Antimonium et potassium tartaricum

Uprisings of milk and an acid fluid (one hour).

Water brash.

Qualmishness, a reminder of nausea, rises from the stomach.

Qualmish, uncomfortable, and depressed.

After dinner, qualmishness in the stomach of some duration.

Several times gagging severely, sweat starts out on the forehead, the limbs become very weak, and much water flows from the mouth; followed by weakness.

Violent retching (a half hour).

Retching gradually comes on, which becomes more severe, till vomiting (with great effort) ensues of tenacious mucus and bile (ninth day).

Indescribable nauseous internal sensation.

An especially disgusting sensation in the stomach; she believes it would do her good to eructate; with frequent attacks of nausea in the stomach, which extends into the chest (after three-quarters of an hour).


Nausea (one hour).

Continued nausea.

Nausea from swallowing the saliva.

Nausea after eating.

Nausea after eating or drinking.

Nausea rises suddenly from the umbilicus and epigastric regions, in repeated attacks.

Nausea, causing anxiety (fifth day).

Nausea, and great aversion to food (eighth day).

Great nausea, with aversion to the accustomed food, and with pinchings in the abdomen.

Nausea, accompanied by increased frequency of pulse, rising till he vomits, and followed by slow, weak pulse.

Nausea, which causes a particularly disagreeable feeling in the throat.

Nausea, with slight pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by headache in the forehead.

Nausea increased, frequent hiccough, aversion, eructation, pressure in the throat (ninth day).

Nausea, inclination to vomit, after each dose.

Constant nausea, inclination to vomit.

Ineffectual efforts to vomit.

Nausea, vomiting (two hours).

Nausea and vomiting after eating.

Violent nausea and incessant vomiting through the whole night, and four stools in twelve hours.

Nausea and vomiting of curdled milk (in an infant whose nurse had been taken Ant. tart) (Hencke).

Nausea (in a quarter of and hour), then yawning with profuse lachrymation, followed by vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting of mucus, with acceleration of the pulse from 62 to 75, where it continued till night.

Unheard of vomiting.

Enormous vomiting (a strong dose).

Violent vomiting (three grammes).

Intolerance of food and drink.

Vomits till he becomes faint.

Vomiting in any position, expect lying on the right side.

After a violent pressure on the stomach it increases to vomiting.

Retching, and once difficult vomiting of bitter, bad- smelling, pasty, and fluid matter (it had an acid reaction, and showed traces of antimony), (fifth day).

Green vomiting.

Painful vomiting of much mucus and bile mixed with some blood (half an hour).

Vomiting of some tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, and at last fluid mixed with bile, with most violent exertion of the chest and abdomen, and anxious sweat.

Vomiting of food.

Vomiting of food, from the cough.

Vomiting speedy and easy, followed by great retching (thirteenth day).

Vomiting, with headache, and trembling in the hands (half an hour).

First violent vomiting and purging (4 grains to an old woman).

Vomiting, with frequent stools (40 grains).

Vomiting, followed by constant involuntary watery stools (One hour).

Vomiting with anguish.

Vomiting difficult after long retching, and followed by great prostration.

No vomiting (5 centigrams).

No vomiting (from 15 centigrams).

Heaviness in stomach (second day).

Weakness in the stomach (eleventh day).

Irritation in stomach and nausea (fourth day).

Indescribable malaise in region of the stomach and abdomen; on touching the parts gently with the hand the pain increases in the region of the stomach and diminishes in the abdomen.

Pains in the stomach.

Acute pains in the stomach.

Craving sensation at stomach.

Creeping sensation in the stomach.

Unpleasant sensation of warmth in the stomach (in five minutes), which continually increased to a painful burning, and caused great restlessness.

Slight burning in the stomach.

Burning heat in the stomach.

Burning and pressure in (an apparently full) stomach (eighth day).

After the nausea, sensation of emptiness in the stomach.

Fullness in stomach.

Sensation after dinner as if one had overloaded, with nausea, griping in the region of the navel, and sticking headache in the forehead and occiput.

In the night, sensation as if she had loaded her stomach with something; eructations frequent, like foul eggs; sleep restless.

Feeling of a weight in the region of the stomach, involving the whole abdomen, and causing great malaise; this condition is ameliorated in the open air, and aggravated in the room; it is also diminished by eructations.

Cramps in the stomach.

Flatulent, audible motions in the epigastric region (three hours).

Pain at the epigastrium.

Slight pain at the epigastrium (second day). Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense.

Violent throbbing in epigastric region (a quarter of an hour).

(Continual whirling in the pit of the stomach, evenings on going to sleep, with very violent rapid beating of the heart, which threatens to rupture the heart).

Feeling as of cold water at the pit of the stomach; with it he feels faint; he will fall down; then follows heat in the head.

In the region of the pit of the stomach, a sensitive aching as from incarcerated flatulence, late in the evening; sometimes forcible expulsion of flatus with relief.

Pressure in pit of stomach (second day).

Pressure in pit of stomach (ten minutes).

Troublesome feeling of pressure in pit of stomach (fifth day).

Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with very great nausea.

A cutting sensation extends upward, from time to time, from the pit of the stomach.

Sticking pain below the pit of the stomach, especially felt on drawing in the abdomen.


Around, below the short ribs, sensitive painful tension, so that he can hardly sit, but would rather lie, from incarcerated flatulence, which passes off from time to time.

Dulness over the liver, increased one finger’s breadth at the base.

Epigastric and liver region somewhat tense (fifth day).

Liver sensitive to contact.

Warmth about the navel, gradually extending over the whole abdomen (after quarter of an hour).

Colic around the umbilicus, early in morning.

Inflammation of the abdomen.

Inflated abdomen.

The abdomen is somewhat distended, and there is gurgling in it, perceptible externally.

Abdominal meteorism.

Distension and tension in the abdomen, relieved somewhat by discharge of flatulence, but often returning.

Upper abdomen distended and painful.

Bowels relaxed (second day).

Rumbling in abdomen, as if water were in it, relieved by passage of wind, up and down.

Much rumbling in the not-distended abdomen, before the diarrhoea.

Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen.

Rumbling in abdomen, after eating.

Much commotion in the abdomen, soon after taking.

Slight moving about in the whole abdomen, with fine pinching, as if stool would occur (after one and a half hours).

As the nausea paroxysmally increases, and slight retching motions arise in the throat, a spasmodic motion is perceptible in the upper abdomen.

Astonishing amount of flatulence, with rumbling in the abdomen, and only slight griping; the easy passage of it relieved (second day).

Frequent offensive flatulence, preceded by rumbling and uneasiness in abdomen.

Pains in abdomen, after eating.

Violent pains in abdomen, after vomiting.

The pain in the abdomen, though not so very severe, is yet so distressing, that he is in an extremely restless mood, and disinclined to do any work.

Must lie and stretch out long, on account of discomfort in the upper and lower abdomen; at last he goes to sleep (11 A.M)..

Violent pain in epigastrium, and over the whole abdomen (one hour).

The pain in the abdomen causes great restlessness in the body; one must constantly move a limb or change position.

The abdomen seems stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not feel hard; a sensation that he feels after long-continued sitting of work.

Violent pressive tension in the abdomen, especially over the bladder, which decidedly increases toward 6 P.M., and lasts toward six days (second day).

A kind of cramp in the upper and lower abdomen, between nausea and tendency to diarrhoea, in which now one now the other seems to predominate; at times relief from empty eructations, and inclination to pass wind, or actual passage if wind. (Spasmodic pains in the abdomen; when they begin his eyes close forcibly, and he is obliged to sleep whether he wishes or not).

Gripings in the bowels, with development of flatulence.

Griping and cutting, and repeated nausea, with empty eructations, and passage of flatus with relief.

After a meal, violent griping and cutting in the abdomen, which is not relieved by a stool at 3 o`clock; it lasts till 4 o`clock (third day).

Pinching pain in abdomen below navel.

Waking at 4.30 A.M., with some pinching and commotion in the abdomen, followed by soft stool (second day).

In sitting, a crawling in abdomen, which becomes griping and flatulence. (afternoons).

A transient nausea repeatedly in the abdomen, like an approaching griping, as if diarrhoea would set in.

Painful drawing, now in the right side of the abdomen, now in the left, so that she can only sit stooping, returning frequently.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.