Anthemis nobilis

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Anthemis Nobilis, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Anthemis nobilis, L. Roman Chamomile. Nat Ord., Composite.


1. Mr. -, age 26, in good health, bowels act daily, but stools are hard, lumpy, and difficult.

1a. Jan. 4th. -At 6 p.m. took 8 drops of a tincture prepared by maceration from hole plant. At 2 a.m. woke with intense desire to urinate; passed normal quantity, but urging continued 4-5 hours afterwards, felt whenever he awoke; at same time intense pain in and over bladder, as if from distension, extending along both spermatic cords (so far as inguinal carnal), which felt as if varicose. On waking about 4 found that emission had occurred. Pain occasionally felt, in varying degree, for 30 hours longer. On morning of 2nd day faeces softer and easier. Exceedingly cheerful this and the two following day; also much desire and facility for mental exertion. On 7th pain in bladder increased; none in cord; after slight exertion in walking (though weather was very cold) got hot, with much perspiration on head and face. In evening lips very dry, with considerable thirst; drank about 16 ounces of cold water, with relief. 8th. -Still occasional pain in bladder. Bowels have moved easily up to this time; but from ninth became costive as before.

1b. On 18th took 4 drops at midnight. At 6 a.m. return of vesical tenesmus and pain; former relieved by urination, but not latter. Pain had abated by 11. This day bitterness in mouth; dysphagia for liquids; eyes watered much in open air, but he did not feel cold, though temperature was 20 degree. 20th. -Bowels moved easily at 6 a.m., faeces softer than usual, pale yellow. Felt extremely lazy and a little peevish. 21st. -Pain in forehead and eyes, increased by stooping and much worse about 2 hours after food; carotids feel turgid; pulse (usually 75-78) 96, full and soft; at 9:30 p.m. hands and feet extremely cold. 22nd. – Frontal pain continual, diminishing gradually up to 26th. Last n. had no micturate. 4-5 times; total quantity not greater than usual. 23rd, 1:30. -Appetite, particularly going on previous day, now absent; and therewith pain in right hypochondrium, followed by urging to stool, which resulted only in slight passage of hard mucus. Pain lasted rest of d. Little capability that evening and next day for mental exertion. 24th. -Pain in hypochondrium all d. Stool harder, darker, and scantier than usual. 25th. -In morning, still pain in side. 26th. -Weary pain in loins, increasing and decreasing between 9:30 to 3. (Dr. BERRIDGE, Monthly Hom. Rev. xiii, 475.)

2. Mr. -. Sanguine-nervous temperament. Jan. 12th, at 12:30 p.m., took of tinct. in water. Immediately much pleasant warmth in stomach, with (soon after) desire for food, which dinner gratified. Next day took 3j at 11 a.m. with same result (sense of taste also quickened). Repeated dose daily up to 20th. On this day., at 10:45 a.m., 1 3/4 hours after taking drug, extreme feeling of cold, beginning in legs, then in back, then in whole body. At 11:30 much nausea. At 1, on going into open air, nausea went off, but coldness much increased, with dull frontal headache; dull aching in limbs, especially in large joints and loins; great lassitude, especially in gluteal region; eyeballs tender on pressure; skin dry, cutis anserina; veins in extremities reduced in size; cold creeping over whole body, especially in scalp (where it began), in creased on leaving fire; no appetite; tongue with slight moist white coating, especially in centre; no thirst. Pulse at 2:30 108 (usually 80) small and weak; it gradually decreased towards n. resuming its normal rate next morning. 21st. -Symptoms greatly abated, and towards night felt quite well.

Once or twice during proving noticed some dysphagia for liquids, apparently from constriction about pharyngo-esophageal junction. (Ibid.) 3. Mr. -, age 30. Oct. 6th, m., took teaspoonful of tinct. in water. In 15 m. qualmish feeling in stomach, nearly amounting to sickness, passing off out of doors in about 1 h. Urinated much more frequently than usual for next 12 hours, urine normal, and in ordinary amount each time. On 8th, dull aching over whole hepatic region, in all situations and postures, for 12 hours; no aggravation on pressure, but some in walking. 9th. -In evening boring oppressive headache in whole forehead, with general languor, lasting till he went to bed; no trace of it next m. No action of bowels from 7th to 10th; continued itching at anus, as from ascarides, worse when sitting in evening [Prover had no more symptoms from this time till the 20th; and those noticed by him after that date cannot reasonably be ascribed to the dose taken on the 6th. -EDS.] (Ibid.) 4. Dr. BERRIDGE took 3j of tinct. in water; only effect noticed was a yellowness of faces. (Ibid.).


1. A young woman, et. 25, drank dregs of some “chamomile tea.” Soon complained of pain in belly from right to left, just above navel (transverse colon); bowels then became relaxed, stools at first white, then putty-like; later, pretty severe vomiting, with griping, and great ineffectual desire for stool; coldness inside abdomen, passing downwards into legs as far as knees. Tongue coated white, with islands on it. Intense headache on vertex as from pressure from within, and feeling as if top of head were blown off. Vomiting continued till 2nd day, and pain in abdomen till 3rd day (Dr. BURNETT, Month. Hom. Rev., xxi, 408.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.