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Anthemis nobilis

Anthemis Nobilis homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

     Common names: Roman Chamomile; Hunds-Kamile.


Natural order: Compositae.

Preparation: Tincture from the whole plant beginning to flower.


Very low spirits; feeling as if something were about to happen; as if he would like to get alone, and unburden himself by crying for an hour or two; worse from 3 to 5 P.M. (eighteenth day).

Exceedingly cheerful spirits for fifty-four hours (after twelve hours).

Rather low spirits (thirty-eighth day).

Feeling as if something was about to happen to him (fifteenth day).

Dislike to go out of doors (thirty-eighth day).

On going out of doors, in evening, felt nervous, and exceedingly afraid of being run over (eighteenth day).

Much desire for reading and deep thinking, which he could do without tiring his brain; lasting forty-eight hours (after twelve hours).

Thoughts wandered; had little command over mind; distaste for hard study; lasting, more or less, for about thirty hours (fifth day).


Dull, frontal headache (after four hours).

Very slight headache, 8.30 A.M., as if from congestion in forehead, increased by bending head down; worse, also for three or four hours, about two hours after food; very severe about two hours after dinner (third day). 6 P.M., a boring, oppressive headache, affecting the entire forehead, with feeling of general languor, lasting till he went to bed, but disappearing before morning (fourth day).


After rising from bed, eyes water, chiefly indoors; at same time, running of clear water (not acrid) from left nostril; worse indoors, and increased immediately on going into a colder room (forty-fifth day).

Eyes watered much, especially on exposure to cold (first day).

Eyes slightly painful, as though something pressed against posterior part of ball; worse on bending head downward (third day).

Tenderness of eyeballs on pressure (after four hours).


Sneezing when indoors (had not been exposed to cold ) (forty fifth day).


Looks pale (nineteenth day).

Lips very dry (fourth day).


Tongue with a slight, moist, white coating, especially in centre (after four hours).

Sense of taste greatly intensified, so that he enjoyed food very much (immediately).

Bitterness in mouth, as from indigestion (first day).


Slight rawness of throat, with disposition to swallow saliva every two or three minutes, with a view to relieve it, which it does not do (forty-eighth day). Back of pharynx feels raw, increasing from morning to evening; worse on swallowing saliva, and in the open, cold air (forty- fourth day).

When drinking, a feeling of constriction of pharynx, apparently about the junction of pharynx and oesophagus, causing a slight cutting in swallowing liquids, but not solids.


Appetite greatly increased; food relished, especially meat (third day).

Loss of appetite (Fifth day).

No appetite (after four hours).

Loss of appetite for food and drink at all his meals (seventeenth day).

Considerable thirst, relieved by drinking cold water (fourth day).

On drinking tea, had no relish for it; it seemed as though it would be vomited, because the pharynx felt as if contracted, especially at posterior part, as if the liquid would not go down.

Solid food, on the other hand, he enjoyed, and swallowed without difficulty (first day).

A qualmish feeling in stomach, nearly amounting to sickness; worse indoors, passing off out of doors in about an hour (after fifteen minutes).

Considerable nausea in stomach, ceasing on going into the open air.

Much pleasant warmth in stomach, followed in fifteen minutes, by desire for food, which dinner removed (immediately).


Pain in right hypochondrium, as from distension with faeces, followed by a great desire to evacuate, which resulted only in a slight passage of hard mucus.

The pain continued constantly afterwards all day (fifth day).

Dull aching pain over the whole region of the liver, abiding in all situations or postures, lasting twelve hours; no aggravation on pressure, but a little on walking (third day).

9.30 A.M., Wearying pain in loins, especially left, as from muscular exertion, worse in walking; it increased gradually, then gradually decreased; by 3 P.M. it was gone (eighth day).

Stool and Anus.

Continued itching of anus, as from ascarides; worse when sitting in evening (fifth day). Bowels freer; faeces softer, easier, and continuous (second day).

Bowels easily moved, early in morning; faeces softer than usual; pale yellow; not very offensive.

(Bowels would act in evening), (second day).

Bowels slightly open; faeces hard, dark (more so than usual), (sixth day).

Yellowness of the faeces (one ounce of tincture in water).

For a fortnight, bowels have acted only twice a week; stools otherwise natural (fortieth day).

Constipation for three days.

Constipation for five days.

Urinary Organs.

Intense pain in and over bladder, as from distension, extending along both spermatic cords (as far as contained in inguinal canal), which felt as if varicose.

The pain continued, with varying severity, for three or four hours, then intermitted, varying in severity, for thirty minutes (after eight hours).

Desire to urinate, with intense pain, varying in severity, at neck of bladder, as from distension; pain not relieved by urinating, though the desire was (after six hours).

Awoke at 2 A.M., with great desire to urinate; passed a normal quantity of urine, but the desire was felt whenever he awoke, for four or five hours afterwards (after eight hours).

Urinated much more frequently than usual, an ordinary amount each time, all apparently normal; this lasted about twelve hours during the day, not during the night (first day).

Had to urinate four or five times during the night; a small quantity each time, so that the total amount was not more than usual (third day).

Sexual Organs.

Seminal emission, about 4 A.M. (after ten hours).

Respiratory Apparatus.

In afternoon, dry cough in paroxysms, caused by tickling at back of larynx, which was momentarily relieved by the cough; cough worse directly he went into a warm room, but not when in bed at night (sixteenth day).

Heart and Pulse.

Pulse 96 (usually 75-78), full and soft (third day).

Pulse (at 2.30 P.M)., 108; (usually 80), small and weak; it gradually decreased towards night, resuming its normal rate next morning (after five and a half hours).

Neck and Back.

Carotid vessels in neck feel a little turgid; this feeling was especially marked below, decreasing upward (third day).

Extremities in General.

Veins in extremities reduced in size (after four hours).

Extremities, from wrists and ankles downwards, extremely cold (third day).

Dull, aching pains in limbs, especially large joints and joins (after four hours).

Lower Extremities.

Soles of feet itched, as from chilblains (third day).


In forenoon, and lasting till evening, dislike to touch or drink anything cold; e. g., cold water, the fire-irons, etc.

(This is not so when he naturally takes cold), (forty-fifth day).

Extremely lazy; no desire to leave bed, or read; with a little fever (second day).

Great lassitude, especially in gluteal region (after four hours).

General malaise and weakness (fifteenth day). General malaise (thirty-eighth day).


Cutis anserina (after four hours).

Skin dry (after four hours).

Sleep and Dreams.

At night, slept badly; kept waking; could not sleep for long together; kept getting up and walking about room (eighteenth day).


Cold creeping all over the body, especially on scalp, where it began; increased on leaving the fire (after four hours).

Extreme feeling of cold when dressing, beginning in legs, where it was most felt; then in neck; then in whole body; when it became general, it was most felt in back; increased by going into open air after one and three-quarter hours).

Did not feel cold in open air, though the thermometer stood at 20 (first day).

After very little exertion in walking, got hot with much warm perspiration all over the body, chiefly on head and face, though the weather was very cold (fourth day).

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning till evening), Back of pharynx feels raw, (Forenoon), Dislike to anything cold.

(Afternoon), Dry cough.

(8.30 A.M)., Slight headache.

(3 to 5 P.M)., Low spirits, etc.

(6 P.M)., boring, etc., headache.

(Open air), Feeling of cold.

(Bending head down), Headache; eyes painful.

(Exposure to cold), Eyes water.

(Open, cold air), Back of pharynx feels raw.

(Going into colder room), Immediately, eyes water; running of water from nose.

(When drinking), Feeling of constriction of pharynx, etc. (After eating), Headache.

(leaving fire), Cold creeping over body.

(Indoors), Eyes water; running of water from left nostril; sneezing; qualmish feeling in stomach.

(After rising from bed), Eyes water.

(Sitting), In evening, itching in anus.

(Swallowing saliva), Back of pharynx feels raw.

(Walking), Pain over region of liver; pain in loins.

(Going into warm room), Cough worse.


(Open air), Qualmish feeling in stomach passes off; nausea in stomach.

(Drinking cold water), Thirst.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.