Antimonium et potassium tartaricum

Violent pressure in the abdomen, as from stones, as if full; much worse on sitting, especially on stooping; at times it changes into griping about the umbilical region (one hour).

Pressive and griping pains in abdomen.

Hard pressure in upper abdomen.

The pressure in the abdomen becomes sometimes more severe, and presses toward the rectum, when soft, boiling, hot flatus passes, which relieves the pressure.

Pressive pain in abdomen, in evening, after eating, relieved by bending backwards and stooping.

Pinching pressure and tension in the abdomen (eighth day).

Dull pain in abdomen.

Dull bellyache in the mesogastric region, with slight horripilation, and goose-skin.

Cutting in the abdomen, evening, toward 9 o’clock (fourth day).

Stomach-ache, as if the intestines were cut.

Cuttings in the abdomen; and across the lower abdomen it lies like a stone, with great nausea; after six times ineffectual retchings, followed by ineffectual tendency to diarrhoea, vomiting with great exertion, trembling in the abdomen, and bending together; first food with persistent sour taste, followed by a continued scrapping feeling in the throat; afterward chilliness, then two diarrhoeic stools in succession, the last time it passes like water.

Cutting and griping in the abdomen, as from wind.

Violent cutting and twitching in the abdomen, and tearing from the hypogastrium down through the thighs to the knees, like labor pains, with fine but severe stitches at the navel, with nausea and water brash; soon afterward diarrhoea, preceded by rumblings, and moving of wind in the abdomen.

Violent colic.

Colic in the abdomen.

Colic precedes the purging (forty-eight hours).

Short, tearing pain in the left side of the upper abdomen, frequently repeated.

Stitching in intestines.

Stitches in the upper abdomen.

Abdomen sensitive (eleventh day).

Abdomen sensitive to contact.

Increased sensitiveness of the abdominal walls (eighth day).

Abdomen sensitive to touch (fifth day).

On drawing in the abdomen, a small spot in the left side of upper abdomen hurts.

Frequent sensation of pulsating in the abdomen.

Violent, rheumatic, long-lasting pain in the whole left side; this pain is repeated.

A stitch extends downwards from the stomach, in the left side of the abdomen, and again upward; on expiration and on touch it aches.

Warmth in the lower abdomen, as if she had drunk something very warm; it wanders about, and finally up toward the stomach (after half an hour).

The tension in the abdomen seems to draw more toward the bladder on the third day.

At 1 A.M., she wakes, on account of violent cramping and griping pain above the pubis, with icy coldness on the whole trunk, head, and arms; cold sweat breaks out in such profusion, that the shirt becomes drenched, with great internal heat; sensation of dryness of the tongue, which is nevertheless; moist; with warm lower extremities; frightful apprehension; restlessness; she constantly throws herself from side to side; but, with sensation of great heat, cannot bear to uncovered.

After a quarter of an hour, she is inclined to eructation, without being able to; then empty eructation and small discharge of flatulence, without relief; thirst; rising of water into the throat, with great nausea in the stomach; paleness of the face; on the lower extremities warm sweat; and such great lassitude of the feet that she is unable to raise them; inclination to stool; hardness and sensitiveness of the lower abdomen on rubbing; even long before this, she felt the pain while asleep. (After a small dose of Ipecac, the sweat disappears, after quarter of an hour; then the coldness, and lastly the pains, which occur at longer and longer intervals, till they disappear altogether), (after half an hour).

After cessation of this frightful attack, she slept soundly; 6 A.M., on waking, heaviness of the head, and appearance of the menses; blood thick and black; they are too soon, but without any other difficulty, and last as usual, three days (fourth day).

(Spasmodic drawing from the thigh to the abdomen).

Pressure in the hypogastrium and aching, with cold shivers, as if menses would appear.

Stitches over the pubis.

Very violent burning soreness in the right groin.

Slight sticking, tearing pains in a small spot on the left side of the lower abdomen.

Slight rheumatic sensation in the left pelvic bones.

Stool and Anus.

Several painful tearings in the rectum, after dinner.

Sticking pain in the rectum (second day).

Transient stitch in the rectum (ninth hour).

Sudden, violent, alarming stitch from the lower abdomen, down through the rectum (fourth hour). (Haemorrhoids).

Burning in the anus after stool.

Violent tension in the perineum, especially on walking, with strong desire to urinate (uninterrupted for several days).

In the morning, after rising, the usual stool, with cutting in the rectum, preceded by pinching in the abdomen (fourth day).

Stool after eating.

Stool solid at first, then pasty, with tenesmus (fifth day).

After repeated desire, stool, which seems to be almost thin, fluid, but really is only pasty.

Pasty stool (three in twelve hours).

Copious alvine evacuation.

Soft copious evacuation.

Liquid, greenish stool, with heat at anus.

Stool, thin mucus, with rumbling and pressure in the bowels (ninth day).

Stool soft, half fluid (sixth and seventh days).

Soft stool every day, for four days.

In the evening, two soft stools.

Two thin fluid stools, with sensitive drawing pains in the abdomen (eleventh day).

Though he had his usual stool a few hours before, yet he is obliged to go again to stool.

Repeated tendency to stool.


Abundant diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea yellowish-brown.

Thin, bilious, mucus diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea slimy, appears like yeast, with a marked cadaverous smell.

Diarrhoea is very watery.

Bloody stools.

Very offensive diarrhoeic stools.

Diarrhoea and vomiting.

Involuntary diarrhoea (death thirty hours after).

Involuntary evacuations of much mucus, and dead roundworms.

Involuntary, watery, blood-streaked stools.

Faeces mixed with mucus and bile.

Stools vary sometimes soft, sometimes hard.

Uncommonly hard stool, difficult to pass (first day).

Hard stool, it omits one day.

Desire for stool ineffectual, through the bowels seem full and pressing (eighth day).

No stool for several days.

Constipation (third day).

Urinary Organs.

A very sensitive sticking pain in the lower part of the bladder; he believes that the pain must be caused by troubles from a stone (third day).

Burning in the urethra while urinating (eighth day).

Violent burning in the urethra after urinating (third day).

Slight tearing pain in the forepart of the urethra.

Continued sticking pain in the posterior portion of the urethra, the whole forenoon (second day).

The urging to urinate and the burning in the urethra increase, only a little urine passes; the last drops are bloody and accompanied by violent in the bladder (fourth day).

Increased desire to urinate (ninth day).

Frequent desire to urinate (eight day).

Violent urging to urinate, during which it burns in the urethra (second day). (He can hold his water no longer).


Frequent urinating, and pressure to urinary passages.

Urinates more frequently (fourth day).

Frequent passage of dark urine (fifth day).

Frequent urinating, forenoons and evening (sixth day).

Frequent urinating, followed by relief of symptoms (eleventh day).

Increased urination.

Copious urination.

Profuse urination.

Urine profuse (second day).

Urine increased; clear, watery.

Urine increased, dark, turbid (ninth day).

Urine more copious and frequent; diminishes at last.

Retention of urine followed by fatal eclampsia (inunction), Kerbs.

The urinary troubles last from two to six days continually, at first increasing, then gradually decreasing.

Urine dark brownish-red, turbid, and with a strong odor.

Urine turbid and dark at first, afterward clear.

The urine at first clear like water, deposits a milky sediment, which mixes readily on shaking the glass, and gives a milky look to the whole (fourth day).

The urine comes cloudy, and deposits an earthy sediment (first day).

The urine deposits a violet-colored earthy sediment (after one and a half hours).

Albuminous urine.

On the fifth day, the urine has a red inflammatory look, and on standing deposits bloody red fibres.

Sexual Organs.

Sexual organs first excited, then relaxed.

A burning irritation, very singular, more like a tickling, though not at all voluptuous; rather very troublesome; not relieved by anything; extends from the region of the rectum, through the urethra, to the glans, where the tickling is most severe (lasts six to seven days without interruption, and is his most distressing symptom)(540).

The menses six days too early, weak, and only for two days.

Respiratory Apparatus.

Tough secretion of mucus from air passages (fifth day).

Large increase in amount of carbonic acid expired.

Violent tickling in the air-passages provokes a short cough.

Pain in larynx, and short cough on talking.

Fullness and oppression in bronchi (third day).

Irritation to cough, with tough mucus in the throat, oppressed breathing, and sensitive stitches in the left breast (ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.