
Temperature somewhat increased.

Fever-heat (in two children).

In spite of the great general heat complete adipsia.

General perspiration.

Sweat when going to sleep.

He perspires very soon from the least bodily exertion.

He cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat.

The febrile symptoms occur more particularly in the morning, and are accompanied with very great malaise and tendency to delirium, which cease during the sweat.

Sleep and Dreams.


Sleepy, without yawning (afternoons).

The eyes will close with sleep, disappears in open air.

Fell suddenly into a deep, stertorous sleep.

Restless sleep during the first hours of the night.

Restless night; great disposition to slumber; but calm repose is wholly prevented by frequent startings and excessive agitation.

Sleep broken by frequent waking.

Sleep prevented by pains in the limbs.

Frequent waking, caused by a feeling of cold.

Waking up, followed by several hours of sleeplessness.

Distortion of the eyes during sleep.

Slight spasmodic movements during sleep.

Troubled dreams.

Fatiguing dreams in the morning.

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning), Agglutination of lids; coryza; febrile symptoms; fatiguing dreams.

(Morning, after rising), Pain in navel, etc.

(Morning, after walking), Stoppage of nose; flat taste.

(Forenoon), Vertigo.

(Afternoon), Sad and anxious; cross and fretful; shattered feeling in head; breathing and sticking in head; sticking in forehead; crack in temple; pain from, both sides of head, etc.; crack in occiput; pain in occiput; feeling as if could not swallow, et c.; empty eructations; stitch in rib- region, etc.; heat down back; tension in hip, etc.; shivering; sleepy etc.

(Evening), Want of appetite; hiccough; nausea; sticking in knee; itching off eruption; all symptoms aggravated towards evening and during night till about 3 to 4 A.M.

(Night), Stools, etc.; urging to urinate.

(Before midnight), Restless sleep.

(Open air), Fretful and cross; vertigo; eye- symptoms; coryza; horripilation.

(When alone), Sadness.

(After breakfast), Pain below navel.

(After the colic), Vertigo; weakness.

(Getting chilled), Pains in head.

(During the coryza), Head confused.

(During dinner), Ill-humor.

(After dinner), Dry cough.

(After drinking), Eructations.

(Bodily exertion), Perspiration.

(Extending fingers), Tearing in fingers.

(Flexing thumb), Sticking in ball of thumb.

(Heat), Itching of eruption.

(During horripilation), Limbs feel as if broken.

(On inspiring air), Sticking under left breast; stitch in chest.

(On knitting), Fatigue of forearm.

(Lying down), Cough.

(Lying on back), Hoarse respiration.

(After a meal), Stools, etc.

(During menses), Puffiness of face.

(Return periodically), Pain in head.

(Rising from sitting bent), Stitch in chest.

(After rising up), Vertigo.

(Trying to rise from seat), Vertigo.

(In room), Symptoms return; eyes burn; shivering.

(Entering room from open air), Throbbing in head.

(Sewing), Stiff feeling in thumb.

(Sitting), Vertigo; ill-humor; pain in orbit; tearing in frontal sinus; feeling as if could not swallow, etc.; stitches in side; pain in thigh.

(During sleep), Distortion of eyes; spasmodic movements.

(When going to sleep), Sweat.

(Standing), Sticking in knee.

(Turning head to right), Sticking in forehead.

(Walking), Pains in head; ear-symptoms.


(Forenoon), Gay, good-tempered.

(Toward noon), Better mood.

(Open air), Most symptoms disappear; vertigo; drowsiness.

(Boring with finger), Sticking in ear.

(Contact and pressure), Ear-symptoms.

(Eating), Pains in head.

(On becoming erect), stitches in thumb), Sticking in ball of thumb.

(Extending and bending fingers), Tension of cords of forearm.

(Emission of flatulence), Pain in head.

(Lying down), Eructations.

(Pressure), Stitching and throbbing in temple; stitch in sternum; sticking in forefinger.

(After rising), Disappears.

(Entering room from open air), Feels fresher and better.

(Rubbing), Pains in ear; sticking in rib- region; pain in side of neck; burning in small of back; pain in side of neck; burning in small of back; pain in thigh.

(Sitting), Drawing in lumbar region; paralytic pain in left forearm.

(Sleep), Pains in head.

(After soup), All troubles disappear for half an hour.

(Stopping), Stitches, etc., in sternum.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.