
Fever, with coldness and shivering and aggravation of all the pains.

External coldness and shivering with internal heat, especially in the chest.

Fever with typhoid character and great constipation.

Aggravation of the fever in the evening and at night.

Intense chilliness.

Pulse generally accelerated and rebounding; or slow, small and imperceptible; or irregular and intermitting.

Abundant and weakening perspiration.

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning), On waking, secretion of phlegm.

(Afternoon), Headache; toothache; morbid hunger; itching, etc., in vulva.

(Evening), Headache; attacks of deafness; toothache; morbid hunger; pains in stomach; cough; cough, with fever, etc.; itching; burning, etc., pains; fever.

(Night), Sensation as of objects moving in head, etc.; pains; in hollow teeth; toothache; morbid hunger; secretion of phlegm; pains in stomach; in bed, itching in vulva; cough; cough when lying down; cough, with fever, etc.; itching all over; burning, etc., pain; fever.

(Open air), Secretion of mucus, etc.

(Strong air), Vertigo.

(Draught of air), Pains in teeth etc.

(Local application), Pains in eyes.

(Coffee), Toothache for awhile; aggravates at first.

(After coitus), All sufferings.

(Cold), Ulcerated spots on throat; pains in legs.

(Cold air), Pains in hollow teeth; burning, etc., pains.

(Taking anything cold), Toothache.

(Least contact), Toothache.

(Before cough), Great debility.

(During cough), Sensation as of cord drawn through larynx.

(After cough), Great debility.

(Damp weather), Attacks of deafness.

(Drinking), Empty eructations; fainting.

(Before eating), Secretion of phlegm.

(Eating), Pains in hollow teeth; empty eructations; pains in stomach; fainting.

(Emotion), Suffocative attacks.

(During fever), Repugnance to sweet drink, etc.

(Heat), Cough; burning, etc., pains; all symptoms.

(Lying on right side), Sensation as of objects moving in head.

(Light), Headache; itching in eyes.

(Strong liquors), The pains.

(Moisture), Burning, etc., Pains.

(Moving eyelids), Feeling of roughness, etc., of eyes.

(Moving arms), Pains in shoulder-joints.

(Motion), Vertigo; headache; pains in stomach; all symptoms; stiffness in back, etc.

(Noise), Headache.

(Every occupation), Pain in stomach.

(Change of position), Burning, etc., pains.

(After shaving), Skin of face painful.

(After sitting still), Inability to move.

(During stool), Burning in rectum, etc.

(Eating vegetables), Eructations.

(Walking), Sensation like water in head, etc.; secretion of phlegm; general heat, etc.; contractions in tips of toes, etc.

(Changes of weather), Toothache.

(Wind), Burning, etc., pains.

(Wine), Toothache.


(Coffee), Relieves after aggravation.

(During coitus), All sufferings cease.

(Aromatic liquors), Ameliorate the pains.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.