
Feeling as if the pharynx were swollen, and would hinder swallowing (half an hour).

Violent burning from the fauces through the oesophagus to the stomach.

A peculiar scraping burning from the throat to the stomach, which became a troublesome pressure in the stomach.

Noise during deglutition.

Difficult deglutition.

Deglutition is prevented by a sort of nausea, as if the food would not go down.


Increased appetite.

Enormous appetite in the evening; after the meal, immediately affected with a feeling of repletion, and a colic- like pressure in several places of the abdomen, especially the sides.

Although she has eaten considerable, she nevertheless felt empty, as if she had not eaten anything, but she felt as if she had drunk a good deal; sense as of swashing in the body.

Gnawing hunger, without appetite; lasted till he fell asleep.

Appetite lost.

Repugnance to food.

Total want of appetite for ten days, during which time he loathed the slight of food, Want of appetite; the tongue coated white and yellow.

Complete want of appetite, with nausea.

Want of appetite in the evening.

Repugnance to meat and broth.

His (usual) tobacco is repugnant to him.

Desire for vinegar.

She wants to drink constantly, but she knows not what, because everything is offensive to her.

Desire for water.

A good deal of thirst and drinking during the yawning stage, previous to fever; afterwards thirst, but little drinking, during the hot stage.

Nightly thirst (after forty-eight hours).

Thirst, without any external heat, the pupils being little capable of dilatation (after one hour). (Repugnance to milk).

Inclination to eructations.


Frequent eructations.

Empty eructations.

Empty eructation (after a quarter of an hour).

Frequent empty eructations.

Frequent eructations, smelling of Arnica.

Half-suppressed eructations.

Eructations of much wind.

Eructations bitter and like bad eggs (two hours).

Early in the morning, eructations, tasting like rotten eggs.

A kind of suppressed, imperfect hiccough, after dinner.

Gulping up of saltish water.

During the eructations, a bitter phlegm is gulped up.



Extreme nausea.

Nausea, without vomiting, or without any stool.

Nausea, with burning scratching in the throat.

Nausea and eructations.

Nausea and general relaxation during the forenoon.

Nausea and disposition to vomit early in the morning (fourteen hours).

He felt well during the siesta, as long as the eyes were closed; on opening them, qualmishness of the stomach, Qualmishness and nausea, with anxious pressure in the stomach.

Qualmishness of the stomach, with empty eructations.

Inclination to vomit..

Inclination to vomit, without nausea (half on hour).

Empty retching, ineffectual efforts to vomit, (after a quarter of an hour).

Retching at night; vomiting, however, does not come on; in the pit of his stomach there is a weight, as of a lump.

Retching, unto vomiting.


Vomiting os bitter yellow bile.

Vomiting small quantities of yellow odorless fluid, with excruciating pains.

Vomiting of coagulated blood.

Grumbling, unpleasant motions in the stomach.

Grumbling in the stomach, with colic.

Great pains in the stomach, increased by pressure, Cardialgia.


Fullness in the stomach and abdomen.

The stomach feels over distended (though he had eaten nothing), with a feeling as though he would throw off every moment.

Feeling of repletion of the stomach, accompanied by loathing, Emptiness in stomach.

Contractive pains in the stomach.

Spasmodic contraction of the stomach causes a general pain, but mostly in the posterior wall of the stomach, with a sensation as if the wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed towards the spine, and as if the spine would be made painful from that place downward (one hour).

Pain as if the posterior wall, of the stomach were forcibly pressed against the spinal column.

Stomach seems contracted spasmodically, with pain.

Pain in the stomach, as if its walls were spasmodically drawn together; relieved by eating (ten minutes).

Pinching in the stomach.

Pinching, spasmodic griping in the stomach.

Pinching and pressure in the stomach extended through the bowels as a constriction, with much movements.

Griping and pricking pains in the stomach, with frequent gagging.

Heaviness and pressure in the stomach.

Pressure as if a stone were lying in the stomach (immediately).

Pressure in the stomach lasts all day, and wakes from sleep at night.

Pressure in the stomach, with heaviness on the chest.

Pressure in the upper and anterior portion of the stomach.

Pressure in the stomach, as if the xiphoid process were pressed inward.

Oppression of stomach.

(Biting pain in the stomach), (immediately).

Violent jerks under the stomach.

Great pain in epigastrium, increased by pressure.

After a meal, fullness in the pit of the stomach and painful pressure at a little spot deep in the hypogastrium, immediately behind the pubis (in the bladder?); It is most felt when standing, and constantly excites micturition (after half an hour).

Sense as of digging in the pit of the stomach (after half an hour); and as if something were being rolled up like a ball (after twenty-four hours).

Severe pressure at the epigastrium.

Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as of a hand; this pressure gradually ascended up to the neck; she then felt nauseated, and the water collected in her mouth; this went off after lying down, and there was only a pressure in the abdomen (after one hour).

Painful pressure transversely across over the pit of the stomach, with dyspnoea.


Spasms in the hypochondriac region.

Flying pains in epigastrium and right hypochondrium.

Pressive pain below the right hypochondriac region, seeming to be in the liver or duodenum.

Painful pressure in the region of the liver (after two days).

Pain in the region of the liver, which presses like a stone, both during expiration and inspiration; felt when he lay on his left side.

Pressure shooting upwards in the region of the spleen, resembling a continued stitch, when walking (after six hours).

Pressure below the last rib.

Fine and severe sticking pain below the last rib.

Dull stitches in the right side, below the ribs.

Stitches under the false ribs of the left side, intercepting the breath, when standing.

Grunting and fermenting flatus below the umbilical region (after one and a half hour).

(Retraction of the umbilicus).

Pinching over the umbilicus.

Pressive pain and sensitiveness to touch on a small spot on the right side of the navel, as if flatulence had accumulated there.

Tearing in the abdomen, over the navel.

Cutting over the umbilicus, especially when breathing deeply, and at every step, but neither immediately before nor during stool.

Stitches in the umbilical region, which seem to be in the small intestines.

Distension of the abdomen (in a few minutes, lasted one hour).

Abdomen tympanitic.

Tympanitic distension of abdomen (a quarter of an hour).

Distension of the bowels, with frequent urging to stool (three hours).

Distended abdomen, with frequent urging to stool, though more than ever constipated.

Distension of the abdomen, with frequent passage of wind and urging to evacuate the rectum.

Tension and inflation of the abdomen, especially the lower part, a couple of hours after a moderate supper, accompanied by a dull, general pressure in those parts, especially in the side of the abdomen, without any flatus being distinctly felt; this continues during the night, with heat of the limbs and dreams with fatigue the mind; he wakes every hour; the inodorous flatus which he passes affords him no relief.

Tense distension of the right side of the abdomen when at rest; the part is painful as from an internal wound; when coughing, blowing the nose, or setting down the foot, it feels painful, as if it had been shaken, torn, or cut to pieces; it is painful when touched, and feels as if one cut into a wound; relieved by the emission of flatulence; every day, from morning until 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Grunting rumbling in the abdomen, from flatulence.

Loud grunting in the abdomen, as from emptiness (after ten hours), Increased production of gas in bowels.


Flatus, rumblings in the abdomen.

Fermenting flatus in the abdomen.

Offensive flatus.

Flatus, smelling like rotten eggs (after three hours).

Flatus accompanied by pressure at the stomach.

Flying pains in abdomen. (Burning stinging pains in the epigastric region).

In the morning, in bed, tension in lower part of epigastric region.

Pinching throbbing on the left side, between the pit of the stomach and the umbilicus.

Colicky pains, owing to flatulence.

Violent colic (one hour).

Colic, apparently from incarcerated flatus.

Colic; an hour afterwards, tenesmus; at last, an evacuation of faeces, composed of small lumps, mixed with flatulence.

Fine tearing in the abdominal muscles (after one hour).

Pain in the right side of the abdomen, as from a sudden contusion, when walking (after twenty-six hours).

Slight cuttings in the intestines (two hours).

Cutting in the abdomen, as after a cold.

Violent cutting in the left side of the abdomen, which darted upwards like a stitch as far as the vertex, so that he jumped up as from an electric spark (after twenty-four hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.