
Great lassitude, without having really become previously fatigued; the limbs feeling as if bruised.


Stitching in various parts of the body, on the left great toe, on the left knee, in the chest, but not continuing long in the same place (in evening).

Here and there fermentation.

Dryness of mouth and oppression of chest, worse early in morning.


On left side of occiput, where hair ceased, vesicles presented themselves, compelling him to scratch, and disappearing again till evening; the same thing occurred in the beard, on the right side of the face, where he noticed only one vesicle.

Itching returning in the evening.


Chills, running from feet up over the back, at half past ten o’clock.

Chilliness, half an hour after dinner, at one o’clock, extending from feet up over back.

Disposition to sweat.

Sleep and Dreams.

Frequent yawning, which brought tears into his eyes.

Soon after soft stool, yawning, because stomach felt empty.

Great drowsiness.


After a dose of nine grains, the confusion, heaviness, and pain in head were so combined with drowsiness that all inclination to labor disappeared.

He got to sleep late.

Although great drowsiness had continued through the whole day he did not get to sleep till late at night; the sleep was disturbed, as every time he dropped to sleep he was awakened by frightful dreams, and it was a long time before he could get to sleep a gain.

The severest headache continued through the night, and prevented sleep (after thirty grains).

Great weariness, and sensation as if bruised, which prevented sleep for a long time.

Restless sleep.

Sleep, during whole night, restless, interrupted, and unrefreshing.

He was restless at night, woke often, and dreamed much.

The sleep was often interrupted.

Sleep as quiet as usual, but woke up occasionally.

Although he did not go to bed till about twelve, his sleep was much interrupted till three o’clock, but after that he did not sleep at all.Sleep full of dreams (interrupted).

Many dreams at night, though the sleep was not much disturbed by them.

Fell asleep again (after taking, at 4 A.M)., and had many dreams.

Many confused dreams.

Continued dreams.

At night, many confused dreams and restless sleep.

His restless sleep was full of dreams, which he remembered, but which were not disagreeable.

Sleep uneasy; dreams distressing.

Conditions.- Aggravations.

(Morning), Discharge of flatus; pappy stool; coughing up mucus.

(Morning on waking), Purulent matter in inner canthi, etc.; dull pains under short ribs, etc.

(Immediately on rising), Sluggishness, etc.

(Morning after rising), Dimness of sight.

(Noon), Stitches in right ear.

(Afternoon), Slight confusion of head; pappy stool, etc.; colic_ like pain; weariness in both hip-joints, etc.

(Evening), Confusion of head, etc.; blindness,; dimness of sight; stitch in right groin; drawing pain along spermatic cord; palpitation, etc.; heaviness of limbs; stitches in glands of right axilla; drawing pain in right trochanter, etc.; jerking pain in left thigh; stitching in various parts, etc.; itching returning.

(Late in Evening), Drawing in left zygoma, etc.; stitching in right spermatic cord; cracking in left ankle.

(Evening, after lying down), Palpitation in chest, et.

(Night), Discharge of wind; restlessness; many dreams.

(Night, when going to bed), Throbbing of the heart, etc.

(Towards morning), Stitching in right knee.

(8 A.M)., Fine stitches in right short ribs.

(9 A.M)., Pains in right deltoid muscle.

(About 10 A.M)., Drawing in left toe.

(After 1 P.M)., Rumbling in abdomen, etc.

(3.50 to 5.30 P.M)., Dull pain in right trochanter.

(4 P.M)., Pain in right trochanter.

(9 P.M., while sitting), Sensation as if left knee swollen, etc.

(Sitting bent up), Acute pain above hip-joint.

(Bending to left side, when lying), Dull pain in region of caecum.

(After dinner), Pain about navel; pappy fecal stool.

(Expiration), Stitches in left lumbar region.

(After eating fruit), Soft evacuation, etc.

(When inspiring), Oppression of chest, etc.

(Lying on left side), Throbbing of heart, etc.

(Lying on back), Throbbing of heart, etc.

(Moving), Crack in left ankle.

(Moving eyelid), Pain in right lower eye-lid.

(Change of Posture), Dull pain in region of caecum.

(While reading), Vertigo, etc.

(After reading), Weariness of eyes.

(After rising), Stitches in right ear.

(While sitting), Pressure upon rectum; stitching in right hip joint.

(Stooping), Pressure on eyes, etc.;stitching pain in right lower eyelid.

(After supper), Aching in stomach.

(Touching eyelids), Stitching pain in right lower lid.

(While walking), Stitch in right spermatic cord; tension in right knee-joint; pain below knee.


(Early in morning), Dryness of mouth, etc.

(After dinner), Aching over eyes, etc.

(Half an hour after dinner, at one o’clock), Chilliness.

(Lying on right side), Throbbing of the heart, etc.

(Pressure), Pricking in left shoulder, etc.

(Soon after soft stool), Yawning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.