
The skin is scarlet, and always burning.

Sensation on the skin as if he had been scratched.

Red pimples, like miliaria or urticaria, with itching and obstinate burning.

Miliary eruption, appearing one day and vanishing the next.

Itching and eruption like compact and small scabies, or like lichen agrius.

Pustular eruption, resembling confluent small-pox.

Eruptions simulating scarlatina and measles.

Skin icy cold, pale or blue.

Skin flaccid and without elasticity.

Calor mordax, with disagreeable dryness of the skin.

Herpes, with excoriation and scales, which are constantly renewed.

Frequent shuddering of the skin, with great general debility.

The skin is often cold, red, blue, livid, or very pale, with general coldness and cold sweat.

Erysipelatous swelling on different parts of the body.

Large boils on face and neck, and all fleshy parts.

Elevations and painful swellings on several parts of the body, as if from the bites of venomous insects.

Formication on the skin, with sensation of torpor and loss of sensibility.

Pains as if the skin were torn by the nails.

Deep-yellow complexion, and back circles around the eyes.

Large, painful boils, which spread and become erysipelatous.

The least prick becomes a sore, and forms a suppurating swelling.

Bluish, scorbutic-looking blotches over the body.


Nervous irritation, with great restlessness, although every movement is difficult and painful.

General tremor.

Pains generally acute, lancinating, crampy, with extreme weariness in different parts of the body.

Burning, lancinating, tearing, rheumatic, and gouty pains, principally aggravated with the evening and at night, by change of position, wind, cold air and moisture, and strong heat.

Coffee aggravates the pains, but afterwards relieve them.

Strong liquors aggravate, aromatic liquors ameliorate, the pains.

Congestion and ebullition of blood in the head.

Malaise and debility, with constant restlessness.

Attacks of debility, as if he would lose consciousness.

Frequent faintings, especially after eating or drinking.

Cramps and spasms of various kinds.

Tetanus, drawing the head backwards, often with nausea and vomiting.

Eclamptic convulsions, and involuntary movements of the limbs as in chorea.

Epileptic convulsions, commencing with sadness, restlessness, hiccough, contraction of the diaphragm, burning in the stomach, congestion of blood to the head; then loss of consciousness, falling down, violent movements of the limbs, bloody frothing at the mouth, seminal losses, involuntary stools and urination.

Great bodily and mental debility, with melancholy, accompanied with suicidal ideas, and copious sweat at the least movement.

Disposition to chilliness, with great sensitiveness to cold.

Cold sensation in one part, though it shows the same temperature as the rest of the body.

Extreme prostration, with desire to sit and to lie down; he cannot find relief in any posture.

Frequent sensation of contraction and tightness throughout the organism.

Nervous perturbation, with disturbance of the circulation; the bile seems in constant revolution, and the blood hot and congested.

Spasmodic attacks, with contractions of the limbs, of the eyes and features.

Fits of extreme weariness and debility, as if every visceral organ were atrophied and paralyzed.

Difficult in defining and expressing his sufferings, so great and numerous are they, and so much is he enervated.

Attacks of stupor and faintness, followed by a paralytic sensation of the right side of the body, tongue, and upper and lower extremities.

Semi-lateral pains in the head, eyes, and ears.

Inflammation and suppuration of the glands.

Induration of the submaxillary and cervical glands, with difficult speech.

While walking, general heat, with cold ears, which become hot when the body becomes cold.

All symptoms are aggravated by motion and heat.

Swelling of the periosteum and bones.

Easy dislocation of the joints.


Stiffness of the nape of the neck.

Contraction of the trunk, with sensation as if the back became crooked.

Bruised pains in the vertebrae and kidneys.

Painful stiffness, with weakness of the whole spinal column.

Rheumatic pains in the back and between the shoulders.

Stiffness in the back and kidneys, with crampy and tearing pains, excited by the least movement.

Sensation as if stabbed between the ribs.

Paralytic weakness of the vertebral column and extremities.

Pain as if the scapulae were broken.

Drawing, lancinating, and crampy pains in the articulations of the shoulders, and between the scapulae, especially when moving the arms.

Sensation of weakness in the kidneys, with inclination to remain constantly lying down.

Weakness of the kidneys, extending into the back.

Pains of extreme weariness in the kidneys and entire sacrum, with great weakness and inability too keep up.

Twisting, stabbing pains in the kidneys.

Sensation of formication and numbness in the kidneys.

Lumbago, with very great debility.

Sensation as if a nail had been driven into the kidneys.

Upper Extremities.

Sensation as if his arms were kept stretched out stiff by bars of iron inside them.

Burning had lancinating pains in the arms.

Red swelling of the articulations of the arms, with burning and tearing pains as in rheumatism.

Contusive pains in the arms.

Convulsive motions of the upper extremities, especially in the forearms.

Red and violent spots on the arms, as if he had been beaten.

Erysipelatous swelling of the arms.

Excoriated places on the arms, as if caused by burns.

Abscesses and ulcers on the arms and hands, penetrating to the bones.

Infiltration of the arms, especially morning and afternoon.

Paralytic weakness of the arms.

Eruptions like itch or lichen on the arms and hands.

The hands are icy cold and go to sleep.

Ulcers and fissures on the hands.

Cutting sensation along the fingers, and as if they were dislocated or broken.

Swelling of the finger-joint, with rheumatic and gouty pains.

Tophi in the finger-joints, which move with great difficulty.

The fingers deformed and contracted.

Burning, pulsative pains, and pains and from whitlow, on the fingers.

Diseased and distorted nails.

Lower Extremities.

Painful feeling of extreme weariness in the hips, with inability to move after sitting still some time.

Stiffness, with lancinating and crampy pains in the sacrum and iliac bone.

Obstinate stiffness, extending from the hip to the knee.

Paralytic weakness and palsy of the legs, with complete insensibility.

Sciatic and rheumatic pains in the legs, making him cry out, and aggravated chiefly by cold.

Burning pains in the thighs and knees.

Erysipelatous swelling of the legs.

Crampy-pains and acute drawings in the legs and at the instep.

Boils and inflamed red pimples on different parts of the legs.

Rheumatic and gouty pains in the legs and feet, especially in the heels.

Feet swollen, red, burning, he cannot bear anything on them.

Ulcer on the outside of the right thigh, as coming from an abscess, penetrating deeply and suppurating copiously.

Very painful boils on the legs.

Varicose swelling of the legs.

When walking, acute contractions in the extremities of the toes and under the nails, with bleeding fissures in the feet.

Lancinating pains in the corns, which inflame.

Blisters and ulcers on the soles of the feet.

The nails grow awry, and hurt the toes.

Cold feet.

Very bad-smelling perspiration of the feet.


Constant drowsiness, with inclination to go to bed.

The eyes close involuntarily, when night comes, and he goes to sleep wherever he may be.

Goes to sleep early and awakes towards midnight, with inability to go to sleep again.

Restless sleep, with cries, starting up, movements of the limbs, and anxious dreams.

Comatose sleep, with continual disturbing dreams and snoring.

Prolonged sleep in the morning, with inclination to lie abed late.

Sleep with frequent dreams, alternate coldness and heat, and burning of the whole body, intense thirst and fright.

Unrefreshing sleep; on awaking he feels tired, as if he had not slept at all.

Sleeplessness from excessive nervous excitement.

Sleeplessness for many nights, with fatigue, painful weariness, and debility.

Sad dreams, or dreams of the day’s business.

Disagreeable and frightful dreams.

Dreams of journeys, of sumptuous living, of pleasures and enjoyments.

Dreams of falling from a frightful height, with agitated waking, rush of blood to the head, and palpitation of the heart.

Dreams of being in company and taking part in a joyous festival.

Dreams of disputes and quarrels.

Anxious dreams which he cannot define.

Chilliness and shiverings, on the head and in the back.

Coldness and shiverings followed by burning heat with headache.

Excessive general coldness, with trembling, spasms, and cramps, hunger, and great thirst.

Calor mordax, and excessive dryness of the skin, with hunger, and thirst, congestion of blood to the head, the pulse quick and hard, headache and delirium.

Almost constant alternations of coldness and heat.

Coldness and shiverings, with cold sweats, chattering of the teeth, colic and cramps in the stomach and extremities.

During the fever, repugnance to all sweetened bitter drinks; desire for strong drinks; water always tastes bad; vertigo, delirium, fear of falling, of slipping, and he keeps slipping down to the foot of the bed; anger, even with nervous seizures; perverted intellect, and loss of consciousness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.