
From time to time tearing in almost every part of the body, especially, however, in the lower and upper extremities; in the lower extremities they are mostly felt when sitting; the pain for the most part appears to rise from below upwards.

Stitching pains.

Burning stitches in different parts of the body.

Felt as if bruised over the whole body.

Twitching pain in the affected part (after two hours).

Disagreeable sense, as of tingling or dull pain in a contused part.

Fine prickings in almost every part of the body, especially the nose, eyebrows, eyelids, even hands and fingers.

Intense pricking and itching of the entire body.


Skin red.

Skin red, hot, and oedematous.

Skin cold, dry.

Eruption, with great burning or smarting.

Vesicular eruption, with great heat and great irritation.

Fine vesicular eruption, with itching.

Red patches, with swelling and burning.

Caused erysipelatous redness and turgescence of the skin, with increased temperature, and in many places papular elevations, which on slight touch itch rather than pain, and are tipped with a small vesicle.

Erythematous inflammation of the skin with oedema over the face and whole body; it becomes vesicular and finally scales off.

Nettle-rash eruption (child from smelling Arnica).

Itching rash (produced by moistening the skin with the tincture).

Eruption like pin-heads with red skin.

Vesicles, closely set, acuminated, on an inflamed base.

Red points and vesicles with red areola, smarting and itching.

Pustules in fourteen days.

Pimples on the side of the forehead, partly filled with pus (after three days).

Rash on the face, especially the forehead, which goes and comes.

Erythema of the face: less about the margins of the hair; worse on the lids.

The cheeks, upper lips, and nose dark-red and moderately swollen and bright red; the adjacent parts were much swollen and red.

The lids were oedematous, an oedematous sacs hung from the lower lids; with heat in the face and violent biting (itching), disturbing sleep.

Pulse normal.

(A repeated result of using tincture of Arnica on himself and others,).

Eruption over the malar bone.

Eruption on the cheeks, like small-pox; mostly under the eyes.

Pimple on both sides of the upper lips (after two days).

Pimple in the groove of the upper lip, in the middle, with redness all around, and tensive pain.

Small, rapidly suppurating acne-pustule under the right labial commissure, Several vesicles in middle of lower lips, containing a clear fluid and soon drying into scabs.

Pimples in the nose and under the nose, which are filled with pus at the tips, with a biting pain. Pimple on the side of the neck, which when touched stings and pains as if ulcerated (after forty-eight hours).

(* This kind of pimple is painful to touch, surrounded with an inflamed red border: is extremely similar to a boil.

Boils are, therefore, cured by Arnica. Homoeopathically Arnica may be used as a preventive against boils, in persons who are subject to them. I know this from experience.-H. *) Erysipelatous inflammation, the left hand dark-blue, and covered with large and small vesicles which gave the skin the appearance of a rhinoceros hide.

Eruption on the palms, causes complete exfoliation of the skin; the hands have a scaly look, and the skin is somewhat cracked in the folds.

Itching pimple between the thumb and the index finger; when touched a fine stinging pain, as if a splinter were in it (after forty hours).

Burning pain at times in this, at times in another part of the skin.

Sense of cold, at times in one, at times in another place in the skin.

Transient but violent tearings at different times and on different parts of the skin.

A sharp pricking sensation over the whole surface of the body.

(Stinging, burning, and itching pain in the skin, here and there, which is felt when lying down for the siesta; it soon goes of itself and by scratching).

Itching of the skin.

Sleep and Dreams.

Yawning (after half hour).

Frequent yawning.

Frequent yawning, in the evening, without sleepiness.

Yawning and stretching, accompanied by dilatation of the pupils, without sleepiness (after one hour).

Yawning (with the nausea).


Sleepiness (after half an hour).


Unusual drowsiness in the forenoon.

In the evening, one feels sleepy too soon. He become sleepy too early in the evening.

Sleepiness during the day (after two hours).

He becomes very sleepy after having walked long in the open air; he is not disposed, then, either to speak or think, although he was very cheerful previously.

A good deal of sleep.

He cannot fall asleep in the evening; but he sleeps so much longer in the morning.

Sleeplessness with anguish, as if owing to heat, until 2 or 3 o’clock in the, morning.

Sleeplessness and wakefulness until 2 or 3 o’clock after midnight; this is accompanied by a stinging, biting itching, here and there.

In the evening she sleeps a couple of hours; afterwards she remains wide awake until 5 o’clock in the morning; then she falls into a sound sleep until 9 o’clock in the forenoon.

Unusually early waking in morning, with inability to fall asleep again.

Sudden startings as with fright, when falling asleep.

While falling asleep, at night, he is roused from sleep by a peculiar sensation of heat in the head; this is followed by anguish when awake; he dreads similar attacks, and is afraid that he may have an apoplectic fit, (after ten hours).

Restless sleep.

Sleep restless and diminished.

Lamenting, while asleep (after two hours).

Loud unintelligible talking when asleep, without being accompanied by dreams which one can recollect.

Starting and jerking backwards of the head, while asleep.

Starting up while asleep.

Went to bed languid and exhausted, sleep much disturbed, awake six or seven times, each time dreaming he was dying and that the bed was surrounded by friends.

Involuntary expulsion of faces while asleep.

Frequent waking, with emission of semen (second night).

Sleep restless and disturbed by dreams.

Sleep restless, frequently waked by dreams.

Sleep full of dreams.

His sleep if full of dreams and does not refresh him; he feels as if he had not slept at all.

When half asleep he dreams for several hours; the dreamer shows much irresolution.

Vivid dreams which cannot be recollected.

Vivid dreams towards morning; while dreaming he talks loud and is waked by it (sixth day).

The visions which he had seen in the dreams of the previous night return.

Anxious dreams about visions which he had seen in previous dreams.

Very vivid dreams.

Vivid, agreeable dreams.

Vivid dreams, the first agreeable, the latter causing anxiety.

Anxious, heavy dreams the whole night; they depress his strength a good deal.

She dreams the whole night that she is overwhelmed with reproaches; on waking she was scarcely able to realize that all this had been a mere dreams.

He has terrible dreams, screams loud while asleep; this wakes him up.

Fearful dreams of large black dogs and cats, immediately after falling asleep in the evening.

He dreamed of men being flayed; this appeared frightful to him.

Dreams about frightful objects, of the lightning having struck, graves, etc.


Feeling of cold all over the body, although he is naturally warm (after one hour).

Shaking chills without any thirst.

Chilliness mostly in the evening.

External and internal chilliness an hour after the headache, and constant anguish.

A violent shivering creeps through him when gaping.

A violent shivering thrills through him when walking.

When waking from sleep, by day or at night, he feels an internal, continued chilliness, without however, any shivering.

In the morning she feels chilly when in bed; the chilliness begins before she rises, and continues the whole forenoon.

Shivering over the whole body and the head, at the same time heat in the head and redness and heat in the face, accompanied by coolness of the hands and a feeling as of the hips, the back, and the anterior surface of the arms being bruised.

Morning, when in bed, he has a feeling of cold in the right side upon which he was lying (after quarter of an hour).

Chilliness in the back and anterior part of the thighs, early in the morning.

Heat of the whole body.

Dry heat over the whole body, after waking early in the morning.

Dry heat in the bed, with violent thirst; heat becomes intolerable to him; he tries to uncover himself; but he feels chilly upon uncovering himself, or even when making the slightest motion in bed.

Flush of heat over the face and sensation of an agreeable warmth of the body (after half an hour).

Short repeated attacks of anguish, with flying heat over the whole body.

When lying some time without stirring, he feels hot, especially about the head; he is obliged to shift his position constantly.

Flushes of heat in the back, by paroxysms.

Fever in the morning; first, chilliness, afterwards. attack of heat.

Great internal heat, hands and feet being cold, accompanied by chills over the whole body.


Frequent sweats.

Slight sweat when waking from sleep.

Skin more moist than usual, on the chest and inner surface of the arms.

Increased perspiration during the night.

The exhalations smell sour.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.