulder-blades. Dull jerks from the posterior wall of the thorax to between the shoulder-blades, synchronous with the beat of the heart, with great anxiety (after eight hours). Lumbar. Severe needle-like stitches in the middle of the spine, almost cause crying out, on walking in the open air, somewhat relieved when standing. Cutting, pressing-out pain in the right lumbar region, which only transiently disappears on touch. Sacral. Sticking in a place above the sacrum, on touch. Sharp stitching in the sacrum, and at the same time in the leg above the ankle (after two hours).

Superior Extremities

Shoulders. Pain in both shoulders. Severe stitches in both axillae (after four days). Arm. Pinching pain (with tearing) in the muscles of the upper arm (on walking in the open air). Tearing-stitching in the muscles of the left upper arm, when sitting. Fine jerking in the left upper arm. Tearing-jerking in the upper arm (after seven hours). Forearm. Cramplike tearing in the muscles of the left forearm (after forty hours). Cramplike pain in the forearm, in front of the elbow-joint (after one hour). Cramplike pain in the outer side of the left forearm near the wrist (after one, thirteen, and twenty-nine hours). Tearing pressure in the muscles of the left forearm during rest and motion (after three hours). Fine tearing and boring stitches in the muscles of the left forearm. Wrist. Pain as if sprained just above the wrist, worse in rest than on motion. Sharp stitches in the external condyle at the wrist. Crawling and sticking in the wrist.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.